BILL M 212 – 2018


HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:

This Bill would amend the Environmental Management Act to restrict authorization of landfill siting or expansion of an existing landfill. This Bill would mitigate environmental concerns at landfill sites and protect important water sources from contamination.

1 The Environmental Management Act, S.B.C. 2003, c. 53, is amended by adding the following section:

Waste Disposal – Location

6.1  In agreement with section 6 (5) of this Act, a valid or subsisting permit for waste disposal will be disallowed in cases where:

(a) the permittee seeks to deposit solid waste in a sand or gravel pit;

(b) the permittee seeks to deposit solid waste in a limestone or sandstone quarry; or

(c) the permittee seeks to deposit solid waste above a highly sensitive aquifer.

Explanatory Note

This Bill would amend the Environmental Management Act to restrict authorization of landfill siting or expansion of an existing landfill. This Bill would mitigate environmental concerns at landfill sites and protect important water sources from contamination.