Province of British Columbia
41st Parliament – 2017
Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth
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The Thin Front Line report See Reports, social workers under Representative for Children and Youth
Thomas-Wightman, Dawn
- As subject
- background in child welfare 1:1135
- Adoption
- Child protection system
- child protection workers, caseload and training 3:1140
- children in government care
- residential services, contracted services 3:1135
- Children and Family Development Ministry
- Children and youth
- deaths and critical injuries, information and reporting 3:1140
- programs and services for children and families
- suicide 4:1300, 4:1310
- youth at risk
- youth involved with justice system
- Children and Youth Committee
- terms of reference, new content 1:1135
- Education
- mental health and addiction services in schools 4:1305-1310, 4:1325
- students in government care
- education outcomes and supports 2:1415-1445, 2:1455
- permission from caregivers for participation in school activities 2:1445
- point of contact in schools for information-sharing and advocacy 2:1430
- rural and urban students 2:1435
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- children
- children in government care
- delegated Aboriginal agencies
- programs and services for children and families
- First Nations Directors Forum
- Indigenous adoption centre proposal 4:1125
- Lang, Nick
- experience with substance use services and death while in attendance program 4:1300-1310
- family members' attendance at committee meeting 4:1300
- Lang, Peter, advocacy for children at risk 4:1300
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction services for children and youth
- Mental Health and Addictions Ministry
- role and responsibilities 4:1305
- Métis
- services and support for children and families
- Public service
- Indigenous persons in government 4:1405
- Representative for Children and Youth
- recommendations
- relationship with Children and Family Development Ministry
- reports
- statutory review
- work of office
- work with Indigenous communities
- UN declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples
- adoption and implementation 3:1225
Throness, Laurie (Chilliwack-Kent)
- As subject
- letter on foster care system (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 3:1525
- motion on foster care system 3:1445-1525
- Adoption
- Child, Family and Community Service Act
- Child protection system
- child apprehensions
- children in government care
- family preservation 3:1405
- Children and Family Development Ministry
- Children and youth
- programs and services for children and families
- cross-ministry services and coordination 4:1320
- youth at risk
- Children and Youth Committee
- election of Chair and Deputy Chair 1:1105
- meetings
- meeting schedule and workplan 1:1145
- Corrections system
- assessment and placement of offenders 2:1420
- Digital media
- video games and social media, impact on child and youth mental health 5:1010
- Education
- students in government care
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- children in government care
- Foster care
- Foundry, services for youth at risk 5:0930
- Lang, Nick
- experience with substance use services and death while in attendance program 4:1315-1325
- family members' attendance at committee meeting 4:1315
- Mental health
- mental health of children and youth
- ministerial responsibility 5:0925
- residential treatment facilities 5:0930
- step-up and step-down transitional services 5:0925-0930
- mental health services for children and youth
- services for youth involved in the justice system 4:1320
- Mental Health and Addictions Ministry
- Motions and resolutions
- Parliamentary Secretary for Corrections
- Representative for Children and Youth
- advocacy, cases and trends 3:1105
- investigation of child injuries and deaths 3:1100, 3:1145
- relationship with Children and Family Development Ministry
- relationship with coroner's office 3:1145
- relationship with Mental Health and Addictions Ministry 4:1315
- reports
- role and responsibilities 3:1215
- staff, communications and media relations 3:1145
- statutory review
- work of office, priorities 3:1040
- Stilwell, Michelle
- election as Deputy Chair of Children and Youth Committee 1:1105
- UN convention on the rights of the child
Tripartite First Nations Children and Families Working Group See Child protection system, consultation and agreements with governments under First Nations and Indigenous persons
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