Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2013
Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth
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- Family violence See Domestic violence under Violence
- Low-income families See Income
- Tax credits for families with children, early childhood tax benefit (Mjolsness, R.) 5:0935
Family Law Act
- Provisions on protection orders (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 3:0925
FASD See Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Finance and Government Services, Select Standing Committee on
- Review of Representative for Children and Youth budget (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:0920
- Review of statutory officers (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 1:1215
First Call B.C. Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition
- Report on child poverty See Child poverty, report under Poverty
First Nations
- Child deaths and critical injuries (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1135
- Child protection system
- effectiveness (Sieben, M.) 5:1005-1010
- federal funding for prevention work (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1155
- First Nations leadership in system (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1200
- government funding, policies and framework (Donaldson) 4:1300-1315 (James) 4:1240-1250, 5:1050 (Karagianis) 4:1235 (Plecas) 4:1250-1300 (Sieben, M.) 5:0925, 5:1005, 5:1100, 5:1115 (Stilwell, Moira) 4:1320-1325 (Thomas-Wightman, D.) 5:0925, 5:1120 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1110-1200, 4:1155-1200, 4:1235-1300, 4:1310-1335
- history (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1120
- system (Rice) 4:1020 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1010, 4:1020, 4:1055
- system and self-government (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1155-1200
- system in other jurisdictions (Thornthwaite) 4:1330 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1330-1335
- Children
- adoption of children (Sieben, M.) 5:1005 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1135, 4:1145 (Wright, M.) 5:1005
- child welfare system See Child protection system above under this main heading
- children in government care See Children in government care below under this main heading
- government policies and framework (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 2:1255, 2:1335
- issues and root causes (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 2:1255
- safe sleeping arrangements and access to cribs (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1135
- Children in government care
- children in government care (Donaldson) 3:1105 (Plecas) 2:1250-1255 (Thomas-Wightman, D.) 3:1120 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 2:1225
- cultural support (Donaldson) 4:1305 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1310
- interprovincial child transfers (Donaldson) 4:1005 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1000-1010
- placements, aboriginal placement (Donaldson) 2:1330
- placements and cultural policies See Children in government care under Children
- plans of care and cultural plans (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 3:1310-1320
- report on child transfer case See Reports, report on case of First Nations child transferred to Saskatchewan under Representative for Children and Youth
- Delegated aboriginal agencies
- agencies (Donaldson) 2:1330, 3:1335 (James) 5:1050, 5:1300 (Sieben, M.) 5:0915, 5:0925 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 2:1330-1335, 3:1335-1340, 3:1350, 4:1135-1155, 4:1330
- capacity and staff qualifications (Karagianis) 4:1235 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1145
- government support and partnership forum (Thomas-Wightman, D.) 5:1120
- practice standards (James) 4:1245 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1245-1250
- practice standards and supports (Thomas-Wightman, D.) 5:1235, 5:1300
- quality assurance (Stilwell, Moira) 4:1325 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1325-1330
- regional aboriginal authorities See Programs and services for children and families below under this main heading
- reporting (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1150, 4:1200
- staff qualifications (Thomas-Wightman, D.) 5:1235-1240 (Thornthwaite) 5:1235
- staff qualifications and training (Sieben, M.) 5:0950
- Friendship centres, role (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1150
- Programs and services for children and families
- 2009 federal-provincial report (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1115
- cultural training for service providers (Thomas-Wightman, D.) 5:1120
- delegated agencies See Delegated aboriginal agencies above under this main heading
- government priorities (Sieben, M.) 5:1020-1025
- improvements (Sieben, M.) 5:0920-0925
- Indigenous Approaches initiative See nation-to-nation process below under this subheading
- Lean initiative activities (Donaldson) 5:1105 (Sieben, M.) 5:1120
- nation-to-nation process (Karagianis) 4:1235, 5:1015 (Thomas-Wightman, D.) 5:1120 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1110-1115, 4:1125-1130, 4:1150-1155, 4:1235, 4:1255, 4:1325-1330
- programs and services (Thornthwaite) 2:1335 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 2:1255, 2:1335
- regional aboriginal authorities (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1110-1115, 4:1125, 4:1150, 4:1325
- report See Reports, report on programs and services for First Nations children and families under Representative for Children and Youth
- unmet service needs (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1135-1140
- Transformative change initiative (Karagianis) 5:1015
- Women
- Youth (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 2:1255
First Nations – Treaties
- Negotiations (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1120
Foster care
- Adoption of foster children See Adoption
- Criminal-record checks and home assessments (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 4:1000
- Support networks for foster parents (James) 5:1045 (Sieben, M.) 5:0925, 5:1055-1100
- System, requirements and support for foster parents (Thornthwaite) 2:1410 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 2:1410-1415
- Training for foster parents (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 2:1405, 2:1415
Foster, Leslie T., and Brian Wharf
- People, Politics and Child Welfare in British Columbia (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 1:1225 (Thornthwaite) 1:1225
Friendship centres See First Nations
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