BILL 18 — 2008


Part 1 — Introductory Provisions
  1  Definitions
Part 2 — Regulated Operations
  2  Compliance obligations in relation to regulated operations
  3  Compliance reports
Part 3 — Emissions Reporting
  4  Emissions reports
Part 4 — Compliance Units
  Division 1 — BC Allowance Units
  5  Cap on BCAUs for compliance period
  6  BC Allowance Units
  7  Transfer and retirement of BCAUs
  Division 2 — BC Emission Reduction Units
  8  BC Emission Reduction Units
  9  Emission reduction projects: proposal, acceptance, verification and BCERU issuance
  10  Transfer and retirement of BCERUs
  Division 3 — Recognized Compliance Units
  11  Recognized Compliance Units
  12  Transfer and retirement of RCUs
  Division 4 — Compliance Units Generally
  13  Compliance units
Part 5 — Compliance Unit Tracking System
  14  Compliance unit tracking system
  15  Administrative authority for established system
  16  Issuance of units into system
Part 6 — Administrative Penalties
  17  Automatic administrative penalties: failure to retire compliance units
  18  Imposed administrative penalties: failure to retire compliance units
  19  Administrative penalties in relation to other matters
  20  Administrative penalties do not relieve from retirement obligation
  21  Recovery of penalties and other debts due
Part 7 — Appeals to Environmental Appeal Board
  22  What decisions may be appealed, who may appeal, the process of appeal
Part 8 — Offences
  Division 1 — Offences and Penalties
  23  Offences against Act and corresponding penalties
  24  Offences of providing false or misleading information and penalties
  25  Continuing offences
  26  Liability of directors, officers and agents
  27  Relationship between administrative penalties and offences
  28  Other provisions relating to offences
  Division 2 — Public Requests for Investigation
  29  Chief conservation officer
  30  Application for investigation
  31  Investigation by chief conservation officer
  32  Progress reports
  33  Evidence may be sent to Criminal Justice Branch and director
  34  Discontinuation of investigation
Part 9 — General
  35  Notice and service under this Act
  36  Confidentiality
  36.1  Information-sharing agreements
  37  General regulation powers
  38  Regulations in relation to regulated operations and reporting operations
  39  Regulations in relation to compliance units
  40  Regulations in relation to compliance unit tracking system
  41  Regulations in relation to administrative penalties
  42  Regulations in relation to appeals
  43  Regulations in relation to inspections
  44  Regulations in relation to other matters
  45  Consequential Amendment
  46  Commencement

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:

Part 1 — Introductory Provisions


1  In this Act:

"accepted emission reduction project" means an emission reduction project that has been accepted by the director in accordance with section 9 [emission reduction projects: proposal, acceptance, verification and BCERU issuance] as a project in relation to which BCERUs may be issued;

"administrative authority" means, as applicable,

(a) for a compliance unit tracking system established under this Act, the administrative authority under section 15 [administrative authority for established system], or

(b) for a compliance unit tracking system designated under this Act, the authority responsible for administering the system;

"administrative penalty" means an administrative penalty under Part 6 [Administrative Penalties];

"appeal board" means the Environmental Appeal Board under the Environmental Management Act;

"attributable", in relation to greenhouse gas emissions, means attributable under the regulations

(a) to a regulated operation or reporting operation, or

(b) for the purposes of determining whether an operation is a regulated operation or reporting operation;

"BC Allowance Unit" or "BCAU" means a compliance unit issued under section 6 [BC Allowance Units];

"BC Emission Reduction Unit" or "BCERU" means a compliance unit issued under section 8 [BC Emission Reduction Units];

"cap" means the maximum number of BCAUs that may be made available for a particular compliance period, as prescribed under section 5 [cap on BCAUs for compliance period];

"carbon dioxide equivalent" means the mass of carbon dioxide that would produce the same global warming impact as a given mass of another greenhouse gas, as determined in accordance with the regulations;

"compliance period" means the period prescribed for the purposes of section 2 [compliance obligations in relation to regulated operations];

"compliance report" means a report under section 3 [compliance reports];

"compliance unit" means

(a) a BCAU,

(b) a BCERU, or

(c) an RCU;

"compliance unit tracking system" means the compliance unit tracking system under section 14 [compliance unit tracking system];

"director" means the government employee designated in writing by the minister as the director for the purposes of this Act;

"emissions report" means a report required under section 4 [emissions reports];

"greenhouse gas" has the same meaning as in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets Act

"inspector" means

(a) a person designated as an inspector under the regulations or a person in a class designated as inspectors under the regulations, or

(b) a conservation officer as defined in the Environmental Management Act;

"operator", in relation to a regulated operation or reporting operation, means the person considered under the regulations to be the operator in relation to the operation;

"Recognized Compliance Unit" or "RCU" means a Recognized Compliance Unit under section 11 [Recognized Compliance Units];

"regulated operation" means an operation that is a regulated operation under the regulations;

"reporting operation" means an operation that is a reporting operation under the regulations;

"reporting period" means the period prescribed for the purposes of section 4 [emissions reports];

"retire" means,

(a) in relation to a BCAU or BCERU, the final transfer of the compliance unit into a retirement account in the compliance unit tracking system from which it may not be transferred, and

(b) in relation to an RCU, retirement of the compliance unit in accordance with the regulations.

Part 2 — Regulated Operations

Compliance obligations in relation to regulated operations

2  (1) For each compliance period, the operator of a regulated operation must, in accordance with the regulations,

(a) determine the greenhouse gas emissions attributable to the regulated operation for the compliance period, and

(b) retire compliance units that, in total, represent an amount of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions that is at least equal to the amount of greenhouse gas emissions attributable to the regulated operation for the compliance period.

(2) The operator of a regulated operation who does not comply with subsection (1) (b) within the prescribed time is subject to penalties as provided under this Act.

(3) For the purposes of complying with subsection (1) (b), the operator of a regulated operation may not, as applicable, retire more than

(a) the prescribed quantity of RCUs,

(b) the prescribed quantities of RCUs of specified types,

(c) the prescribed proportion of RCUs relative to the total compliance units required to be retired, or

(d) the prescribed proportions of specified types of RCUs relative to the total compliance units required to be retired.

(4) Unless otherwise permitted by regulation, compliance units to be retired for the purposes of this section must be compliance units that were issued before the end of the applicable compliance period.

Compliance reports

3  (1) The operator of a regulated operation must, in accordance with the regulations, submit to the director a report respecting

(a) compliance with the obligations under section 2 [compliance obligations in relation to regulated operations], and

(b) any other matter prescribed for the purposes of this Act.

(2) The operator of a regulated operation must submit a supplementary report to the director within the prescribed period after the operator becomes aware that

(a) information in a previous report under this section did not completely and accurately disclose the required information, or

(b) information required to be reported in a previous report has changed.

(3) A supplementary report under this section must be made in accordance with the regulations or, if no specific direction is prescribed, in accordance with the regulations applicable to the report under subsection (1).

(4) Reports under this section may cover more than one regulated operation of the operator, but the required information respecting attributable greenhouse gas emissions must be provided separately for each operation covered by the report.

(5) The director may

(a) require a report under this section to be audited in accordance with the directions of the director, or conduct or authorize a person to conduct such an audit, and

(b) require an operator to provide additional information in support of a report under this section.

Part 3 — Emissions Reporting

Emissions reports

4  (1) For each reporting period, the operator of a regulated operation or reporting operation must, in accordance with the regulations, submit a report respecting

(a) the greenhouse gas emissions attributable to the operation for the reporting period, and

(b) any other matter prescribed for the purposes of this Act.

(2) The operator of a regulated operation or reporting operation must submit a supplementary report within the prescribed period after the operator becomes aware that

(a) information in a previous report under this section did not completely and accurately disclose the required information, or

(b) information required to be reported in a previous report has changed.

(3) A supplementary report under this section must be in accordance with the regulations or, if no specific direction is prescribed, in accordance with the regulations applicable to the report under subsection (1).

(4) Reports under this section may cover more than one regulated operation or reporting operation of the same operator, but the required information respecting greenhouse gas emissions must be provided separately for each operation covered by the report.

(5) The director may

(a) require a report under this section to be audited in accordance with the directions of the director, or conduct or authorize a person to conduct such an audit, and

(b) require an operator to provide additional information in support of a report under this section.

Part 4 — Compliance Units

Division 1 — BC Allowance Units

Cap on BCAUs for compliance period

5  (1) For the purposes of limiting greenhouse gas emissions in a compliance period, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may, by regulation, establish a cap on the BCAUs that may be made available under this section for that compliance period.

(2) For each compliance period, the director must make BCAUs available in accordance with the regulations, subject to the limit that the number of those units must not exceed the cap for the compliance period.

BC Allowance Units

6  (1) BC Allowance Units may be issued only by the director or on direction by the director.

(2) Each issued BCAU represents one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions.

Transfer and retirement of BCAUs

7  A BCAU may only be transferred or retired through the compliance unit tracking system and, if applicable, in accordance with the regulations.

Division 2 — BC Emission Reduction Units

BC Emission Reduction Units

8  (1) BC Emission Reduction Units may be issued only by the director or on direction by the director.

(2) Each issued BCERU represents one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions.

Emission reduction projects: proposal, acceptance, verification and BCERU issuance

9  (1) The director may, in accordance with the process established under the regulations, issue or direct the issuance of BCERUs for

(a) reducing or avoiding greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, or

(b) removing greenhouse gas from the atmosphere

as part of and in accordance with an accepted emission reduction project.

(2) The process established under the regulations for the purposes of this section must include the following elements:

(a) the process by which a proponent who meets the prescribed eligibility criteria may submit to the director a proposal, including a project plan and associated monitoring and quantification protocol, for an emission reduction project that meets the prescribed eligibility criteria;

(b) the process by which a project plan and associated monitoring and quantification protocol that meet the prescribed requirements may be approved by the director, at which point the emission reduction project to which they relate becomes an accepted emission reduction project with the crediting period established by regulation;

(c) the process by which the proponent may apply for the issuance of BCERUs in relation to an accepted emission reduction project, including a requirement for the claimed greenhouse gas emission reductions, avoidances or removals to be verified against the project plan and the monitoring and quantification protocol;

(d) the issuance, in accordance with the regulations, of BCERUs that the director is satisfied represent verified reductions, avoidances or removals achieved during the crediting period.

Transfer and retirement of BCERUs

10  A BCERU may only be transferred or retired through the compliance unit tracking system and, if applicable, in accordance with the regulations.

Division 3 — Recognized Compliance Units

Recognized Compliance Units

11  (1) Recognized Compliance Units are units from another system that are recognized as RCUs by regulation.

(2) Each RCU represents the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions that is prescribed for the applicable type of compliance unit.

Transfer and retirement of RCUs

12  An RCU is recognized as being transferred or retired for the purposes of this Act if it is transferred or retired, as applicable, in accordance with the regulations.

Division 4 — Compliance Units Generally

Compliance units

13  (1) A compliance unit that has been retired may no longer be used for the purposes of section 2 (1) (b) [retirement of compliance units to match emissions].

(2) A compliance unit expires as a compliance unit in accordance with the regulations, and may then no longer be used for the purposes of section 2 (1) (b) [retirement of compliance units to match emissions].

(3) A BCAU or BCERU is not a property right and does not represent an authorization to do anything that is not otherwise lawful.

Part 5 — Compliance Unit Tracking System

Compliance unit tracking system

14  (1) BCAUs and BCERUs are to be recorded in the compliance unit tracking system as established under this Act or as designated by regulation.

(2) The compliance unit tracking system must include the following elements:

(a) the system is to record ownership, transfers and retirements of BCAUs and BCERUs;

(b) each compliance unit recorded in the system must have a unique identifier that allows it to be tracked within the system;

(c) each operator of a regulated operation is entitled to hold an account in the system in which compliance units may be credited to the operator;

(d) the system must have one or more retirement accounts, being an account into which compliance units may be transferred but from which they may not be transferred;

(e) account holders may transfer compliance units to other account holders through the system;

(f) account holders may retire compliance units from their accounts, in which case the administrative authority must provide the applicable account holder with evidence of retirement of those compliance units.

(3) A regulation establishing or designating the compliance unit tracking system may provide that the system is linked to or forms part of another system for tracking units comparable to BCAUs or BCERUs, in which case transfers and retirements of BCAUs and BCERUs through the other system are deemed for the purposes of this Act to be transfers and retirements through the compliance unit tracking system.

Administrative authority for established system

15  (1) If the compliance unit tracking system is established under this Act, the minister may designate an employee under the Public Service Act, another individual or an organization as its administrative authority.

(2) An administrative authority designated under subsection (1) is responsible for administering the compliance unit tracking system in accordance with this Act and the regulations.

(3) On request from the director, an administrative authority designated under subsection (1) must provide the director with information, or reports respecting information, in the compliance unit tracking system as requested.

Issuance of units into system

16  On issuance by or under the direction of the director in accordance with the regulations, the administrative authority must credit the applicable number of BCAUs or BCERUs to an account in the compliance unit tracking system of the person to whom they are to be issued.

Part 6 — Administrative Penalties

Automatic administrative penalties: failure to retire compliance units

17  (1) If a report under section 3 [compliance reports] indicates that the operator of the regulated operation has not complied with the obligation under section 2 (1) (b) [retirement of compliance units to match emissions] within the prescribed time, the operator is subject to the administrative penalty established by the regulations.

(2) In the case of an administrative penalty that is a monetary amount, the amount must be paid to the government on or before the date on which the applicable report under section 3 [compliance reports] is due.

(3) In the case of an administrative penalty that is an obligation to retire compliance units, the compliance units must be retired in accordance with the regulations.

Imposed administrative penalties: failure to retire compliance units

18  (1) The director must take action under this section, in accordance with the regulations,

(a) if the director is satisfied on a balance of probabilities that

(i) the greenhouse gas emissions attributable to a regulated operation for the compliance period were different from those reported under section 3 [compliance reports] or 4 [emissions reports], and

(ii) as a consequence, the operator has not complied with the obligation under section 2 (1) (b) [retirement of compliance units to match emissions] within the prescribed time, or

(b) if

(i) the operator of a regulated operation fails to submit a compliance report in accordance with section 3 [compliance reports], and

(ii) the director is satisfied on a balance of probabilities that the operator has not complied with the obligation under section 2 (1) (b) [retirement of compliance units to match emissions] within the prescribed time.

(2) In the circumstances referred to in subsection (1), the director must serve the operator with an administrative penalty notice

(a) identifying the operator's non-compliance as determined by the director, and

(b) requiring the person to satisfy the administrative penalty established by the regulations and specified in the notice.

(3) An operator served with an administrative penalty notice under subsection (2) is subject to an administrative penalty as follows:

(a) if the operator admits, in writing, the non-compliance and its extent as determined by the director, the penalty indicated in the notice is imposed at the time of that admission;

(b) if the time for appealing the determination of non-compliance or its extent under Part 7 [Appeals to Environmental Appeal Board] has elapsed and no appeal has been commenced, the penalty indicated in the notice is imposed at the end of the time for appealing;

(c) if the non-compliance or its extent as determined by the director is appealed and, under the final determination of the appeal, the operator is subject to an administrative penalty, the penalty specified in the final determination is imposed at the time of that final determination.

(4) In the case of an administrative penalty that is a monetary amount, the amount must be paid to the government within the prescribed time after the penalty is imposed and in accordance with any other prescribed requirements.

(5) In the case of an administrative penalty that is an obligation to retire compliance units, the compliance units must be retired within the prescribed time and in accordance with any other prescribed requirements.

Administrative penalties in relation to other matters

19  (1) The director may take action under this section, in accordance with the regulations, if the director is satisfied on a balance of probabilities that a person has contravened a prescribed provision of this Act or the regulations.

(2) In the circumstances referred to in subsection (1), the director may serve the person with an administrative penalty notice,

(a) identifying the person's non-compliance as determined by the director, and

(b) requiring the person to satisfy the administrative penalty specified in the notice.

(3) A person served with an administrative penalty notice under subsection (2) is subject to an administrative penalty as follows:

(a) if the person admits, in writing, the non-compliance and its extent as determined by the director, the penalty indicated in the notice is imposed at the time of that admission;

(b) if the time for appealing the determination of non-compliance or its extent under Part 7 [Appeals to Environmental Appeal Board] has elapsed and no appeal has been commenced, the penalty indicated in the notice is imposed at the end of the time for appealing;

(c) if the non-compliance or its extent as determined by the director is appealed and, under the final determination of the appeal, the person is subject to an administrative penalty, the penalty specified in the final determination is imposed at the time of that final determination.

(4) In the case of an administrative penalty that is a monetary amount, the amount must be paid to the government within the prescribed time after the penalty is imposed and in accordance with any other prescribed requirements.

(5) In the case of an administrative penalty that is an obligation to retire compliance units, the compliance units must be retired within the prescribed time and in accordance with any other prescribed requirements.

Administrative penalties do not relieve from retirement obligation

20  Compliance units required to be retired as an administrative penalty are in addition to the compliance units required to be retired under section 2 (1) (b) [retirement of compliance units to match emissions] in relation to which the administrative penalty was imposed.

Recovery of penalties and other debts due

21  (1) An administrative penalty that is a monetary amount may be recovered as a debt due to the government.

(2) If a person does not satisfy an administrative penalty that is an obligation to retire compliance units within the specified time,

(a) the government may acquire and retire compliance units equal to the amount needed to satisfy the obligation, and

(b) the costs of acquiring and retiring the compliance units may be recovered from the person as a debt due to the government.

(3) If a person

(a) fails to pay an administrative penalty as required under this Act, or

(b) fails to pay an amount owing under subsection (2) (b) within 30 days of notice of the debt being served on the person,

the director may file a certificate in a court that has jurisdiction and, on filing, the certificate has the same force and effect, and all proceedings may be taken on it, as if it were a judgment of the court with which it is filed.

(4) A certificate under subsection (3) may be in the prescribed form, must be signed by the director and must contain

(a) the name of the person who is liable for the administrative penalty or debt,

(b) particulars of the administrative penalty or debt, and

(c) the amount of the monetary penalty under subsection (1) or the government's costs under subsection (2) (b).

Part 7 — Appeals to Environmental Appeal Board

What decisions may be appealed, who may appeal, the process of appeal

22  (1) For the purposes of this Part, "decision" means any of the following:

(a) the determination of non-compliance under section 18 [imposed administrative penalties: failure to retire compliance units] or of the extent of that non-compliance, as set out in an administrative penalty notice;

(b) the determination of non-compliance under section  19 [administrative penalties in relation to other matters], of the extent of that non-compliance or of the amount of the administrative penalty, as set out in an administrative penalty notice;

(c) a prescribed decision or a decision in a prescribed class.

(2) A person who is served with

(a) an administrative penalty notice referred to in subsection (1) (a) or (b), or

(b) a document evidencing a decision referred to in subsection (1) (c).

may appeal the applicable decision to the appeal board.

(3) Subject to this Act, Division 1 of Part 8 [Appeals] of the Environmental Management Act applies in relation to appeals under this Act.

Part 8 — Offences

Division 1 — Offences and Penalties

Offences against Act and corresponding penalties

23  (1) An operator of a regulated operation who contravenes section 2 (1) (b) [retirement of compliance units to match emissions] commits an offence.

(2) An operator of a regulated operation or reporting operation who does any of the following commits an offence:

(a) contravenes section 3 (1), (2) or (3) [compliance reports];

(b) contravenes section 4 (1), (2) or (3) [emissions reports].

(3) A person who does either of the following commits an offence:

(a) obstructs or resists the director or an inspector exercising powers or performing duties under this Act;

(b) fails to comply with a direction given or requirement imposed under this Act by the director or an inspector.

(4) A person convicted of an offence under this sectionsubsection (1), (2) or (3) is liable to a fine of not more than $1 000 000 or imprisonment for a term of not more than 6 months, or both.

(5) A person who contravenes section 36 (2) commits an offence.

(6) A person convicted of an offence under subsection (5) is liable to a fine of not more than $200 000 or imprisonment for a term of not more than 6 months, or both.

Offences of providing false or misleading
information and penalties

24  (1) A person who knowingly provides false or misleading information when required under this Act to provide information commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of not more than $1 000 000 or imprisonment for a term of not more than 6 months, or both.

(2) A person who provides false or misleading information when required under this Act to provide information, other than a person described in subsection (1), commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of not more than $500 000 or imprisonment for a term of not more than 6 months, or both.

(3) A person is not guilty of an offence under subsection (2) if the person establishes that, at the time the information was provided, the person did not know that it was false or misleading and exercised reasonable care and diligence in providing the information.

Continuing offences

25  If an offence under section 23 [offences against Act and corresponding penalties] continues for more than one day, separate fines, each not exceeding the maximum fine for the offence, may be imposed for each day the offence continues.

Liability of directors, officers and agents

26  (1) If a corporation commits an offence under this Act, an officer, director or agent of the corporation who authorized, permitted or acquiesced in the offence commits the offence.

(2) Subsection (1) applies whether or not the corporation is prosecuted for or convicted of the offence.

Relationship between administrative penalties and offences

27  (1) A person may be prosecuted under this Act for a contravention or failure in relation to which an administrative penalty has been imposed.

(2) In imposing a sentence for an offence under this Act, the court may consider an administrative penalty imposed in relation to the same matter.

(3) An administrative penalty may not be imposed on a person for a contravention or failure in relation to which the person has been convicted of an offence under this Act.

Other provisions relating to offences

28  (1) Section 5 of the Offence Act does not apply to this Act or the regulations.

(2) The time limit for laying an information for an offence under this Act is

(a) 3 years after the date that the facts on which the information is based arose, or

(b) if the minister completes a certificate described in subsection (3), 18 months after the date that the facts on which the information is based first came to the knowledge of the minister.

(3) A document purporting to have been issued by the minister, certifying the date on which the minister became aware of the facts on which the information is based, is proof of the certified facts.

Division 2 — Public Requests for Investigation

Chief conservation officer

29  In this Division, "chief conservation officer" has the same meaning as in the Environmental Management Act.

Application for investigation

30  (1) An individual who is resident in British Columbia and at least 18 years of age may apply to the chief conservation officer for an investigation of any offence under this Act that the individual alleges has occurred or is occurring.

(2) An application under this section must include a solemn affirmation or declaration

(a) stating the name and address of the applicant,

(b) stating that the applicant is at least 18 years of age and a resident of British Columbia,

(c) stating the nature of the alleged offence and the name of each person alleged to have done something, or failed to have done something, in contravention of this Act or the regulations, and

(d) containing a concise statement of the evidence supporting the allegations of the applicant.

(3) If a form of application has been prescribed for the purposes of this section, an application under this section must be made in the prescribed form.

Investigation by chief conservation officer

31  After receiving an application under section 30 [application for investigation], the chief conservation officer must

(a) acknowledge its receipt, in accordance with the regulations, within 20 days, and

(b) investigate all matters that the chief conservation officer considers necessary to determine the facts relating to the alleged offence.

Progress reports

32  (1) Subject to subsection (3), after acknowledging receipt of an application under section 30, the chief conservation officer must report in accordance with the regulations to the applicant every 90 days on the progress of the investigation and the action, if any, that the chief conservation officer has taken.

(2) A report under this section must include an estimate of the time required to complete the investigation.

(3) A report under this section is not required if the investigation is discontinued before the end of a 90-day period referred to in subsection (1).

Evidence may be sent to Criminal Justice Branch and director

33  At any stage of an investigation, the chief conservation officer may send any documents or other evidence

(a) to the Assistant Deputy Attorney General, Criminal Justice Branch, for consideration of whether an offence under this Act has been committed, or

(b) to the director for consideration of administrative action under Part 6 [Administrative Penalties].

Discontinuation of investigation

34  (1) The chief conservation officer may discontinue an investigation if the chief conservation officer is of the opinion that

(a) the alleged offence does not require further investigation, or

(b) the investigation does not substantiate the alleged offence.

(2) If an investigation is discontinued, the chief conservation officer must

(a) prepare a written statement of the reasons for the discontinuation, and

(b) in accordance with the regulations, send a copy of the statement to the applicant and to any person whose conduct was investigated.

(3) A copy of the statement sent to a person whose conduct was investigated must not disclose the name or address of the applicant or any other personal information about the applicant.

Part 9 — General

Notice and service under this Act

35  (1) Any notice under this Act may be given by registered mail sent to the last known address of the person.

(2) Any notice or other thing that, under this Act, must be served on a person may be served by registered mail sent to the last known address of the person.

(3) If a notice or other thing under this Act is sent by registered mail to the last known address of the person, the notice or other thing is deemed to be served on the person to whom it is addressed on the 14th day after deposit with Canada Post unless the person received actual service before that day.


36  (1) Subject to subsection (2), for the purposes of section 21 (1) (b) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, information that is in the custody or under the control of the government and that was obtained under this Act

(a) from the operator of a regulated operation or reporting operation,

(b) from the proponent of a proposed or accepted emission reduction project, or

(c) in the course of an inspection authorized under section 43 [regulations in relation to inspections],

whether or not the information was supplied to the government, is deemed to have been supplied to the government implicitly or explicitly in confidence, if it is

(d) information with respect to a trade secret, within the meaning of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, of the operator or proponent or of another person, or

(e) commercial, financial, labour relations, scientific or technical information of the operator or proponent or of another person.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to

(a) determinations of greenhouse gas emissions attributable to a regulated operation or reporting operation, including determinations of emissions by major source category, or

(b) information that is required or authorized to be published under this Act.


36  (1) In this section:

"protected information" means information that would reveal

(a) trade secrets of a third party, or

(b) commercial, financial, labour relations, scientific or technical information of or about a third party;

"third party" has the same meaning as in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act;

"trade secret" has the same meaning as in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

(2) Subject to this section, a person who has access to protected information that is in the custody or under the control of the government through

(a) reports required to be provided by an operator under this Act,

(b) the exercise of powers under section 43 [regulations in relation to inspections] in relation to a regulated operation or reporting operation, or

(c) an information-sharing agreement under section 36.1 that provides that the information is to be kept confidential

must not disclose the protected information to any other person.

(3) The prohibition in subsection (2) does not apply to disclosure of the following information:

(a) information that is publicly available;

(b) determinations of greenhouse gas emissions attributable to a regulated operation or reporting operation, including determinations of emissions by major source category;

(c) the application of compliance units for the purpose of section 2 (1) (b) [retirement of compliance units to match emissions];

(d) information in the compliance unit tracking system;

(e) information that is required or authorized to be made public under this Act.

(4) The prohibition in subsection (2) does not apply to disclosure in the following circumstances:

(a) if required under Part 2 [Freedom of Information] of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act;

(b) in the course of administering or enforcing this Act or a prescribed enactment;

(c) for the purpose of court proceedings;

(d) in accordance with an information-sharing agreement under section 36.1;

(e) with the consent of the person, group of persons or organization that is the third party in relation to the protected information.

Information-sharing agreements

36.1  (1) For the purposes of this section, "information-sharing agreement" means a data-matching or other agreement to provide or exchange information related to reducing concentrations of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere or reducing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.

(2) With the prior approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council, the minister may enter into an information-sharing agreement with

(a) the administrative authority,

(b) an authority referred to in section 39 (c) [units from other authorities], or

(c) Canada, another province or another jurisdiction in or outside Canada, or with an agent of any of them.

General regulation powers

37  (1) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations referred to in section 41 of the Interpretation Act.

(2) Without limiting any other provision of this Act, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations as follows:

(a) prescribing information that must or may be published under this Act;

(a) prescribing information that must or may be made public under this Act, other than information referred to in paragraph (a) of the definition of "protected information" in section 36 [confidentiality];

(b) establishing criteria that must be applied by the director in making decisions under this Act;

(c) defining words or expressions used but not defined in this Act;

(d) respecting any other matter for which regulations are contemplated by this Act.

(3) A regulation under this Act may do any or all of the following:

(a) delegate a matter to a person;

(b) confer a discretion on a person;

(c) make different regulations in relation to

(i) different classes of regulated operations or reporting operations,

(ii) different classes of emission reduction projects, and

(iii) different classes of compliance units,

as established by regulation.

(4) A regulation under this Act may adopt by reference, in whole, in part or with any changes considered appropriate, a regulation, code, standard or rule

(a) enacted as or under a law of another jurisdiction, including a foreign jurisdiction, or

(b) set by a provincial, national or international body or any other code, standard or rule making body,

as the regulation, code, standard or rule stands at a specific date, as it stands at the time of adoption or as amended from time to time.

Regulations in relation to regulated operations and reporting operations

38  Without limiting any other provision of this Act, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations as follows:

(a) establishing regulated operations and reporting operations for the purposes of this Act by

(i) prescribing

(A) classes of activities,

(B) classes of activities that meet a prescribed level of activity or a prescribed level of attributable greenhouse gas emissions, or

(C) facilities where activities referred to in clause (A) or (B) occur, including facilities that are not limited to a single location,

as regulated operations or reporting operations, or

(ii) designating a particular set of activities or a particular facility, including a facility that is not limited to a single location, as a regulated operation or reporting operation;

(b) respecting who is to be considered the operator of a regulated operation or reporting operation;

(c) establishing the greenhouse gas emissions that are deemed to be attributable to a regulated operation or reporting operation, or to an operation for the purposes of determining whether it is a regulated operation or reporting operation, including, without limitation,

(i) deeming greenhouse gas emissions that occur outside British Columbia to be attributable, and

(ii) in relation to electricity, deeming greenhouse gas emissions associated with the generation and transmission of the electricity until the point at which the electricity is received by the British Columbia electricity grid to be attributable;

(d) respecting the methodology by which greenhouse gas emissions attributable to a regulated operation or reporting operation are to be determined;

(e) prescribing limits on

(i) the quantity or proportion of RCUs, or

(ii) the quantity or proportion of specified types of RCUs,

or both, that may be retired for the purposes of complying with section 2 (1) (b) [retirement of compliance units to match emissions] for a compliance period;

(f) providing authority for exceptions to the restriction under section 2 (4) [compliance units that may be retired] by

(i) authorizing the director, in prescribed circumstances, to permit the operator of a regulated operation who is subject to an administrative penalty for failure to comply with the obligation under section 2 (1) (b) to use more recent compliance units for the purposes of complying with that obligation, and

(ii) establishing conditions for the use of such a permission, including, without limitation, requiring operators to retire additional compliance units to achieve the compliance.

Regulations in relation to compliance units

39  Without limiting any other provision of this Act, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting compliance units as follows:

(a) respecting the BCAU distribution system under section 5 [cap on BCAUs for compliance period], including, without limitation, respecting how, how many, when, with what frequency and to whom BCAUs are to be made available and providing that BCAUs may be made available directly to the operators of regulated operations, with or without an associated fee or charge, or by auction, other sale or other disposition;

(b) establishing the processes for approving projects as accepted emission reduction projects and issuing BCERUs in relation to accepted emission reduction projects, including, without limitation,

(i) establishing a time limit within which the first application for the issuance of BCERUs in relation to an accepted emission reduction project must be made, after which time, if no application has been made, the project ceases to be an accepted emission reduction project,

(ii) respecting requirements that must be met in relation to an application for the issuance of BCERUs and criteria for such an issuance,

(iii) requiring a verification in relation to an accepted emission reduction project to be certified by a recognized evaluator, and

(iv) respecting the qualifications required to be a recognized evaluator for verifications;

(c) recognizing units from another authority, including an authority that is in a jurisdiction outside Canada and including an authority established under the auspices of a multijurisdictional organization such as the Western Climate Initiative;

(d) respecting the retirement or expiration of compliance units.

Regulations in relation to compliance unit tracking system

40  Without limiting any other provision of this Act, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting the compliance unit tracking system as follows:

(a) establishing the compliance unit tracking system referred to in section 14 [compliance unit tracking system] or designating a system as the compliance unit tracking system, including a system that is administered by an authority in a jurisdiction outside Canada and including a system administered by an authority established under the auspices of a multijurisdictional organization such as the Western Climate Initiative;

(b) respecting a compliance unit tracking system established under paragraph (a), including, without limitation,

(i) respecting who, in addition to operators of regulated operations, may hold accounts in the system,

(ii) respecting the nature of the evidence that must be provided in relation to the retirement of compliance units,

(iii) respecting the fees that may be established by the administrative authority in relation to its services, and

(iv) conferring powers on the administrative authority to regulate participation in the compliance unit tracking system, including, without limitation, powers to suspend or cancel an account holder's participation in the system other than to transfer compliance units into a retirement account;

(c) if the compliance unit tracking system is changed, or if it is linked to or forms part of another system, making any provisions that the Lieutenant Governor in Council considers necessary or advisable to effect or facilitate the transition.

Regulations in relation to administrative penalties

41  Without limiting any other provision of this Act, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations for the purposes of Part 6 [Administrative Penalties] as follows:

(a) prescribing the administrative penalties, or the manner of calculating the administrative penalties, that are or must be imposed under

(i) section 17 [automatic administrative penalties: failure to retire compliance units], and

(ii) section 18 [imposed administrative penalties: failure to retire compliance units],

which may include either or both of a monetary amount to be paid to the government and an obligation to retire compliance units as prescribed;

(b) in relation to administrative penalties under section 18 [imposed administrative penalties: failure to retire compliance units] or 19 [administrative penalties in relation to other matters],

(i) prescribing a limitation period for imposing an administrative penalty and evidentiary matters in relation to that period, and

(ii) prescribing procedures to be applied by the director in making a determination of non-compliance;

(c) in relation to administrative penalties under section 19 [administrative penalties in relation to other matters],

(i) prescribing a maximum or minimum amount of a monetary administrative penalty that may be imposed generally, or for specified contraventions, or the manner of calculating those amounts,

(ii) prescribing the maximum or minimum number of compliance units that may be required to be retired for specified contraventions, or the manner of calculating those numbers,

(iii) prescribing provisions of this Act and the regulations in relation to which an administrative penalty may be imposed,

(iv) authorizing administrative penalties to be imposed on a daily basis for continuing contraventions or failures,

(v) prescribing matters that must be considered by the director in imposing the penalty in a particular case, and

(vi) prescribing whether an administrative penalty notice must be cancelled if the person on whom it was served demonstrates to the satisfaction of the director that the person exercised due diligence to prevent the specified contravention or failure;

(d) establishing the required content of administrative penalty notices;

(e) establishing procedures for providing a person on whom an administrative penalty notice has been served with an opportunity to make representations, which may include opportunities that do not involve an oral hearing;

(f) respecting the time limit, manner and process for satisfying an administrative penalty;

(g) prescribing the consequences of failing to satisfy an administrative penalty, which may include, but are not limited to, imposing additional administrative penalties;

(h) providing for the publication of information respecting the imposition of an administrative penalty.

Regulations in relation to appeals

42  (1) Without limiting any other provision of this Act, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting appeals under Part 7 [Appeals to Environmental Appeal Board], including, without limitation, regulations as follows:

(a) prescribing decisions or classes of decisions as being appealable under that Part;

(b) prescribing

(i) time limits and procedures in relation to appeals,

(ii) the powers of the appeal board in conducting, hearing and deciding appeals, and

(iii) whether an appeal operates as a stay in relation to a decision or a class of decisions;

(c) exercising authority equivalent to that under section 105 of the Environmental Management Act or adopting regulations under that section.

(2) Regulations under subsection (1) may provide that specified provisions of the Environmental Management Act in relation to appeals apply in relation to appeals under this Act with the changes the Lieutenant Governor in Council considers necessary or advisable.

Regulations in relation to inspections

43  (1) Without limiting any other provision of this Act, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting inspections for the purposes of ensuring compliance with this Act and the regulations, including, without limitation, regulations as follows:

(a) authorizing the director to designate persons or classes of persons as inspectors and issue identification to those inspectors;

(b) prescribing inspection and seizure powers, including, without limitation, and as is necessary for the purposes of inspection, the authority to

(i) enter land or premises,

(ii) inspect, analyze, measure, sample or test anything,

(iii) use or operate anything or require the use or operation of anything, under conditions specified by the inspector,

(iv) take away samples,

(v) make or take away copies of records, photographs or audio or video records,

(vi) take, with the inspector, other persons or equipment, and

(vii) require a person who is the subject of an inspection or who is or was a director, receiver, receiver manager, officer, employee, banker or agent of such a person to produce records for examination or copying or to provide information;

(c) limiting inspection and seizure powers of an inspector who is not an employee under the Public Service Act and requiring that the limitations be set out in identification provided by the director;

(d) requiring that an inspector exercising powers under this Act provide identification on request.

(2) Regulations under subsection (1) may provide that specified provisions of the Environmental Management Act in relation to inspections or seizures apply in relation to inspections or seizures under this Act with the changes the Lieutenant Governor in Council considers necessary or advisable.

Regulations in relation to other matters

44  Without limiting any other provision of this Act, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations as follows:

(a) respecting reports under this Act, including, without limitation, prescribing requirements respecting to whom the reports are to be submitted and the timing, form, content, supporting evidence, verification, certification and manner of submission of the reports;

(b) establishing requirements and standards respecting quality assurance of the information provided in the reports under this Act and the data that support the reports, including, without limitation, requirements and standards respecting

(i) monitoring protocols and equipment,

(ii) sampling protocols and equipment, and

(iii) analytical protocols and equipment

that must be used for the purposes of reports under this Act;

(c) establishing requirements respecting the retention of records supporting reports and information required to be provided to the director under this Act;

(d) establishing fees and charges that are to be paid in respect of any matter for which the government provides a service or performs a duty under this Act;

(e) prescribing for the contravention of a regulation a fine not exceeding $200 000;

(f) respecting the chief conservation officer's obligation under section 31 [investigation by chief conservation officer] to acknowledge receipt of applications or that official's reporting obligation under section 32 [progress reports] or 34 (2) [discontinuation of investigation], including, without limitation, regulations limiting or modifying those obligations if the chief conservation officer receives more than the prescribed number of applications in respect of the same alleged offence.

Consequential Amendment

Hydro and Power Authority Act

45 Section 32 (7) of the Hydro and Power Authority Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 212, is amended by adding the following paragraph:

(c.2) the Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Cap and Trade) Act.


46  This Act comes into force by regulation of the Lieutenant Governor in Council.