Province of British Columbia
41st Parliament – 2017
Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations
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Johal, Jas (Richmond-Queensborough)
- Austin, Texas
- ride-sharing experience 5:1205
- Commercial transportation industry
- Crown Corporations Committee
- meeting schedule and draft workplan 2:1025
- submissions 2:1025
- Hill, Steven, background as journalist 4:1400
- Insurance Corporation of B.C.
- communications with transportation network companies re insurance coverage 3:1420
- Lyft Inc.
- operations and services 5:1205
- Ride-sharing and ride-hailing
- drivers, wages and working conditions 3:1420
- electronic ride-hailing and dispatching, common app proposal 3:1055, 4:1055-1100
- fares 4:1100
- fares, peak demand pricing 3:1400, 3:1420, 4:0930-0935, 4:1400, 5:0930
- impact on traffic congestion 3:1145
- insurance 3:1420
- regulation 3:1145, 3:1400, 3:1420, 4:1400
- regulation in other jurisdictions 3:1030, 5:1205
- ride subsidies 3:1235
- service supply and public need 3:1000
- service supply management 3:1055, 3:1145, 3:1420
- services in small communities 3:1235, 4:0935
- transportation network companies 3:0940
- complaint response 3:1420
- data disclosure 3:1210
- taxation and fund proposal for vehicle ride alternatives 5:1210
- vehicles
- South Coast B.C. Transportation Authority (TransLink)
- partnerships with transportation network companies 5:1030
- Taxi industry
- consumer complaints and complaint process 3:0940
- drivers
- licences 4:1435
- licences and national safety code 3:0940
- Uber
- driver compensation and relationship 3:1420
- operations 3:1420
Justice Institute of British Columbia
- TaxiHost Pro training program (Vanderkuip, K.) 3:0915
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