Fifth Session, 41st Parliament – 2020
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
speeches by Members; topics debated
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; sec. - section; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
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Gibson, Simon (Abbotsford-Mission)
- As subject
- Auguston Traditional Elementary School, expansion project 325A:1600
- Education Ministry, estimates debate 325A:1555-1605
- Fraser Valley
- Highway 1 (Trans-Canada Highway), Fraser Valley section, improvement projects 5CSC:1105-1115
- Kandal, Dave, accomplishments and legacy 356B:1340-1345
- Local government, use of development cost charges for highway interchange funding 5CSC:1110
- Mental Health and Addictions Ministry, estimates debate 10CSC:1800-1815
- Mission, transportation infrastructure, highway interchange and Murray Street overpass 5CSC:1115
- School district 34 (Abbotsford)
- Schools, capital projects and seismic upgrades 325A:1555-1600
- Statements by members
- Substance use and addiction
- Transportation and Infrastructure Ministry, estimates debate 5CSC:1105-1115
Glumac, Rick (Port Moody–Coquitlam)
- As subject
- B.C. Hydro, energy purchase agreements with independent power producers
- B.C. Liberal Party
- Budget debate 316B:1635-1655
- Budgets
- Burrard Thermal power station
- Child care, government plan, funding 316B:1645
- Children and youth, child opportunity benefit 316B:1645
- CleanBC plan 319B:1015
- Climate change
- Consumers, cost of living, government action 312B:1045-1100
- COVID-19, economic recovery plan 337B:1125-1130
- Crime and criminals, money laundering, government response 316B:1635
- Discrimination and racism, awareness and prevention 348B:1345
- Economy
- Education, capital funding 316B:1650
- Elections, campaign financing regulation 316B:1635
- Employer health tax 312B:1050
- Energy, clean energy development 319B:1000-1005, 319B:1015
- Families, government support and taxation levels 316B:1650-1655
- Health care facilities and hospitals, capital investment and projects 316B:1645-1650
- High-technology industry
- Horgan, John, visit to Burrard Thermal facility 319B:1000
- Housing, affordable housing, government plan and initiatives 316B:1640-1645
- Insurance Corporation of B.C., financial status and management 316B:1645
- Introductions by members 323B:1340, 338B:1335
- Kindness, importance 304B:1355
- Lower Mainland, housing, affordability and market 316B:1640
- Medical Services Plan, elimination of premiums 312B:1045-1100
- Motions
- Politics and politicians, money and politics 316B:1635
- Post-secondary education, financial assistance, access grant 316B:1645
- Private members' statements
- Real Acts of Caring Week, purpose and support 304B:1355
- Real estate industry, housing market, conditions and role of government 316B:1635-1640
- Science and technology
- Social welfare
- Speculation and vacancy tax 316B:1640
- Statements by members
- Real Acts of Caring Week and importance of kindness 304B:1355
- Tri-Cities Local Immigration Partnership and racism awareness 348B:1345
- Taxation
- Tri-Cities area, economic development 319B:1005
- Tri-Cities Local Immigration Partnership, racism awareness activities 348B:1345
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