No. 115 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE Legislative Assembly of British Columbia Third Session of the Forty-second Parliament

Monday, February 6, 2023

Twelve o’clock p.m.

Prayers and Reflections by Mr. Singh.

The Hon. R. Chouhan (Speaker) tabled the following documents:

Legislative Assembly Management Committee Accountability Report 2021–22, November 2022;

Elections BC, Report of the Chief Electoral Officer, 2022 Vancouver-Quilchena and Surrey South By-elections;

Merit Commissioner Report, Merit Performance Audit Report, Upholding Fair Hiring in the Public Service, 2021/22, December 2022;

Registrar of Lobbyists, Determination Decision 22–01, Cisco Systems Canada Co., Designated Filer: Shannon Leininger, August 30, 2022;

Registrar of Lobbyists, Reconsideration Report 22–01, Designated Filer: Shannon Leininger, December 1, 2022;

Ombudsperson Referral Report No. 3, Final Assessment of Implementation of Recommendations, Misfire: The 2012 Ministry of Health Employment Terminations and Related Matters, November 2022;

Ombudsperson Special Report No. 51, Making Amends: The Importance of Exercising Discretion Fairly, December 2022; and,

Ombudsperson Special Report No. 52, Fairness by Design, An Administrative Fairness Self-Assessment Guide, December 2022.

By leave, the Hon. R. Kahlon moved —

That the written agreement between the Government House Leader, the Official Opposition House Leader, and the Third Party House Leader, dated January 26, 2023, be ratified, confirming the following membership changes effective January 27, 2023:

Jennifer Rice, Garry Begg, Spencer Chandra Herbert, Ronna-Rae Leonard, Doug Routley and Susie Chant replace Rick Glumac, Hon. Dan Coulter, Brittny Anderson, Hon. Andrew Mercier, Kelly Greene and Adam Walker as Members of the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts for the Third Session of the Forty-second Parliament.

Jackie Tegart replace Norm Letnick as a Member of the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts for the Third Session of the Forty-second Parliament.

Motion agreed to.

The Honourable Janet Austin, Lieutenant Governor of the Province, having entered the House, took her seat on the Throne and was pleased to deliver the following gracious speech:

Honourable Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly:

In closing this Third Session of the Forty-second Parliament of British Columbia, on behalf of all British Columbians, I note that in this session we enacted 43 bills covering areas of substance and importance to the people of this Province. I wish to express my appreciation for the care and attention you have given to your deliberations and the service you have provided to our great and beautiful Province. I now relieve you of your duties. Splendor sine occasu.

Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor was then pleased to retire.

The Hon. N. Sharma (Attorney General) then said:

Honourable Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly:

It is Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor’s will and pleasure that the Legislative Assembly be prorogued until 2 p.m. today, and this Legislative Assembly is hereby prorogued accordingly.

The following report was received by the Office of the Clerk during adjournment:

Budget 2022 Second Quarterly Report, November 2022.

And then the House prorogued at 12.13 p.m.