Third Session, 41st Parliament – 2018
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
bills, estimates, question periods; parliamentary business
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; sec. - section; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
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Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
- (Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy) 1R, 129B:1400-1405; 2R, 138B:1420-1550, 138B:1600-1625; C, 141B:1350-1500; 3R, 141B:1500; RA, 148B:1715
- Divisions: motion that bill be placed on orders of the day for committal at next sitting after today approved 138B:1625
- Debate, speakers (Chandra Herbert) 138B:1440-1450 (Furstenau) 138B:1600-1610 (Heyman) 129B:1400-1405, 138B:1420-1425, 138B:1610-1615, 141B:1355-1500 (Milobar) 138B:1425-1440, 141B:1350-1455 (Olsen) 138B:1540-1550 (Weaver) 138B:1450-1535
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