Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2014
Select Standing Committee on Health
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Call for less antipsychotics in residential care initiative See Use of antipsychotic drugs on dementia patients under Housing – Residential care facilities
Cancer See also British Columbia Cancer Agency
- Childhood cancer, treatment services for adult survivors and task force (Darcy) 5:1140 (Powell, W.) 5:1140
- Pediatric cancer See Childhood cancer above under this main heading
- Treatment services
Cardiac health
Cardiac Services B.C.
- Governance (Powell, W.) 5:1120
Children and youth
Children and youth – Early childhood development
- Healthy preschools and child care facilities, funding for intiatives (Conroy) 5:0940 (Paton, A.) 5:0940
Children and Youth, Select Standing Committee on
- Work on youth and mental health (Hammell) 7:0920 (Stilwell, Moira) 8:1420
Children's and Women's Health Centre of British Columbia See British Columbia Children's Hospital, Vancouver, B.C.; British Columbia Women's Hospital and Health Centre, Vancouver, B.C.; Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children, Vancouver, B.C.
Children's Health Centre See Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children, Vancouver, B.C.
Children's Hospital See British Columbia Children's Hospital, Vancouver, B.C.
Cleaning services See Infection control and cleaning services under Health – Health care facilities and hospitals
CLeAR initiative See Use of antipsychotic drugs on dementia patients, call for less antipsychotics in residential care initiative under Housing – Residential care facilities
Clinical care management initiative See Health – Health care system
Cochrane, Doug
- As subject
- position with B.C. Patient Safety and Quality Council (Hughes, D.) 5:1010
- Presentation to committee 5:1015-1110
- B.C. Patient Safety and Quality Council
- Health
- life expectancy
- healthy aging and "blue zones" 5:1015
- Health, health care facilities and hospitals
- infection control and cleaning services, handwashing and use of antimicrobials 5:1100
- surgical safety award recipients 5:1035
- Health, health care system
- clinical care management initiatives 5:1025, 5:1050, 5:1110
- diagnostic services
- medical errors, deaths 5:1045
- patient care quality review boards 5:1040, 5:1055
- patients
- quality of care
- reforms
- sepsis care, best practices to prevent sepsis 5:1100
- sepsis care, B.C. Sepsis Network and initiatives 5:1025-1030
- services for seniors, services for frail elderly 5:1015
- surgical services
- measurement and improvement, National Surgical Quality Improvement Program 5:1030-1040, 5:1050
- measurement and improvement, Surgical Quality Action Network 5:1030-1035
- perioperative improvement project 5:1030, 5:1040
- Housing, residential care facilities
- care standards
- adoption of best practices by facilities 5:1105
- staffing levels 5:1045
- use of antipsychotic drugs on dementia patients, call for less antipsychotics in residential care initiative 5:1020-1025, 5:1045
- Healthy communities
- PlanH partnership (Paton, A.) 5:0925
- role of health authorities (Paton, A.) 5:0925-0930
- role of local government (Paton, A.) 5:0915
- role of local government, funding for initiatives (Conroy) 5:0940 (Paton, A.) 5:0940
Community paramedicine See Services, integration with health care system under Paramedics
Conroy, Katrine (Kootenay West)
- As subject
- family experience with transplantation 5:1210
- B.C. Patient Safety and Quality Council
- work with health authorities and long-term care facilities 5:1035-1040
- B.C., rural B.C.
- emergency services and paramedic services 5:1210
- B.C. Seniors Living Association
- work on guidelines for care facilities 5:1105
- Children and youth, early childhood development
- healthy preschools and child care facilities, funding for intiatives 5:0940
- Communities
- healthy communities
- role of local government, funding for initiatives 5:0940
- Health Committee
- election of Deputy Chair 5:0905
- report and recommendations 7:0915
- submissions to committee
- work of committee, timeline 7:0925
- Health, health care funding
- Health, health care system
- PET scan services 5:1210
- quality of care
- quality academy internship program, participants 5:1045
- surgical services
- perioperative improvement project 5:1040
- Health, public health
- Housing, residential care facilities
- care standards
- adoption of best practices by facilities 5:1105
- staffing levels 5:1040
- use of antipsychotic drugs on dementia patients, call for less antipsychotics in residential care initiative 5:1040
- Kelowna
- health care services, PET scan services 5:1210
- Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital
- paramedic pilot project 5:1210
- Tobacco
- smoking cessation programs, QuitNow initiative and outcomes 5:0935
- Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc.
- Treasury Board
- correspondence to Health Committee, request re funding question 8:1420
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