BILL M 225 – 2019


  1  Ukrainian Famine and Genocide (Holodomor) Memorial Day
  2  Commencement

WHEREAS the term "Holodomor" means extermination by means of starvation, and is based on the Ukrainian words "holod", which means hunger, starvation or famine, and "moryty", which means to induce suffering, to kill or to exterminate;

AND WHEREAS the Holodomor refers to an act of genocide and a campaign of deliberate starvation against the Ukrainian people committed by the Soviet state in 1932 and 1933;

AND WHEREAS the purposes of this Act are to recognize the millions of Ukrainians and others who perished during the Holodomor and to provide an opportunity to reflect on the enduring lessons of the Holodomor and other crimes against humanity;

AND WHEREAS the fourth Saturday in November has, in past years, been proclaimed Holodomor Memorial Day in British Columbia with reference to the Ukrainian Famine and Genocide ("Holodomor") Memorial Day Act (Canada), this Act would allow the day to be memorialized by the Legislature;

AND THEREFORE HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:

Ukrainian Famine and Genocide (Holodomor) Memorial Day

1  To memorialize those who perished as victims of the Holodomor, the fourth Saturday in November in each year is Ukrainian Famine and Genocide (Holodomor) Memorial Day throughout British Columbia.


2  This Act comes into force on the date of Royal Assent.