First Session, 42nd Parliament – 2020-21
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
bills, estimates, question periods; parliamentary business
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; cl. - clause; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
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Finance Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 3)
- (Minister of Finance) 1R, 3B:1015-1020; 2R, 5B:1445-1850, 6B:1105-1150, 7B:1330-1750; 9B:1430-1710, 9B:1815-1825; C, 10B:1100-1150, 11B:1335-1820, 12B:1430-1540; 3R, 12B:1540, 12B:1845-1850; RA, 14B:1505
- Divisions: 2R approved 9B:1825; cl. 1 approved 11B:1820; 3R approved 12B:1850
- Debate, speakers (Ashton) 7B:1720-1745 (Banman) 7B:1650-1720 (Bernier) 5B:1450-1600, 10B:1100-1150, 11B:1335-1340, 11B:1610-1745, 12B:1430-1535 (Bond) 9B:1635-1705 (Cadieux) 9B:1550-1605 (Davies) 7B:1625-1650 (de Jong) 5B:1710-1740, 11B:1345-1545 (Doerkson) 9B:1445-1500 (Furstenau) 5B:1600-1615, 11B:1550-1610, 12B:1515, 12B:1540 (Halford) 9B:1505, 9B:1535-1550 (Kirkpatrick) 7B:1745-1750, 9B:1430-1445 (Kyllo) 7B:1350-1420 (Lee) 5B:1740-1810 (Merrifield) 7B:1530-1555 (Milobar) 9B:1605-1635 (Morris) 6B:1120-1145 (Olsen) 7B:1450-1500 (Robinson) 3B:1015, 5B:1445-1450, 9B:1705-1710, 10B:1100-1150, 11B:1335-1750, 12B:1430-1540 (Ross) 5B:1835-1850, 6B:1105-1115 (Rustad) 5B:1645-1710 (Shypitka) 9B:1510-1535 (Stewart) 7B:1555-1625 (Stone) 5B:1615-1645 (Sturdy) 6B:1150, 7B:1330-1350 (Tegart) 7B:1420-1450 (Wat) 5B:1810-1835 (Wilkinson) 7B:1500-1530
Finance Statutes Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 8)
- (Minister of Finance) 1R, 17B:1005-1010; 2R, 19B:1630-1745; C, 25B:1510-1625; 3R, 25B:1625; RA, 42B:1600
- Debate, speakers (Bernier) 19B:1635-1640, 25B:1510-1625 (Brar) 19B:1740-1745 (Coulter) 19B:1650-1700 (Elmore) 19B:1700-1720 (Furstenau) 19B:1725-1735 (Mercier) 19B:1720-1725 (Milobar) 19B:1735-1740 (Robinson) 17B:1005-1010, 19B:1630-1635, 19B:1745, 25B:1510-1625 (Sims) 19B:1640-1650
Firearm Violence Prevention Act (Bill 4)
- (Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General) 1R, 19B:1335; 2R, 21B:1445-1730; C, 26B:1450-1800, 34B:1055-1115; reporting of bill, 34B:1115; 3R, 37B:1645; RA, 42B:1600
- Amdts: cl. 69 (Farnworth) 26B:1745, approved 26B:1755; cl. 5 (Farnworth) 34B:1055, approved 34B:1110; cl. 10, 62, 65, 80, 86, 94, 95, 101 (Farnworth) 34B:1110-1115, approved 34B:1110-1115
- Debate, speakers (Alexis) 21B:1710-1720 (Chant) 21B:1550-1605 (Coulter) 21B:1700-1710 (Cullen) 21B:1635 (Dean) 21B:1645-1700 (Elmore) 21B:1610-1635 (Farnworth) 19B:1335, 21B:1445-1450, 21B:1720-1730, 26B:1450-1800, 34B:1055-1100, 34B:1110-1115 (Halford) 21B:1635-1645 (Milobar) 26B:1610-1620 (Morris) 21B:1450-1455, 26B:1450-1455, 26B:1635-1755, 34B:1110 (Olsen) 26B:1500-1605, 34B:1100-1105 (Ross) 21B:1525-1545, 26B:1620-1630 (Sims) 21B:1455-1525 (Stewart) 21B:1605-1610
First speeches by members
- Alexis, Pam (Abbotsford-Mission) 16B:1510-1525
- Anderson, Brittny (Nelson-Creston) 16B:1640-1720
- Banman, Bruce (Abbotsford South) 4B:1510-1530
- Chant, Susie (North Vancouver–Seymour) 4B:1530-1545
- Coulter, Dan (Chilliwack) 16B:1525-1540
- Cullen, Hon. Nathan (Stikine) 19B:1745-1815
- Doerkson, Lorne (Cariboo-Chilcotin) 4B:1615-1625
- Donnelly, Fin (Coquitlam–Burke Mountain) 19B:1340-1345
- Dykeman, Megan (Langley East) 4B:1710-1715
- Greene, Kelly (Richmond-Steveston) 19B:1815-1845
- Halford, Trevor (Surrey–White Rock) 4B:1625-1645
- Kirkpatrick, Karin (West Vancouver–Capilano) 4B:1545-1600
- Mercier, Andrew (Langley) 16B:1500-1510
- Merrifield, Renee (Kelowna-Mission) 4B:1435-1455
- Osborne, Hon. Josie (Mid Island-Pacific Rim) 16B:1735-1800
- Paddon, Kelli (Chilliwack-Kent) 4B:1810-1820
- Rankin, Hon. Murray (Oak Bay-Gordon Head) 16B:1800-1815
- Russell, Roly (Boundary-Similkameen) 4B:1715-1730
- Sandhu, Harwinder (Vernon-Monashee) 16B:1440-1500
- Sharma, Niki (Vancouver-Hastings) 4B:1455-1510
- Starchuk, Mike (Surrey-Cloverdale) 4B:1645-1655
- Whiteside, Hon. Jennifer (New Westminster) 4B:1730-1745
- Yao, Henry (Richmond South Centre) 16B:1625-1640
Food and Beverage Delivery Fees Cap Act (Bill M202)
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