B.C. Reg. 101/2007
O.C. 215/2007
Deposited April 20, 2007

Statute Revision Act

The Environmental Management Amendment Act, 2004, S.B.C. 2004, c.18, is amended

(a) in section 3 by striking out "Section 39 (1)" and substituting "Section 39",

(b) in section 3 (a) by striking out "by adding the following definitions:" and substituting "in subsection (1) by adding the following definitions:", and

(c) in section 3 (b) by striking out "by repealing the definitions" and substituting "in subsection (1) by repealing the definitions".

[Provisions of the Statute Revision Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 440, relevant to the enactment of this regulation: section 12]