BILL 16 – 2019


HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:

SECTION 1: [Protected Areas of British Columbia Act, Schedule A] enacts in Schedule A descriptions of 2 ecological reserves previously established as ecological reserves by orders in council and referred to in Schedule B.

1 Schedule A of the Protected Areas of British Columbia Act, S.B.C. 2000, c. 17, is amended by adding the following descriptions:


All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 2014.

The whole ecological reserve containing approximately 54 hectares.


All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Osoyoos Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 2016.

The whole ecological reserve containing approximately 83 hectares.

SECTION 2: [Protected Areas of British Columbia Act, Schedule B] removes the references to the 2 ecological reserves added by this Bill to Schedule A.

2 Schedule B is amended

(a) by striking out "Gilnockie Creek Ecological Reserve, established by Order in Council 1531/81", and

(b) by striking out "Trout Creek Ecological Reserve, established by Order in Council 1569/71".

SECTION 3: [Protected Areas of British Columbia Act, Schedule C]

3 Schedule C is amended

(a) by repealing the description of Bridge Lake Park and substituting the following:


All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 2020.

The whole park containing approximately 434 hectares. ,

(b) by repealing the description of Conkle Lake Park and substituting the following:


All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Similkameen Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 2017.

The whole park containing approximately 725 hectares. ,

(c) by repealing the description of Fintry Park and substituting the following:


All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Osoyoos Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 9 Tube 2016.

The whole park containing approximately 357 hectares. ,

(d) in the description of Harmony Islands Marine Park by striking out "Plan 15 Tube 1913" and substituting "Plan 7 Tube 2020" and by striking out "43 hectares (7 hectares of upland and 36 hectares of foreshore)" and substituting "46 hectares (10 hectares of upland and 36 hectares of foreshore)",

(e) by repealing the description of Jewel Lake Park and substituting the following:


All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Similkameen Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 2018.

The whole park containing approximately 49 hectares. ,

(f) by repealing the name of John Dean Park and substituting the following:


(g) by repealing the description of Johnstone Creek Park and substituting the following:


All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Similkameen Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 2018.

The whole park containing approximately 44 hectares. ,

(h) in the description of Kikomun Creek Park by striking out everything after "Plan 524-C.13;" and substituting the following:

Sublot 8, of District Lot 323, Plan X-6, except Plans 8067 and 11331;

Parcel A (see 126218l) of Sublot 7, District Lot 323, Kootenay District Plan X-6.

The whole park containing approximately 699 hectares. ,

(i) in the description of McDonald Creek Park by striking out "1808" wherever it appears and substituting "1809" and by striking out "Lots 12 to 18" and substituting "Lots 12 to 19", and

(j) in the description of Syringa Park by striking out "Plan 3 Tube 2020" and substituting "Plan 4 Tube 2020" and by striking out "4 503 hectares" and substituting "4 538 hectares".

SECTION 4: [Protected Areas of British Columbia Act, Schedule D] amends the descriptions and increases the size of Myra - Bellevue Park and Purcell Wilderness Conservancy Park.

4 Schedule D is amended

(a) by repealing the description of Myra-Bellevue Park and substituting the following:


All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Osoyoos Division, Yale District and Similkameen Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 2020.

The whole park containing approximately 7 696 hectares. , and

(b) in the description of Purcell Wilderness Conservancy Park by striking out "The whole park containing approximately 198 115.6 hectares." and substituting the following:

Thirdly: Lot A, District Lot 7449, Plan EPP77906.

The whole park containing approximately 198 120 hectares.

SECTION 5: [Rescission of orders in council] rescinds the establishment by order in council of 2 ecological reserves, the descriptions of which are added to Schedule A of the Protected Areas of British Columbia Act by this Bill.

Rescission of ecological reserves

5  The following are rescinded:

(a) the establishment of Gilnockie Creek Ecological Reserve by Order in Council 1531/81;

(b) the establishment of the ecological reserve known as Trout Creek Ecological Reserve by Order in Council 1569/71.


6  This Act comes into force on the date of Royal Assent.

Explanatory Notes

SECTION 1: [Protected Areas of British Columbia Act, Schedule A] enacts in Schedule A descriptions of 2 ecological reserves previously established as ecological reserves by orders in council and referred to in Schedule B.

SECTION 2: [Protected Areas of British Columbia Act, Schedule B] removes the references to the 2 ecological reserves added by this Bill to Schedule A.

SECTION 3: [Protected Areas of British Columbia Act, Schedule C]

SECTION 4: [Protected Areas of British Columbia Act, Schedule D] amends the descriptions and increases the size of Myra - Bellevue Park and Purcell Wilderness Conservancy Park.

SECTION 5: [Rescission of orders in council] rescinds the establishment by order in council of 2 ecological reserves, the descriptions of which are added to Schedule A of the Protected Areas of British Columbia Act by this Bill.