The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.
Ten o’clock a.m.
Prayers by Mr. Nuraney.
The House proceeded to “Orders of the Day.”
Order for Committee of Supply called.
Pursuant to Sessional Order, order called for Section A of Committee of Supply.
Bill (No. 29) intituled Environmental (Species and Public Protection) Statutes Amendment Act, 2008 was committed, reported complete without amendment, read a third time and passed.
The House resumed the adjourned debate on the motion for second reading of Bill (No. 32) intituled Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement Implementation Act.
The debate continued.
On the motion of Mr. Puchmayr, the debate was adjourned to the next sitting of the House.
The Hon. P. Bell (Minister of Agriculture and Lands) reserved his right to raise a matter of privilege.
(In Committee — Section A)
Section A of Committee of Supply reported progress of the estimates of the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.
Report to be considered at the next sitting.
Committee to sit again at the next sitting.
And then the House adjourned at 11.58 a.m.
One-Thirty o’clock p.m.
The Speaker stated that he had had the opportunity to review Bill (No. M 220), Accountability Act, 2008 which was introduced in the House by the Member for Nanaimo. The bill would require expenditure of public funds contrary to Standing Order 67, and is therefore out of order in the hands of a Private Member, and will not proceed to second reading.
The Speaker stated that he had had the opportunity to review Bill (No. M 222), Home Inspection Act, 2008 which was introduced in the House by the Member for Coquitlam-Maillardville. The bill would require expenditure of public funds contrary to Standing Order 67, and is therefore out of order in the hands of a Private Member, and will not proceed to second reading.
The Speaker stated that he had had the opportunity to review Bill (No. M 219), Funding Stability for Boards of Education Act, 2008 which was introduced in the House by the Member for Saanich South. The bill would impose an obligation on the Crown, and is therefore out of order in the hands of a Private Member, and will not proceed to second reading.
The Speaker stated that he had had the opportunity to review Bill (No. M 218), Farm Workers Fairness Act, 2008 which was introduced in the House by the Member for New Westminster. The bill would create an impost, and is therefore out of order in the hands of a Private Member, and will not proceed to second reading.
On the motion of Mr. S. Simpson, Bill (No. M 223) intituled Wildlife Protection Act, 2008 was introduced, read a first time, and Ordered to be placed on the Orders of the Day for second reading at the next sitting after today.
On the motion of Mr. Lali, Bill (No. M 224) intituled Gaming Control Amendment Act, 2008 was introduced, read a first time, and Ordered to be placed on the Orders of the Day for second reading at the next sitting after today.
Order called for “Members’ Statements.”
By leave of the House, on the motion of the Hon. M. de Jong, seconded by Mr. Farnworth, it was moved —
That the House congratulate Mr. E. George MacMinn, O.B.C., Q.C., Clerk of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia on his 50th anniversary as a Table Officer, and recognize his outstanding service to this Legislature and his many contributions to Parliaments and Legislatures throughout the Commonwealth and the United States, and thank him on behalf of all Members and all British Columbians.
A debate arose.
Motion agreed to nemine contradicente.
Order called for “Oral Questions by Members.”
The Hon. K. Falcon (Minister of Transportation) tabled the British Columbia Railway Company Annual Report, 2007.
The Hon. R. Coleman (Minister of Forests and Range and Minister Responsible for Housing) tabled the Forest Appeals Commission Annual Report, 2007.
Mr. Robertson presented a petition regarding the impact of the Canada Line on small businesses.
Mr. Simons presented a petition regarding a moratorium on ferry fare increases.
By leave, the Hon. M. de Jong moved —
That Mr. Harry Bloy be substituted for Mr. Dennis MacKay as a Member of the Special Committee to Appoint a Police Complaint Commissioner.
Motion agreed to.
The House proceeded to “Orders of the Day.”
Order for Committee of Supply called.
Pursuant to Sessional Order, order called for Section A of Committee of Supply.
Bill (No. 26) intituled Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2008 was committed, reported complete with amendment, and by leave, read a third time and passed.
Bill (No. 41) intituled Patient Care Quality Review Board Act was committed, reported complete without amendment, read a third time and passed.
Pursuant to an Order of the House adopted May 6, 2008, all necessary questions for the disposal of the various stages of Bills (No. 20), (No. 21), (No. 24), (No. 32), (No. 37), (No. 42) and (No. 43), together with any Government amendments thereto, will be now put.
Bill (No. 20) intituled Oil and Gas Activities Act was committed.
Sections 1 to 207 passed, on division.
The motion that the Committee rise and report Bill (No. 20) complete without amendment passed, on division.
Bill (No. 20) reported complete without amendment.
On the motion for third reading of Bill (No. 20), the House divided.
Motion agreed to on the following division:
Yeas—41 | |||
Falcon Reid Coell Ilich Chong Christensen Richmond Bell Krueger van Dongen Les | Roddick Hayer Lee Jarvis Nuraney Whittred Horning Cantelon Thorpe Oppal | de Jong Taylor Bond Hansen Abbott Penner Neufeld Coleman Hogg Sultan | Lekstrom Mayencourt Polak Hawes Yap Bloy MacKay Black McIntyre Rustad |
Nays—30 | |||
Hammell S. Simpson Fleming Farnworth James Kwan Ralston Cubberley | Austin Brar Thorne Simons Puchmayr Fraser Wyse Sather | Horgan Gentner Dix Trevena Bains Macdonald Evans | Krog Robertson Chudnovsky Coons Routley Lali Conroy |
Bill (No. 20) read a third time and passed.
Bill (No. 21) intituled Medicare Protection Amendment Act, 2008 was committed.
Sections 1 to 4 of Bill (No. 21) passed, on division.
The title of Bill (No. 21) passed, on division.
Bill (No. 21) reported complete without amendment.
On the motion for third reading of Bill (No. 21), the House divided.
Motion agreed to on the following division:
Yeas—41 | |||
Falcon Reid Coell Ilich Chong Christensen Richmond Bell Krueger van Dongen Les | Roddick Hayer Lee Jarvis Nuraney Whittred Horning Cantelon Thorpe Oppal | de Jong Taylor Bond Hansen Abbott Penner Neufeld Coleman Hogg Sultan | Lekstrom Mayencourt Polak Hawes Yap Bloy MacKay Black McIntyre Rustad |
Nays—30 | |||
Hammell S. Simpson Fleming Farnworth James Kwan Ralston Cubberley | Austin Brar Thorne Simons Puchmayr Fraser Wyse Sather | Horgan Gentner Dix Trevena Bains Macdonald Evans | Krog Robertson Chudnovsky Coons Routley Lali Conroy |
Bill (No. 21) read a third time and passed.
On the motion for second reading of Bill (No. 24) intituled E-Health (Personal Health Information Access and Protection of Privacy) Act, the House divided.
Motion agreed to on the following division:
Yeas—41 | |||
Falcon Reid Coell Ilich Chong Christensen Richmond Bell Krueger van Dongen Les | Roddick Hayer Lee Jarvis Nuraney Whittred Horning Cantelon Thorpe Oppal | de Jong Taylor Bond Hansen Abbott Penner Neufeld Coleman Hogg Sultan | Lekstrom Mayencourt Polak Hawes Yap Bloy MacKay Black McIntyre Rustad |
Nays—30 | |||
Hammell S. Simpson Fleming Farnworth James Kwan Ralston Cubberley | Austin Brar Thorne Simons Puchmayr Fraser Wyse Sather | Horgan Gentner Dix Trevena Bains Macdonald Evans | Krog Robertson Chudnovsky Coons Routley Lali Conroy |
Bill (No. 24) read a second time.
Bill (No. 24) was committed.
Sections 1 to 7 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 8 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
Section 8, as amended, of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 9 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
Section 9, as amended, of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 10 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
Section 10, as amended, of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 11 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
Section 11, as amended, of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
Sections 12 to 15 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 16 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
Section 16, as amended, of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 17 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
Section 17, as amended, of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 18 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
Section 18, as amended, of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
Sections 19 to 25 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 26 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
Section 26, as amended, of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
Sections 27 to 38 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 39 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
Section 39, as amended, of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
Section 40 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 41 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
Section 41, as amended, of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
Section 42 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 43 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
Section 43, as amended, of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
Section 44 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 45 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
Section 45, as amended, of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
Sections 46 and 47 of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
The title of Bill (No. 24) passed, on division.
The motion that the Committee rise and report Bill (No. 24) complete with amendment passed, on division.
Bill (No. 24) reported complete with amendment.
On the motion for third reading of Bill (No. 24), the House divided.
Motion agreed to on the following division:
Yeas—41 | |||
Falcon Reid Coell Ilich Chong Christensen Richmond Bell Krueger van Dongen Les | Roddick Hayer Lee Jarvis Nuraney Whittred Horning Cantelon Thorpe Oppal | de Jong Taylor Bond Hansen Abbott Penner Neufeld Coleman Hogg Sultan | Lekstrom Mayencourt Polak Hawes Yap Bloy MacKay Black McIntyre Rustad |
Nays—30 | |||
Hammell S. Simpson Fleming Farnworth James Kwan Ralston Cubberley | Austin Brar Thorne Simons Puchmayr Fraser Wyse Sather | Horgan Gentner Dix Trevena Bains Macdonald Evans | Krog Robertson Chudnovsky Coons Routley Lali Conroy |
Bill (No. 24) read a third time and passed.
On the motion for second reading of Bill (No. 32) intituled Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement Implementation Act, the House divided.
Motion agreed to on the following division:
Yeas—41 | |||
Falcon Reid Coell Ilich Chong Christensen Richmond Bell Krueger van Dongen Les | Roddick Hayer Lee Jarvis Nuraney Whittred Horning Cantelon Thorpe Oppal | de Jong Taylor Bond Hansen Abbott Penner Neufeld Coleman Hogg Sultan | Lekstrom Mayencourt Polak Hawes Yap Bloy MacKay Black McIntyre Rustad |
Nays—29 | |||
Hammell S. Simpson Fleming Farnworth James Kwan Ralston Cubberley | Austin Brar Thorne Simons Puchmayr Fraser Wyse | Sather Horgan Gentner Dix Trevena Bains Macdonald | Evans Krog Robertson Chudnovsky Coons Routley Conroy |
Bill (No. 32) read a second time.
Bill (No. 32) was committed.
Sections 1 to 49 of Bill (No. 32) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 50 of Bill (No. 32) passed, on division.
Section 50, as amended, of Bill (No. 32) passed, on division.
Sections 51 to 75 of Bill (No. 32) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 76 of Bill (No. 32) passed, on division.
Section 76, as amended, of Bill (No. 32) passed, on division.
Sections 77 to 80 of Bill (No. 32) passed, on division.
The title of Bill (No. 32) passed, on division.
The motion that the Committee rise and report Bill (No. 32) complete with amendment passed, on division.
Bill (No. 32) reported complete with amendment.
On the motion for third reading of Bill (No. 32), the House divided.
Motion agreed to on the following division:
Yeas—41 | |||
Falcon Reid Coell Ilich Chong Christensen Richmond Bell Krueger van Dongen Les | Roddick Hayer Lee Jarvis Nuraney Whittred Horning Cantelon Thorpe Oppal | de Jong Taylor Bond Hansen Abbott Penner Neufeld Coleman Hogg Sultan | Lekstrom Mayencourt Polak Hawes Yap Bloy MacKay Black McIntyre Rustad |
Nays—30 | |||
Hammell S. Simpson Fleming Farnworth James Kwan Ralston Cubberley | Austin Brar Thorne Simons Puchmayr Fraser Wyse Sather | Horgan Gentner Dix Trevena Bains Macdonald Evans | Krog Robertson Chudnovsky Coons Routley Lali Conroy |
Bill (No. 32) read a third time and passed.
On the motion for second reading Bill (No. 37) intituled Carbon Tax Act, the House divided.
Motion agreed to on the following division:
Yeas—41 | |||
Falcon Reid Coell Ilich Chong Christensen Richmond Bell Krueger van Dongen Les | Roddick Hayer Lee Jarvis Nuraney Whittred Horning Cantelon Thorpe Oppal | de Jong Taylor Bond Hansen Abbott Penner Neufeld Coleman Hogg Sultan | Lekstrom Mayencourt Polak Hawes Yap Bloy MacKay Black McIntyre Rustad |
Nays—30 | |||
Hammell S. Simpson Fleming Farnworth James Kwan Ralston Cubberley | Austin Brar Thorne Simons Puchmayr Fraser Wyse Sather | Horgan Gentner Dix Trevena Bains Macdonald Evans | Krog Robertson Chudnovsky Coons Routley Lali Conroy |
Bill (No. 37) was committed.
Sections 1 to 157 of Bill (No. 37) passed, on division.
The schedules to Bill (No. 37) passed, on division.
The title of Bill (No. 37) passed, on division.
The motion that the Committee rise and report Bill (No. 37) complete without amendment passed, on division.
Bill (No. 37) reported complete without amendment.
On the motion for third reading of Bill (No. 37), the House divided.
Motion agreed to on the following division:
Yeas—41 | |||
Falcon Reid Coell Ilich Chong Christensen Richmond Bell Krueger van Dongen Les | Roddick Hayer Lee Jarvis Nuraney Whittred Horning Cantelon Thorpe Oppal | de Jong Taylor Bond Hansen Abbott Penner Neufeld Coleman Hogg Sultan | Lekstrom Mayencourt Polak Hawes Yap Bloy MacKay Black McIntyre Rustad |
Nays—30 | |||
Hammell S. Simpson Fleming Farnworth James Kwan Ralston Cubberley | Austin Brar Thorne Simons Puchmayr Fraser Wyse Sather | Horgan Gentner Dix Trevena Bains Macdonald Evans | Krog Robertson Chudnovsky Coons Routley Lali Conroy |
Bill (No. 37) read a third time.
The amendment to the motion for second reading of Bill (No. 42) intituled Election Amendment Act, 2008 was negatived, on the following division:
Yeas—30 | |||
Hammell S. Simpson Fleming Farnworth James Kwan Ralston Cubberley | Austin Brar Thorne Simons Puchmayr Fraser Wyse Sather | Horgan Gentner Dix Trevena Bains Macdonald Evans | Krog Robertson Chudnovsky Coons Routley Lali Conroy |
Nays—41 | |||
Falcon Reid Coell Ilich Chong Christensen Richmond Bell Krueger van Dongen Les | Roddick Hayer Lee Jarvis Nuraney Whittred Horning Cantelon Thorpe Oppal | de Jong Taylor Bond Hansen Abbott Penner Neufeld Coleman Hogg Sultan | Lekstrom Mayencourt Polak Hawes Yap Bloy MacKay Black McIntyre Rustad |
Mr. Farnworth asked leave to reopen debate on Bill (No. 42). Mr. Speaker ruled that only the Government House Leader can ask leave with respect to government business.
On the motion for second reading of Bill (No. 42), the House divided.
Motion agreed to on the following division:
Yeas—41 | |||
Falcon Reid Coell Ilich Chong Christensen Richmond Bell Krueger van Dongen Les | Roddick Hayer Lee Jarvis Nuraney Whittred Horning Cantelon Thorpe Oppal | de Jong Taylor Bond Hansen Abbott Penner Neufeld Coleman Hogg Sultan | Lekstrom Mayencourt Polak Hawes Yap Bloy MacKay Black McIntyre Rustad |
Nays—30 | |||
Hammell S. Simpson Fleming Farnworth James Kwan Ralston Cubberley | Austin Brar Thorne Simons Puchmayr Fraser Wyse Sather | Horgan Gentner Dix Trevena Bains Macdonald Evans | Krog Robertson Chudnovsky Coons Routley Lali Conroy |
Bill (No. 42) read a second time.
Bill (No. 42) was committed.
Section 1 of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
Section 1.1 of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
Sections 2 to 41 of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 42 of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
Section 42, as amended, of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
Sections 43 to 49 of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 50 of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
Section 50, as amended, of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
Section 51 of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 52 of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
Section 52, as amended, of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
Sections 53 to 58 of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 59 of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
Section 59, as amended, of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
Sections 60 to 65 of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 66 of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
Section 66, as amended, of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
Section 67 of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
A proposed amendment to section 68 of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
Section 68, as amended, of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
Sections 69 to 79 of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
The title of Bill (No. 42) passed, on division.
The motion that the Committee rise and report Bill (No. 42) complete with amendment, passed, on division.
Bill (No. 42) reported complete with amendment.
On the motion for third reading of Bill (No. 42), the House divided.
Motion agreed to on the following division:
Yeas—41 | |||
Falcon Reid Coell Ilich Chong Christensen Richmond Bell Krueger van Dongen Les | Roddick Hayer Lee Jarvis Nuraney Whittred Horning Cantelon Thorpe Oppal | de Jong Taylor Bond Hansen Abbott Penner Neufeld Coleman Hogg Sultan | Lekstrom Mayencourt Polak Hawes Yap Bloy MacKay Black McIntyre Rustad |
Nays—30 | |||
Hammell S. Simpson Fleming Farnworth James Kwan Ralston Cubberley | Austin Brar Thorne Simons Puchmayr Fraser Wyse Sather | Horgan Gentner Dix Trevena Bains Macdonald Evans | Krog Robertson Chudnovsky Coons Routley Lali Conroy |
Bill (No. 42) read a third time and passed.
Bill (No. 43) intituled Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 2008 was committed.
Sections 1 to 31 of Bill (No. 43) passed, on division.
Section 32 of Bill (No. 43) was defeated.
Sections 33 to 147 of Bill (No. 43) passed, on division.
The schedule to Bill (No. 43) passed, on division.
The title of Bill (No. 43) passed, on division.
The motion that the Committee rise and report Bill (No. 43) complete with amendment, passed, on division.
Bill (No. 43) reported complete with amendment.
On the motion for third reading of Bill (No. 43), the House divided.
Motion agreed to on the following division:
Yeas—41 | |||
Falcon Reid Coell Ilich Chong Christensen Richmond Bell Krueger van Dongen Les | Roddick Hayer Lee Jarvis Nuraney Whittred Horning Cantelon Thorpe Oppal | de Jong Taylor Bond Hansen Abbott Penner Neufeld Coleman Hogg Sultan | Lekstrom Mayencourt Polak Hawes Yap Bloy MacKay Black McIntyre Rustad |
Nays—30 | |||
Hammell S. Simpson Fleming Farnworth James Kwan Ralston Cubberley | Austin Brar Thorne Simons Puchmayr Fraser Wyse Sather | Horgan Gentner Dix Trevena Bains Macdonald Evans | Krog Robertson Chudnovsky Coons Routley Lali Conroy |
Bill (No. 43) read a third time and passed.
(In Committee — Section A)
39. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $617,580,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Ministry Operations, to 31st March, 2009.
40. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $15,630,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Emergency Program Act, to 31st March, 2009.
1. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $64,058,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Legislation, Legislation, to 31st March, 2009.
2. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $15,250,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Officers of the Legislature, Auditor General, to 31st March, 2009.
3. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $384,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Officers of the Legislature, Conflict of Interest Commissioner, to 31st March, 2009.
4. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $19,693,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Officers of the Legislature, Elections BC, to 31st March, 2009.
5. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $3,603,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Officers of the Legislature, Information and Privacy Commissioner, to 31st March, 2009.
6. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $893,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Officers of the Legislature, Merit Commissioner, to 31st March, 2009.
7. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $4,671,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Officers of the Legislature, Ombudsman, to 31st March, 2009.
8. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $1,853,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Officers of the Legislature, Police Complaint Commissioner, to 31st March, 2009.
9. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $6,558,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Officers of the Legislature, Representative for Children and Youth, to 31st March, 2009.
Section A of Committee of Supply reported the Resolutions.
Report to be considered forthwith.
The Hon. C. Taylor moved —
That the reports of resolutions from the Committees of Supply on March 11, 13; April 8, 10, 14, 17, 29, 30; and May 1, 6, 8, 13, 14, 15, 23, 27, 28, 29 be now received, taken as read and agreed to.
Motion agreed to.
The Hon. C. Taylor moved —
That there be granted from and out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund the sum of 30 billion, 844 million, 124 thousand dollars. This sum includes that authorized to be paid under section 1 of the Supply Act (No. 1), 2008 and is granted to Her Majesty towards defraying the charges and expenses of the public service of the province for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2009.
Motion agreed to.
The Hon. C. Taylor moved —
That there be granted from and out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund the sum of 1 billion, 689 million, 871 thousand dollars. This sum includes that authorized to be paid under section 2 of the Supply Act (No. 1), 2008 and is granted to Her Majesty towards defraying the capital, loans, investments and other financing requirement of the province for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2009.
Motion agreed to.
The Hon. C. Taylor (Minister of Finance) presented to the Speaker a Message from His Honour the Administrator, which read as follows:
Lance Finch
The Administrator transmits herewith Bill (No. 44) intituled Supply Act, 2008 - 2009 and recommends the same to the Legislative Assembly.
Vancouver Law Courts,
May 20, 2008.
Bill introduced and read a first time.
The Speaker declared a short recess for distribution of the Bill.
Bill permitted to be advanced all stages this day.
Bill (No. 44) was read a second time.
On the motion of the Hon. C. Taylor, Bill (No. 44) was referred to a Committee of the Whole House to be considered forthwith.
Bill (No. 44) was committed, reported complete without amendment, read a third time and passed.
The Speaker declared a short recess.
His Honour the Administrator having entered the House, and being seated in the Chair —
Craig James, Clerk Assistant and Clerk of Committees, read the titles to the following Acts:
Bill (No. 14) Transportation Investment (Port Mann Twinning) Amendment Act, 2008.
Bill (No. 18) Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Cap and Trade) Act.
Bill (No. 20) Oil and Gas Activities Act.
Bill (No. 21) Medicare Protection Amendment Act, 2008.
Bill (No. 22) Health Care Costs Recovery Act.
Bill (No. 23) Public Health Act.
Bill (No. 24) E-Health (Personal Health Information Access and Protection of Privacy) Act.
Bill (No. 25) Health Professions (Regulatory Reform) Amendment Act, 2008.
Bill (No. 26) Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2008.
Bill (No. 27) Local Government (Green Communities) Statutes Amendment Act, 2008.
Bill (No. 29) Environmental (Species and Public Protection) Statutes Amendment Act, 2008.
Bill (No. 31) Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Emissions Standards) Statutes Amendment Act, 2008.
Bill (No. 32) Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement Implementation Act.
Bill (No. 33) Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2008.
Bill (No. 34) University Amendment Act, 2008.
Bill (No. 35) Social Workers Act.
Bill (No. 36) Motor Vehicle (Banning Smoking When Children Present) Amendment Act, 2008.
Bill (No. 37) Carbon Tax Act.
Bill (No. 38) Protected Areas of British Columbia (Conservancies and Parks) Amendment Act, 2008.
Bill (No. 39) Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Vehicle Emissions Standards) Act.
Bill (No. 41) Patient Care Quality Review Board Act.
Bill (No. 42) Election Amendment Act, 2008.
Bill (No. 43) Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 2008.
Bill (No. Pr 401) Bridge River Valley Flying Association (Corporate Restoration) Act, 2008.
Bill (No. Pr 402) Lutheran Camp Concordia (1992) Society (Corporate Restoration) Act, 2008.
Bill (No. Pr 403) The Grassy Plains Community Hall Association (Corporate Restoration) Act, 2008.
His Honour was pleased in Her Majesty’s name to give assent to the said Acts.
The said assent was announced by Craig James, Clerk Assistant and Clerk of Committees, in the following words:
“In Her Majesty’s name, His Honour the Administrator doth assent to these Acts.”
E. George MacMinn, Q.C., Clerk of the House, read the title to the following Act:
Bill (No. 44) Supply Act, 2008 - 2009.
His Honour was pleased in Her Majesty’s name to give assent to the said Act.
The said assent was announced by E. George MacMinn, Q.C., Clerk of the House, in the following words:
“In Her Majesty’s name, His Honour the Administrator doth thank Her Majesty’s loyal subjects, accepts their benevolence, and assents to this Act.”
His Honour the Administrator was then pleased to retire.
The Hon. M. de Jong moved —
That the House, at its rising, do stand adjourned until it appears to the satisfaction of the Speaker, after consultation with the Government, that the public interest requires that the House shall meet, or until the Speaker may be advised by the Government that it is desired to prorogue the Fourth Session of the Thirty-eighth Parliament of the Province of British Columbia. The Speaker may give notice that he is so satisfied or has been so advised and thereupon the House shall meet at the time stated in such notice, and, as the case may be, may transact its business as if it has been duly adjourned to that time and date; and
That, in the event of the Speaker being unable to act owing to illness or other cause, the Deputy Speaker shall act in his stead for the purpose of this order.
Motion agreed to.
And then the House adjourned at 6.27 p.m.
Copyright (c) Queen’s Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada