BILL Pr 401 – 2022

Sea to Sky University
Amendment Act, 2022

WHEREAS the Sea to Sky University was established as a corporation by the Sea to Sky University Act, S.B.C. 2002, c. 54;

AND WHEREAS in 2005 the Sea to Sky University was renamed Quest University Canada;

AND WHEREAS the Sea to Sky University Act exempts property that is owned by the university, and used for educational purposes, from tax under the Local Government Act, the School Act and the Taxation (Rural Area) Act;

AND WHEREAS Quest University Canada sold its real property in 2020 and began leasing some of that property for educational purposes;

AND WHEREAS the property leased by Quest University Canada does not qualify for the tax exemption under the Sea to Sky University Act;

AND WHEREAS Quest University Canada has by petition requested that it be enacted as follows, and it is expedient to grant the request in the petition;

THEREFORE, HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:

1 Section 11 (1) of the Sea to Sky University Act, S.B.C. 2002, c. 54, is amended by striking out "owned by the university" and substituting "owned by the university, or leased in the District of Squamish by the university,".


2 This Act comes into force on December 31, 2021.