BILL M 224 – 2019


HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:

1  In this Act:

"alternative motor fuel" as defined in the Motor Fuel Tax Act;

"biodiesel fuel" as defined in the Motor Fuel Tax Act;

"calendar quarter" as defined in the Motor Fuel Tax Act;

"coloured fuel" as defined in the Motor Fuel Tax Act;

"diesel fuel" as defined in the Motor Fuel Tax Act;

"fuel" as defined in the Motor Fuel Tax Act;

"gas taxes sticker" is defined as a sticker that

(a) clearly breaks down all Provincial, Federal, Municipal or Regional transit authority motor fuel taxes in cents per litre; and

(b) includes the year and month it was last updated;

"gasoline" as defined in the Motor Fuel Tax Act;

"heating oil" as defined in the Motor Fuel Tax Act;

"hydrogenated-derived renewable diesel fuel" as defined in the Motor Fuel Tax Act;

"light fuel oil" as defined in the Motor Fuel Tax Act;

"methanol based fuel" as defined in the Motor Fuel Tax Act;

"motive fuel" as defined in the Motor Fuel Tax Act;

"natural gas" as defined in the Motor Fuel Tax Act;

"propane" as defined in the Motor Fuel Tax Act;

"renewable diesel fuel" as defined in the Motor Fuel Tax Act.

"vendor" as defined in the Motor Fuel Tax Act.

2   A vendor must apply a gas taxes sticker to their gas pumps so that

(a) it is easily viewed on every pump at a gas station;

(b) it is easily viewed by purchasers;

(c) the sticker remains in a clean, clear and legible manner at all times.

3  All vendors must apply a gas taxes sticker to their gas pumps if they sell:

(a) alternative motor fuel;

(b) biodiesel fuel;

(c) coloured fuel;

(d) diesel fuel;

(e) fuel;

(f) gasoline;

(g) heating oil;

(h) hydrogenated-derived renewable diesel fuel;

(i) light fuel oil;

(j) methanol based fuel;

(k) motive fuel;

(l) natural gas;

(m) propane; or

(n) renewable diesel fuel.

4  The Minister responsible for the Motor Fuel Tax Act shall

(a) set by regulation the illustration to be used for the gas taxes sticker; and

(b) update the gas taxes sticker each calendar quarter as motor vehicle taxes.