Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2014
Special Committee on Local Elections Expense Limits
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Langley, B.C.
- City government
- Transit services and First Nations issues (Oh, S.) 7:1055-1100
LECFA See Local Elections Campaign Financing Act
Local Election Expense Limits, Special Committee on
Local Elections Campaign Financing Act
- Application to school trustee elections (Duerksen, D.) 2:1000
- Development of legislation (Brazier, H.) 1:1440-1450
- Provisions (van Leeuwen, A.) 1:1520 (Western, N.) 2:1040-1045
- Provisions on movement of funds between organizations and candidates (van Leeuwen, A.) 2:0910
- Provisions on solemn declarations (Brazier, H.) 1:1455
- Provisions on third-party advertisers (Brazier, H.) 1:1455 (Scowcroft, L.) 2:0930-0935
- Provisions on timelines (Hunt) 1:1525 (Scowcroft, L.) 1:1525-1530 (van Leeuwen, A.) 2:0905
- Revision (King, J.) 7:1030-1035
Local Elections Expense Limits, Special Committee on
- Election of Chair and Deputy Chair (Reimer) 1:1430 (Robinson) 1:1435 (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 1:1430-1435 (Tegart) 1:1430-1435
- In-camera proceedings, motions to move in camera See Motions and resolutions
- Mandate See Terms of reference below under this main heading
- Meeting schedule and draft workplan (Bernier) 1:1600, 1:1625, 2:1105 (Brazier, H.) 1:1550-1605, 1:1625 (Holman) 2:1105-1110 (Hunt) 1:1550-1555, 1:1605-1625, 2:1105-1115 (Kwan) 1:1600-1615, 2:1105 (Reimer) 1:1555-1600, 1:1610-1615 (Robinson) 1:1550-1555, 1:1615, 2:1110-1115 (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 1:1545-1600, 1:1610-1620, 2:1105-1115 (Scowcroft, L.) 1:1625 (Sullivan) 1:1555, 1:1610 (Tegart) 1:1545, 1:1555-1600, 1:1615-1625, 2:1100-1115
- Meeting schedule and phase 2 planning (Bernier) 11:1505 (Brazier, H.) 11:1405, 11:1425-1445 (Hunt) 11:1500-1520 (Kwan) 11:1505, 11:1520 (Reimer) 11:1500, 11:1515 (Robinson) 11:1500-1515 (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 11:1455-1500, 11:1510-1515, 11:1525 (Sullivan) 11:1505 (Tegart) 11:1400, 11:1500-1510, 11:1520-1525
- Meeting schedule, changes (Bernier) 5:1040, 5:1050 (Holman) 5:1025, 5:1045, 5:1100 (Hunt) 5:1030-1055 (Kwan) 5:1035-1045, 5:1100 (Reimer) 5:1030, 5:1050-1100 (Robinson) 5:1025, 5:1040, 5:1055-1100 (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 5:1020-1100, 6:1000 (Tegart) 5:1015, 5:1030-1035, 5:1045-1100
- Motions See Motions and resolutions
- Online consultation (Hunt) 2:1115 (Robinson) 2:1110-1115 (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 2:1115
- Public hearings
- extension See Meeting schedule, changes above
- participation See also Work of committee, process and timeline below under this main heading
- process (Tegart) 3:1330, 4:0905, 6:0835, 7:0900
- Staff commended (Tegart) 10:1015
- Submissions to committee (Bernier) 5:1015 (Hunt) 5:1015 (Kwan) 5:1015 (Morrison, H.) 5:1010-1015 (Reimer) 5:1015 (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 5:1010-1015, 6:1000
- Submissions to committee, online survey (Hunt) 7:1025 (Rice, G.) 7:1025 (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 7:1205 (Tegart) 7:1025
- Submissions to committee, public release (Reimer) 7:1205 (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 7:1205
- Terms of reference (Brazier, H.) 1:1450 (Diano, E.) 7:1145 (Hunt) 1:1440 (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 1:1435-1440 (Tegart) 7:1155
- Terms of reference, expansion request (Bernier) 10:1005 (Hunt) 10:1005 (Kwan) 10:1000, 10:1010-1015 (Reimer) 10:1005 (Robinson) 10:1000, 10:1010 (Sullivan) 10:1005-1010
- Terms of reference, revision review (Holman) 5:1000-1005 (Hunt) 5:1010 (Kwan) 5:1000-1005 (Robinson) 5:1000-1005 (Tegart) 5:1000-1005
- Work of committee
- phase 1 and 2 (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 1:1435-1440 (Tegart) 1:1435, 3:1330 (van Leeuwen, A.) 1:1520-1525
- phase 1 recap (Brazier, H.) 11:1405-1425
- phase 2 planning See Meeting schedule and phase 2 planning above
- process and timeline (Beuhler, S.) 3:1550, 3:1600 (Chernen, N.) 3:1400-1405 (Reimer) 3:1615 (Reimer, A.) 3:1530 (Robinson) 3:1610 (Tegart) 3:1615 (Whistler, J.) 3:1335
- process and timeline, extension See also Meeting schedule, changes above
- process and timeline, request for extension (Kwan) 3:1610 (Sourial, S.) 3:1610
- work (Hunt) 3:1450, 3:1610
Local Elections Statutes Amendment Act, 2014
- Development of legislation (Brazier, H.) 1:1450
Local government
Local Government Act
- Provisions on elections (Brazier, H.) 1:1450
- Revision (King, J.) 7:1035
Local government elections
- Administration and process (Brazier, H.) 1:1445-1500
- Administration and process, legislation See Local Government Act
- Advertising See Campaign financing and expense limits below under this main heading
- At-large systems (Kwan) 3:1435-1440, 3:1540 (Smith, P.) 4:0940
- Ballots, ban on party names on ballots (Rice, G.) 7:1020
- Campaign financing and expense limits
- 2011 election spending trends (Bohus, S.) 3:1415-1420 (van Leeuwen, A.) 1:1500-1510
- 2014 election data analysis (Brazier, H.) 11:1425-1435
- 2014 election information (Beuhler, S.) 3:1550-1600 (Hunt) 2:1050 (van Leeuwen, A.) 1:1510
- advertising See third-party advertisers below
- advertising, definition (Gogolek, V.) 3:1510 (Hunt) 3:1510 (Scowcroft, L.) 2:0935
- advertising, directed and issue advertising (Scowcroft, L.) 2:0935-0940
- advertising, issue advertising (Western, N.) 2:1045
- advertising, registration requirements and lower limit proposal (Gogolek, V.) 3:1500-1515 (Holman) 3:1515 (Hunt) 3:1510 (Reimer) 3:1515
- advertising, regulation and disclosure (Bernier) 2:0945 (Brazier, H.) 1:1455 (Scowcroft, L.) 2:0935, 2:0945-0950 (van Leeuwen, A.) 2:0905 (Western, N.) 2:1055
- advertising, sign guidelines (Hunt) 2:1050-1055
- advertising, signage and name tags (Oh, S.) 7:1050-1055
- advertising, social media (Gogolek, V.) 3:1510 (Holman) 3:1515, 6:0925 (Horn, M.) 6:0915-0925 (Sullivan) 6:0930
- audit (Whistler, J.) 3:1345
- base-expense limit model with consumer price index proposal (King, J.) 7:1030
- borrowing requirements (Goldstein, N.) 4:0915
- by-elections (Bernier) 11:1410 (Brazier, H.) 11:1410
- candidates (Brazier, H.) 1:1450
- candidates, council and non-council candidates (Brazier, H.) 11:1445
- candidates, endorsements (Colbert, H.) 7:1105-1110 (van Leeuwen, A.) 2:0915-0920 (Western, N.) 2:1045
- candidates, incumbents (Brazier, H.) 11:1435
- candidates, independent candidates (Bernier) 3:1410-1415 (Chernen, N.) 3:1405-1415 (Knox, G.) 6:0840 (Reimer, A.) 3:1535 (Rice, G.) 7:1015-1020 (Robinson) 3:1535 (van Leeuwen, A.) 2:0920-0925 (Whistler, J.) 3:1355-1400
- candidates, mayoral candidates (Brazier, H.) 11:1445 (Hunt) 7:1025 (King, J.) 7:1030 (Rice, G.) 7:1025 (van Leeuwen, A.) 1:1505, 1:1520
- candidates, multiple candidates and slates (Allen, J.) 7:1135 (Colbert, H.) 7:1110 (Hunt) 6:0905, 7:1045, 7:1135 (King, J.) 7:1045 (Rice, G.) 7:1015-1020 (Robinson) 7:1110 (Russow, J.) 6:0905
- candidates running in multiple jurisdictions (Bernier) 2:1050 (Brazier, H.) 11:1430 (Hunt) 2:1050 (Western, N.) 2:1045-1050
- categories and definitions (Reimer) 3:1350 (van Leeuwen, A.) 2:0905 (Whistler, J.) 3:1345-1355
- Charter issues (Brazier, H.) 11:1420
- competitiveness issues (Robinson) 3:1355 (Whistler, J.) 3:1345-1350
- compliance and enforcement (Brazier, H.) 1:1455 (Holman) 2:1055 (King, J.) 7:1035 (Reimer) 3:1350 (Western, N.) 2:1055 (Whistler, J.) 3:1345-1350
- conflict-of-interest issues (Hunt) 4:0950 (Smith, P.) 4:0945-0950
- contributions (Bernier) 7:1135, 10:1005 (Bohus, S.) 3:1430 (Chernen, N.) 3:1415 (Gung, S.) 7:0905, 7:0915 (Henschel, C.) 4:1010-1035 (Horn, M.) 6:0920, 6:0930 (Hunt) 4:1010, 7:0950, 10:1005 (Kwan) 3:1435, 10:1000, 10:1010-1015 (Locke, B.) 7:0950 (Milne, B.) 6:0945, 6:0955-1000 (Reimer) 6:0900, 10:1005 (Robinson) 4:1035, 6:0850, 6:0945, 10:1000, 10:1010 (Russow, J.) 6:0855-0900 (Scowcroft, L.) 2:0935 (Smith, P.) 4:0940, 4:1000 (Sullivan) 4:0955-1000, 6:0955-1000
- contributions, cash contributions (Bernier) 7:1045-1050 (King, J.) 7:1030, 7:1045-1050
- contributions, corporations (Beuhler, S.) 3:1550-1555 (Bohus, S.) 3:1435-1440 (Goldstein, N.) 4:0915 (Knox, G.) 6:0840 (Martin, T.) 3:1425, 3:1440
- contributions, corporations and unions (Allen, J.) 7:1115-1125, 7:1140 (Colbert, H.) 7:1105-1110 (Henschel, C.) 4:1010 (Holman) 7:1140 (King, J.) 7:1030, 7:1040 (Kwan) 3:1545 (Reimer, A.) 3:1520-1530, 3:1545 (Rice, G.) 7:1010-1020 (Robinson) 7:1040 (Smith, P.) 4:0945-0950
- contributions, disclosure of contributors (Beuhler, S.) 3:1555 (Bohus, S.) 3:1420-1425 (Diano, E.) 7:1145-1200 (Goldstein, N.) 4:0910 (King, J.) 7:1030-1035 (Knox, G.) 6:0850 (Oh, S.) 7:1050-1055 (Rice, G.) 7:1020 (Robinson) 7:1155 (Russow, J.) 6:0855 (Sullivan) 6:0850 (Woodsworth, E.) 3:1445-1455
- contributions, market value for services and volunteers (Colbert, H.) 7:1105-1110
- contributions, other jurisdictions (Russow, J.) 6:0855-0900
- contributions, out-of-province contributors (Beuhler, S.) 3:1555
- contributions, recusal proposal (Heilman, J.) 7:1000-1005 (Morris, K.) 7:0915-0925 (Sullivan) 7:1005
- contributions, reporting requirements (Beuhler, S.) 3:1555
- contributions, small contributions (Beuhler, S.) 3:1555-1600
- cumulative limits (Brazier, H.) 11:1420
- development of principles (Brazier, H.) 1:1455, 1:1535, 11:1405, 11:1425 (Hunt) 1:1530-1535, 3:1450 (Reimer) 3:1405, 7:0935, 7:1010 (Robinson) 3:1355-1400, 3:1430, 7:0935, 7:1000-1005 (Tegart) 7:0930 (van Leeuwen, A.) 1:1520-1525
- development of principles, accessibility (Rice, G.) 7:1025 (Robinson) 4:0945, 7:0910, 7:1025, 7:1100
- development of principles, fairness (Knox, G.) 6:0840-0850 (Robinson) 6:0850, 10:1000, 10:1010 (Russow, J.) 6:0900 (Tegart) 6:0900
- development of principles, transparency (Gung, S.) 7:0910 (Hunt) 7:0910 (King, J.) 7:1025-1035, 7:1045-1050 (Knox, G.) 6:0850 (Locke, B.) 7:0945-0950 (Robinson) 6:0850 (Smith, P.) 4:0935-0940
- development of principles, voter equality (Henschel, C.) 4:1010-1025, 4:1040 (Holman) 4:1025 (Robinson) 4:1035-1040 (Sullivan) 4:1025
- development of principles, work of committee See Local Elections Expense Limits, Special Committee on
- disclosure See also reporting below under this subheading
- disclosure outside election period (Allen, J.) 7:1115-1120 (Colbert, H.) 7:1110 (Goldstein, N.) 4:0910 (Hunt) 7:1110 (King, J.) 7:1035 (Reimer, A.) 3:1520-1525, 3:1545 (Russow, J.) 6:0855-0900
- disclosure, running disclosure (Goldstein, N.) 4:0910 (Hunt) 4:0915 (Morris, K.) 7:0930
- donations See contributions above
- education and outreach, technical advisory committee (Brazier, H.) 1:1455
- elector organizations (Beuhler, S.) 3:1605 (Bohus, S.) 3:1420, 3:1430-1435 (Brazier, H.) 1:1450, 11:1430-1435 (Colbert, H.) 7:1105-1110 (Goldstein, N.) 4:0910-0915 (Heilman, J.) 7:1010 (Holman) 3:1435, 3:1455, 6:0945 (Hunt) 2:0950-0955, 2:1100, 3:1605, 7:0950 (King, J.) 7:1030, 7:1040 (Locke, B.) 7:0950 (Martin, T.) 3:1430 (Milne, B.) 6:0940-0945 (Reimer) 7:1010 (Reimer, A.) 3:1535 (Robinson) 2:0950, 3:1430, 3:1535, 6:0940, 7:0950-0955, 7:1040 (Smith, P.) 4:0940 (van Leeuwen, A.) 1:1505, 2:0910-0930, 2:0950 (Western, N.) 2:1045, 2:1055-1100
- elector organizations and nomination process (Hunt) 3:1535-1540 (Kwan) 3:1545 (Reimer, A.) 3:1535-1545 (Vdovine, S.) 3:1540
- electoral areas (Brazier, H.) 11:1415-1420 (Hunt) 11:1415
- expense limits (Beuhler, S.) 3:1600 (Brazier, H.) 11:1405, 11:1440 (Colbert, H.) 7:1115 (Goldstein, N.) 4:0905-0920 (Heilman, J.) 7:1005 (Henschel, C.) 4:1030-1035 (Holman) 3:1600, 4:0920-0925, 4:1000-1005, 4:1030 (Horn, M.) 6:0930 (Hunt) 4:0950, 4:1005 (Milne, B.) 6:0940-0945, 6:0955-1000 (Morris, K.) 7:0940 (Reimer) 4:0925-0930, 6:0900, 6:0925 (Reimer, A.) 3:1520, 3:1545-1550 (Rice, G.) 7:1015-1020 (Robinson) 4:0920, 7:0955 (Russow, J.) 6:0900 (Smith, P.) 4:0950, 4:1000 (van Leeuwen, A.) 1:1520
- federal model (Whistler, J.) 3:1335-1340, 3:1355
- formula approach (Brazier, H.) 11:1440-1445 (van Leeuwen, A.) 1:1510, 2:0920
- framework rules and core concepts (van Leeuwen, A.) 1:1520-1525, 2:0920
- gender and race issues (Kwan) 3:1500 (Woodsworth, E.) 3:1440-1500
- government expense limits model (Brazier, H.) 11:1410-1415 (Holman) 5:1005-1010 (Hunt) 1:1440, 1:1530, 5:1010 (Robinson) 5:1010 (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 1:1440 (van Leeuwen, A.) 1:1515-1525
- history (Brazier, H.) 1:1450
- inflation issues (Brazier, H.) 11:1445 (Holman) 11:1445
- information and disclosure, timelines See time periods for limits below under this subheading
- in-kind volunteers (Hunt) 4:0950 (Smith, P.) 4:0955
- in-kind volunteers, funds and services (King, J.) 7:1035
- jurisdiction limits (Holman) 2:1055 (Western, N.) 2:1045, 2:1055
- legislation See Local Elections Campaign Financing Act
- mixed system proposal (Bohus, S.) 3:1425-1430
- offences framework (Brazier, H.) 1:1455
- other jurisdictions (Brazier, H.) 1:1530 (Hunt) 7:1020 (Kwan) 1:1530 (Rice, G.) 7:1010, 7:1020-1025 (van Leeuwen, A.) 1:1530
- party system issues (Allen, J.) 7:1115-1130
- polling activities (Brazier, H.) 11:1410 (Hunt) 11:1410
- populations under and over 10,000 See urban and rural jurisdictions below
- pre-campaign limits See time periods for limits below under this subheading
- proportional representation (Beuhler, S.) 3:1600 (Knox, G.) 6:0835 (Martin, T.) 3:1430 (Milne, B.) 6:0940, 6:0950 (Reimer) 6:0950 (Woodsworth, E.) 3:1450-1455
- purpose (Brazier, H.) 1:1450 (van Leeuwen, A.) 1:1510
- rebate proposal (Beuhler, S.) 3:1555 (Whistler, J.) 3:1340-1345
- reforms (Reimer, A.) 3:1520-1530 (Vdovine, S.) 3:1520
- regulation (Brazier, H.) 1:1445-1500 (Henschel, C.) 4:1015 (Tegart) 2:1055
- reporting, format (King, J.) 7:1035
- reporting, online reporting (Whistler, J.) 3:1340
- self-financing by candidates (Henschel, C.) 4:1035 (Robinson) 4:1035 (van Leeuwen, A.) 1:1505-1510
- small and large communities See urban and rural jurisdictions below
- solemn declarations (Brazier, H.) 1:1455
- stakeholder consultation (Duerksen, D.) 2:1005 (Helten, R.) 3:1430 (Robinson) 2:0950 (Scowcroft, L.) 2:0940 (van Leeuwen, A.) 1:1515, 2:0915-0920, 2:0950
- task force recommendations See Local Government Elections Task Force
- third-party advertisers (Bernier) 2:0950 (Beuhler, S.) 3:1605 (Bohus, S.) 3:1425, 3:1435 (Brazier, H.) 1:1455, 11:1415-1420, 11:1445 (Chernen, N.) 3:1410 (Goldstein, N.) 4:0910, 4:0920-0935 (Holman) 3:1400, 3:1435, 4:0925, 4:1005, 6:0905-0910, 6:0945, 7:0955, 7:1035, 11:1415 (Horn, M.) 6:0910-0930 (Hunt) 2:0955, 3:1540, 6:0845, 6:0905, 6:0920-0925, 6:0950 (King, J.) 7:1030, 7:1040 (Locke, B.) 7:0945, 7:0955 (Martin, T.) 3:1435 (Milne, B.) 6:0935-0955 (Morris, K.) 7:0935 (Reimer) 4:0930, 6:0930, 7:0930, 7:1025 (Reimer, A.) 3:1540 (Rice, G.) 7:1025 (Robinson) 3:1430 (Russow, J.) 6:0905-0910 (Scowcroft, L.) 2:0930-0935 (Smith, P.) 4:1005 (van Leeuwen, A.) 1:1520, 2:0905, 2:0920 (Western, N.) 2:1045, 2:1055-1100 (Whistler, J.) 3:1400
- third-party advertisers and use of "sponsor" term (Brazier, H.) 11:1425 (Hunt) 11:1425
- time periods for limits (Bernier) 11:1410 (Brazier, H.) 1:1455, 1:1530, 11:1405-1410 (Holman) 11:1405 (Hunt) 1:1525-1530, 2:0910, 2:0950-0955 (Robinson) 1:1530 (Scowcroft, L.) 1:1525-1530 (van Leeuwen, A.) 2:0905-0910
- Toronto model (Beuhler, S.) 3:1555-1600 (Bohus, S.) 3:1420 (Reimer, A.) 3:1530, 3:1545 (Rice, G.) 7:1010
- transparency (Western, N.) 2:1045
- urban and rural jurisdictions (Bohus, S.) 3:1420 (Brazier, H.) 11:1410-1415, 11:1435-1445 (Henschel, C.) 4:1040 (Holman) 4:1000-1005, 11:1415-1420 (Hunt) 11:1415 (Milne, B.) 6:0940, 6:0950-1000 (Reimer) 6:0950 (Reimer, A.) 3:1535 (Rice, G.) 7:1020 (Robinson) 4:1035-1040, 6:0940, 11:1415 (Sullivan) 6:0955-1000
- Campaign period (Brazier, H.) 1:1455 (Colbert, H.) 7:1110 (Russow, J.) 6:0855 (Smith, P.) 4:0940
- Campaigns (Brazier, H.) 1:1445
- Candidates, campaign financing and expense limits See Campaign financing and expense limits above
- City clerks, role and conflict-of-interest issue (Locke, B.) 7:0940-0945
- Civic political parties See Elector organizations below under this main heading
- Contributions See Campaign financing and expense limits above
- Diversity of candidates See Participation below under this main heading
- Election proceedings period (Brazier, H.) 1:1455
- Elector organizations, campaign financing and expense limits See Campaign financing and expense limits above
- Elector organizations, role and trends (Holman) 2:1020 (van Leeuwen, A.) 2:0910-0920, 2:0945 (Western, N.) 2:1035
- Expense limits See Campaign financing and expense limits above
- Filing period (Brazier, H.) 1:1500
- Four-year election cycle (Allen, J.) 7:1130-1140
- Incumbent issues See Term limits and incumbent issues below under this main heading
- Legislation See also Local Elections Campaign Financing Act; Local Elections Statutes Amendment Act, 2014; Local Government Act
- Legislation, revision (King, J.) 7:1030-1035
- Media exposure (Henschel, C.) 4:1020
- Participation by First Nations people (Woodsworth, E.) 3:1455
- Participation by women (Robinson) 3:1455 (Woodsworth, E.) 3:1440-1450
- Public engagement See also Voter turnout below under this main heading
- Referenda (Hunt) 6:0905 (Russow, J.) 6:0900-0905
- Reforms (Helten, R.) 3:1425-1430
- Reforms and guiding principles (Brazier, H.) 1:1450
- Spending and spending limits See Campaign financing and expense limits above
- Task force See Local Government Elections Task Force
- Term limits and incumbent issues (Bohus, S.) 3:1420-1425 (Goldstein, N.) 4:0925-0930 (Heilman, J.) 7:1000-1005 (Helten, R.) 3:1425-1430 (Henschel, C.) 4:1020 (Hunt) 4:1015-1020 (Locke, B.) 7:0945 (Reimer) 4:0930 (Rice, G.) 7:1015 (Robinson) 7:1005
- Third-party advertisers See also Campaign financing and expense limits above
- Third-party advertisers, role (Scowcroft, L.) 2:0930
- Voter turnout (Chernen, N.) 3:1410 (Diano, E.) 7:1145 (Henschel, C.) 4:1025 (Smith, P.) 4:0940-0945 (Sullivan) 4:1025
- Ward systems (Beuhler, S.) 3:1555 (Kwan) 3:1435-1440, 3:1540 (Rice, G.) 7:1015-1025 (Woodsworth, E.) 3:1440, 3:1455
Local Government Elections Task Force
- Report recommendations and implementation (Brazier, H.) 1:1445-1450, 11:1405
- Report recommendations on expense limits (van Leeuwen, A.) 1:1510-1515
- Report recommendations on third-party advertisers (Gogolek, V.) 3:1505 (Scowcroft, L.) 2:0930
- Work of task force (Brazier, H.) 1:1440
- Work of task force and consultation (Robinson) 2:0950 (van Leeuwen, A.) 2:0915-0925, 2:0950
Locke, Brenda
- Presentation to committee 7:0940-0955
- As subject
- Local government elections
- campaign financing and expense limits
- city clerks, role and conflict-of-interest issue 7:0940-0945
- term limits and incumbent issues 7:0945
- Surrey, city government elections 7:0940-0955
- Surrey First, operations 7:0945-0950
Loveday, Sarah
- Conseil scolaire francophone
- school trustee elections, campaign financing and expense limits 2:1020
- Education Ministry
- Francophone school districts
- School districts
- trustee elections, campaign financing and expense limits 2:1015-1020
- trustee electoral areas, population data 2:1015
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