Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2014
Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services
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Bacchus, Patti
- Presentation to committee on behalf of school district 39 (Vancouver) 37:0900-0920
- Education
- funding, impact on school district budgets and operations 37:0905-0920
- funding, impact on student outcomes 37:0915-0920
- graduation rate 37:0910-0920
- role in economy 37:0910
- school districts, budget process and surpluses 37:0915
- schools, building maintenance and seismic upgrades 37:0910
- special education and special needs 37:0910
- student-educator ratio 37:0910
- Finance and Government Services Committee
- Poverty, child poverty and poverty reduction strategy 37:0910-0915
- School district 39 (Vancouver)
- Statistics Canada, education funding data 37:0905-0915
Baker, Arthur
- Presentation to committee 33:0920-0935
- B.C. Liberal Party government, economic and tax policies 33:0920-0930
- B.C., northwest B.C.
- liquefied natural gas development
- Budgets, balanced budgets 33:0920-0925
- Krusel, Don, comments on Port of Prince Rupert 33:0925
- Oil and gas, liquefied natural gas development
- Pacific NorthWest LNG Ltd.
- Lelu Island liquefied natural gas plant proposal 33:0930
- Port Edward, worksite development 33:0930
- Port of Prince Rupert, land assessment and taxation 33:0925, 33:0935
- Prince Rupert
- city government, tax revenues 33:0925, 33:0935
- economic conditions and government services 33:0920-0935
- liquefied natural gas development in area
Barbosa, Patrick
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Vancouver Island University Students Union 44:1020-1030
- Post-secondary education, student financial assistance, interest on loans 44:1030
- Vancouver Island University
Barnett, Donna (Cariboo-Chilcotin)
- As subject
- attendance at Finance Committee hearing (Ashton) 42:0845
Barrable, Bill
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Rick Hansen Foundation 37:1125-1140
- Health care system, chronic disease management, model 37:1135
- Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, funding and role 37:1135
- Rick Hansen Foundation
- Spinal cord conditions and injuries
- Vancouver General Hospital, Blusson Spinal Cord Centre, funding, research activities and partnerships 37:1125-1140
Barrett, Andrew
- Work in performing arts and receipt of grant funding (Lindsay, H.) 32:1300
BCACDI See British Columbia Association of Child Development and Intervention
BCLDB See Liquor distribution branch under Justice, Ministry of
BCSPCA See British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
BCUC See British Columbia Utilities Commission
BCWI See British Columbia Wine Institute
Bealing, Rod
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Private Forest Landowners Association 44:0945-1000
- Forests and forest industry
- export of raw logs, logs from private lands, government policy 44:0955-1000
- private lands
- Private Forest Landowners Association, membership and role 44:0945
- Species at Risk Act (federal), provisions 44:0950, 44:1000
- Wildlife, species at risk, legislation and role of provincial government 44:0950, 44:1000
Bears See Wildlife
Beaupre, Jaimee
- Presentation to committee 39:1345
- As subject
- personal involvement in sport 39:1345
- Education, curriculum, physical education 39:1345
- Kootenay area, sports and recreation, programs and funding 39:1345
- Sports and recreation, physical literacy and fundamental movement skills 39:1345
- ViaSport B.C., funding 39:1345
Beers, Steve
- Television production work (Leitch, P.) 38:1325
Bell, Gregory
- Presentation to committee 32:1745-1755
- As subject
- B.C. Women's Hospital and Health Centre, complex chronic diseases program 32:1755
- IGeneX Inc., Lyme disease testing 32:1750-1755
- Lyme disease
- Medical Services Plan, coverage of antibiotics for Lyme disease 32:1755
- Physicians
Bella Coola, B.C.
- Tourism industry and ferry terminal upgrade proposal (Rykes, P.) 42:0955-1000
Belleville ferry terminal See Victoria, B.C.
Bennett, Tim
- Presentation to committee on behalf of school district 57 (Prince George) 36:1650-1705
- B.C., northern and rural B.C.
- Education
- School district 57 (Prince George)
- Teachers, supply and retention 36:1650, 36:1700-1705
- University of Northern B.C. education department, relationship with school districts 36:1700-1705
Berg, Pamela
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Rick Hansen Foundation 37:1140
- Spinal cord conditions and injuries
Bettauer, Robert
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence 32:1620-1630
- As subject
- Athletics Canada, training hub in B.C. 32:1625
- Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence
- SportHost Victoria, role 32:1625
- Sports and recreation
- ViaSport B.C., role 32:1625
Bioenergy See Energy
Blood and bone marrow
- Screening of donations for tick-borne diseases (Parkinson, T.) 32:1525
Blueprint: Re-engineering Education and Training plan See Government skills and training plan under Skills training
Bodnar, Faith
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Inclusion B.C. 37:1345-1355
- Disabled and handicapped persons, community living services
- persons 19 and older, transition from children's services 37:1355
- wait-lists for services 37:1355
- Education
- funding for special education and special needs 37:1345-1350
- special education and special needs
- Inclusion B.C., work of organization 37:1345
Bokor, Tanner
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Alma Mater Society of UBC Vancouver 32:1730-1745
- Alma Mater Society of the University of B.C. Vancouver
- Gupta, Arvind, comments on post-secondary education 32:1735
- Post-secondary education
- accessibility and affordability 32:1735-1740
- benefits, personal and societal benefits 32:1730
- role in economy 32:1730
- role of arts, humanities and social sciences 32:1735
- student financial assistance 32:1735
- student financial assistance, grant programs 32:1735-1740
- tuition fees 32:1735
- universities, colleges and institutes, utilization levels 32:1740
- Post-secondary education, funding 32:1735-1740
- funding for research activities 32:1735
- South Coast B.C. Transportation Authority
- Transit services, benefits and role in economy 32:1735-1740
- University of B.C., role in economy 32:1730
Bomben, Corinne
- Presentation to committee on behalf of city of Prince Rupert 33:0850-0905
- B.C., northwest B.C., liquefied natural gas development, infrastructure needs and impact on communities 33:0850-0905
- Government, local government, infrastructure funding, federal funding 33:0905
- Oil and gas, liquefied natural gas development
- Ports, property tax cap, impact on local government 33:0850
- Prince Rupert
- Prince Rupert Airport, ferry service and infrastructure needs 33:0855
Bone marrow See Blood and bone marrow
Boomer, Carolynn
- Presentation to committee on behalf of PacificSport Interior B.C. 41:1835-1850
- Education, curriculum, physical education 41:1845-1850
- Health, public health, healthy lifestyle and physical fitness in children and youth 41:1845
- PacificSport Interior B.C.
- Sports and recreation
- athletes, performance 41:1845
- children's sports, physical literacy mentorship program 41:1840-1850
- coaches and coaching, regional coaching program 41:1840
- government funding and support 41:1845
Boor, Susanne
- Presentation to committee on behalf of North West Watch 34:1725-1730
- Environmental protection and monitoring, funding 34:1730
- Fish, salmon, protection 34:1725
- Fishing industry, recreational fishing 34:1725
Booth, William
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Downtown Eastside Adult Literacy Roundtable 37:1535-1550
- Downtown Eastside Adult Literacy Roundtable, activities and role 37:1535-1545
- Literacy
- Vancouver, Downtown Eastside, literacy programs 37:1535-1550
Botterell, Rob
- Presentation to committee 44:1125-1140
- As subject
- B.C. Utilities Commission, role re Site C power project 44:1130-1140
- Energy, clean energy development 44:1125
- Finance and Government Services Committee, work of committee 44:1125
- KPMG, research on Site C power project 44:1130
- Peace River area, Site C power project
- comparison to distributed clean energy projects, report 44:1135
- research and public information 44:1125-1140
- Public debt level and debt reduction 44:1125-1135
Bottles, Nicole
Bowman, John
- Presentation to committee on behalf of North Island College 44:0845-0905
- North Island College
- Post-secondary education
- Post-secondary education, funding
- capital funding for maintenance and rehabilitation, deferred maintenance 44:0900
- funding for colleges 44:0850-0905
- Skills training, government skills and training plan 44:0850
Boyd, Anne
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Campbell River Literacy Now 43:1610-1615
- Campbell River
- English language learning programs 43:1615
- literacy organizations 43:1615
- literacy programs, after-school program in social housing 43:1610
- Education, English language learning programs 43:1615
- Literacy programs and services, community-based programs 43:1615
- School district 72 (Campbell River), literacy programs 43:1615
Boyd, Doug
- Presentation to committee on behalf of school district 60 (Peace River North) 35:0940-0950
- B.C., northern B.C., skills training, Northern Opportunities program 35:0945
- Education
- Finance and Government Services Committee recommendations 35:0945
- School district 60 (Peace River North)
Brain health
Brisdon, Merina
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Victoria Lyme Disease Awareness and Support Group 32:1650-1700
- As subject
- B.C. Women's Hospital and Health Centre, complex chronic diseases program 32:1655-1700
- Infectious Disease Society of America, guidelines on Lyme disease treatment 32:1650
- Lyme disease
- Provincial Health Services Authority, report on Lyme disease and recommendations 32:1700
- Victoria Lyme Disease Awareness and Support Group, work of organization 32:1650-1700
British Columbia
- B.C., role as gateway to Asia Pacific See Asia-Pacific gateway
- Central coast
- tourism and ferry services (Rykes, P.) 42:0955-1005
- tourism and transportation infrastructure (Thacker, A.) 42:1040-1050
- Interior B.C.
- attraction of new residents (Yap) 36:1625
- North coast
- literacy programs and services (James) 33:0840-0845 (Wilson, E.) 33:0840-0850
- marine use planning (Nobels, D.) 33:1000-1005
- resource development in area See Northwest B.C. below under this main heading
- Northeast B.C.
- animal cruelty investigations (Kalb, R.) 35:1020
- housing facilities for workers See worker camps below under this subheading
- oil and gas industry and community infrastructure needs (Bumstead, D.) 35:0955-1010 (Griffith, C.) 35:1010 (Holman) 35:1010 (Hunter, D.) 35:0850-0855 (Morris) 35:1010 (Stewart, B.) 35:0840-0845
- oil and gas industry revenue-sharing agreements (Bumstead, D.) 35:1000-1010 (Griffith, C.) 35:1005 (Holman) 35:1005
- physician supply (Isenbecker, L.) 35:0920-0935 (Stewart, B.) 35:0845
- resource revenues (Soule, T.) 35:0925-0930
- teacher supply (Gibson) 35:1115 (James) 35:1105 (Morris) 35:1110 (Tremain, M.) 35:1100-1115 (Wiebe, M.) 35:1055-1115
- worker camps (Hunter, D.) 35:0850-0900 (Stewart, B.) 35:0855 (Yap) 35:0855-0900
- Northern and rural B.C. See also Rural B.C. below under this main heading
- Northern B.C. See also Northeast B.C. above under this main heading; Northwest B.C. below under this main heading
- economic growth and need for infrastructure investment (Veldman, K.) 33:0910-0915
- education and skills training (Koehler, A.) 36:1940
- infrastructure needs (Thompson, J.) 35:0945
- northern trade and transportation corridor (Veldman, K.) 33:0910
- resource industries and exports (Oland, H.) 36:1915
- school enrolment and capital funding (Thompson, J.) 35:0955
- skills training, Northern Opportunities program (Boyd, D.) 35:0945 (Graff, A.) 35:1040
- telecommunications and information technology infrastructure (Hamilton) 36:1925 (Oland, H.) 36:1920-1925
- Northwest B.C.
- liquefied natural gas development
- resource development
- worker supply and skills training (Morris) 33:0845 (Wilson, E.) 33:0845
- Rural B.C.
- Southwest B.C.
- grizzly bear populations and recovery (Mikes, J.) 38:1335-1345
British Columbia Aboriginal Mine Training Association See Aboriginal Mentoring and Training Association
British Columbia Arts Council
British Columbia Association for Community Living See Inclusion British Columbia
British Columbia Association of Child Development and Intervention See also Gordon, Jason
- Presentation to committee 40:1120-1130
- Member agencies and role (Gordon, J.) 40:1120
- Recommendation on government budget (Gordon, J.) 40:1125
B.C. Bioenergy Network Association See also Plant, Marnie; Weedon, Michael
British Columbia Cancer Agency
British Columbia Chamber of Commerce
B.C. Check-Up report See Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia
B.C. Colleges
British Columbia Construction Association See also McLachlan, Manley
British Columbia Ferry Services Inc. See also Ferries and ferry services
- Analysis of ferry operations costs (Ryll, J.) 42:0850
- Budget and funding (Carter, B.) 32:1440
- Socioeconomic Impact Analysis of BC Ferries report See Service reductions and changes, impact on economy, UBCM report under Ferries and ferry services
B.C. Film and Media See Creative B.C.
B.C. Film Commission See Creative B.C.
British Columbia Fruit Growers Association See also Lucas, Glen; Steele, Fred
- Presentation to committee 40:1100-1115
- Membership and role (Lucas, G.) 40:1100
- Recommendations on government budget (Steele, F.) 40:1105
- Work with other jurisdictions (Steele, F.) 40:1110
B.C. Games
British Columbia HR Task Force: Exploration, Mining, Stone, Sand and Gravel
- Funding and role (Wonders, G.) 42:0910
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
- Rates See Electricity rates under Energy
British Columbia Indian Arts and Crafts Society
B.C. knowledge development fund See Research infrastructure under Research and development
British Columbia Liberal Party – Government
- Policies, economic and tax policies (Baker, A.) 33:0920-0930
British Columbia Lung Association See also McDonald, Scott
British Columbia Medical Association
British Columbia Rail
British Columbia Salmon Farmers Association See also Dunn, Jeremy
British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals See also Daniell, Craig
- Presentation to committee 40:1000-1015
- Cruelty investigation branch, funding (Cowan, B.) 41:1955-2005 (Shin) 41:2000-2005
- Facilities and capital funding proposal (Daniell, C.) 40:1005-1015 (Holman) 40:1015, 41:2005 (James) 40:1015
- Mandate (Daniell, C.) 40:1010 (Gibson) 40:1010
- Programs and services, expansion (Daniell, C.) 40:1005-1010
- Survey results (Daniell, C.) 40:1010
- Work of organization and funding (Cowan, B.) 41:1950-2000 (Daniell, C.) 40:1000-1010 (Heyman) 40:1010 (James) 35:1025, 40:1015 (Kalb, R.) 35:1015-1020
British Columbia Summer Games
- Hosting by Nanaimo (Cooper, D.) 44:0930
British Columbia Technology Industry Association See also Tam, Bill
British Columbia Tree Fruits See also Austin, Rick; Daley, Michael
British Columbia Utilities Commission
British Columbia Wine Institute
British Columbia Women's Hospital and Health Centre, Vancouver, B.C.
B.C.'s Skills for Jobs Blueprint: Re-engineering Education and Training See Government skills and training plan under Skills training
Broadway corridor transit services See South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority (TransLink)
- 2014-15 budget
- 2015-16 budget
- Balanced budgets (Baker, A.) 33:0920-0925 (Carruthers, B.) 42:1035 (Carter, B.) 32:1440 (Heighton, J.) 41:2005 (Heyman) 42:0900 (Lucas, G.) 40:1105 (Ryll, J.) 42:0900 (Steele, F.) 40:1105 (Truscott, R.) 38:1355
- Budget process (Luciow, T.) 33:0945-0950 (Wilson, E.) 33:0835-0840
- Budget process and forecasting (de Jong) 32:1235-1240, 32:1250
- Contingency funding (de Jong) 32:1225, 32:1250 (Heyman) 32:1245
- Fiscal strategy (Ainsley, D.) 32:1315
- Vote appropriations (de Jong) 32:1250
Bumstead, Dale
- Presentation to committee on behalf of NEBC Resource Municipalities Coalition 35:0955-1010
- B.C., northeast B.C.
- oil and gas industry and community infrastructure needs 35:0955-1010
- oil and gas industry revenue-sharing agreements 35:1000-1010
- Oil and gas
- Resources and resource industries, resource-based communities 35:1010
Buses and bus service See School bus service under Education – Schools
- Business climate (Philp, S.) 32:1455-1500
- Communications, plain language (Mack, B.) 42:0835
- Government action on issues (James) 41:1740
- Public-private partnerships (Muzin, F.) 44:1030
- Startup companies, government support (Heyman) 37:1425, 37:1630 (Malone, P.) 37:1420-1430 (Tam, B.) 37:1625-1635 (Yap) 37:1630
- Taxation, municipal business taxation (Gower, A.) 44:0905-0910 (Hoffman, T.) 42:1025 (Holman) 32:1505 (Philp, S.) 32:1500-1505
- Training programs (James) 37:1050 (Wilson, G.) 37:1050
- Venture capital
Business Council of British Columbia
- Report on tax competitiveness (Hoffman, T.) 42:1025
Business – Small business
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