Province of British Columbia
41st Parliament – 2017
Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts
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Yap, John (Richmond-Steveston)
- Auditor General
- audit services
- coverage of independent officers 1:1555-1600
- coverage of post-secondary institutions 1:1530
- priorities and methodology 4:0920
- priorities and risk assessment process 1:1530
- budget and operations, review by Finance Committee 1:1605
- budget and operations, review by Finance Committee and motion 1:1645-1650
- financial statement audit coverage plan 1:1530, 1:1555-1605
- financial statement audit coverage plan, potential amendment 1:1645-1650
- Bond, Shirley
- election as Chair of Public Accounts Committee 1:1505
- B.C. Hydro
- Budgets
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- mortgages and mortgage insurance 6:0945
- Communities
- gaming grants program
- application and reconsideration processes 3:1505
- Auditor General review 3:1505
- program and funding 3:1505
- Credit rating
- Family maintenance enforcement program
- Government
- accounting practices
- deferral of government transfers revenue for capital projects 5:1040-1045
- use of accounting standards 5:1045
- alternative service delivery contracts
- management and oversight 2:1600
- financial reporting
- public accounts, Auditor General review 1:1555
- Health authorities
- workstation support services contract
- Housing
- non-profit asset transfer program
- Legislature
- independent officers, Auditor General review 1:1555-1600
- Police and policing
- PRIME information system
- security and information-sharing 3:1055
- Privacy
- surveillance of vehicles and data aggregation 3:1200-1205
- Property transfer tax
- application to non-profit asset transfer program 6:0945
- Public Accounts Committee
- election of Chair and Deputy Chair 1:1505
- Public debt
- Public Sector Accounting Board
- membership and work 5:1035-1040
- position re deferral of government transfers revenue 5:1040
- Regional Transportation Management Centre
- cybersecurity controls, Auditor General review 3:1200-1205
- University of B.C.
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