No. 64 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Ten o’clock a.m.

Prayers by Mr. Throness.

The Hon. D. Plecas (Speaker) tabled the following documents:

Auditor General Report, Performance Audit Coverage Plan, 2017/18-2019/20;

Auditor General Report, Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan, 2018/19-2020/21;

Ombudsperson Special Report No. 39, Stem to Stern: Crown Land Allocation and the Victoria International Marina, January 2018; and,

Representative for Children and Youth Report, B.C. Adoption & Permanency Options Update, December 2017.

By leave, the Hon. M. Farnworth moved —

That the written agreements between the Government House Leader, the Hon. M. Farnworth, the Opposition House Leader, Mr. de Jong, and the Third Party House Leader, Ms. Furstenau, dated November 30 and December 14, be ratified, setting forth the following substitutions in the membership lists for the Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations and the Select Standing Committee on Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders and Private Bills for the second session of the Forty-first Parliament:

Jordan Sturdy shall replace Mike Morris and Rachna Singh shall replace Mable Elmore as Members of the Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations; and,

Mike Morris shall replace Jordan Sturdy as a Member of the Select Standing Committee on Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders and Private Bills.

Motion agreed to.

The Honourable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of the Province, having entered the House, took her seat on the Throne and was pleased to deliver the following gracious speech:

Honourable Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly:

In closing this second session of the Forty-first Parliament of British Columbia, on behalf of all British Columbians, I note that in this session we enacted 16 bills covering areas of substance and importance to the people of this province. I wish to express my appreciation for the care and attention you have given to your deliberations and the service you have provided to our great and beautiful province. I now relieve you of your duties. Splendor sine occasu.

Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor was then pleased to retire.

The Hon. D. Eby (Attorney General) then said:

Mr. Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly:

It is Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor’s will and pleasure that the Legislative Assembly be prorogued until 2:00 p.m. today, and this Legislative Assembly is hereby prorogued accordingly.

The following reports were received by the Office of the Clerk during adjournment:

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, Major Capital Project Plan: Highway 97 – HOV Six Laning from Highway 33 to Edwards Road; and,

Second Quarterly Report, November 2017.

And then the House prorogued at 10.15 a.m.

Hon. Darryl Plecas, Speaker