Province of British Columbia
Third Session, 40th Parliament – 2014
INDEX (Business entries)
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
Index contains information on legislative procedure and parliamentary business items
arising during House debate, including individual bills and estimates.
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Canadian Pacific Railway (Stone and Timber) Settlement Act
- (Bill 3) (Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations) 1R, 4651; 2R, 4756-65, 4767-72; C, 4894-906, 4934-47; 3R, 4947; RA, 5647
- Debate, speakers (Bains) 4756-60, 4934-47 (Coleman) 4651 (Holman) 4902 (Huntington) 4895, 4902 (Krog) 4761-5, 4767-9, 4895-7, 4899-901, 4903-5, 4935 (Macdonald) 4760-1 (Routley, B.) 4769-72, 4894-5, 4897-9 (Thomson) 4756, 4772, 4894-906, 4935-47
Container Trucking Act
- (Bill 5) (Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure) 1R, 4862; 2R, 5047-62; C, 5334-58, 5366-73, 5375-87; 3R, 5387; RA, 5647
- Amdts: sec. 44 (Stone) 5386, approved 5386
- Debate, speakers (Bains) 5058-9, 5337-8, 5341-3, 5345-9, 5352-4, 5356-7, 5372-3, 5375-80, 5382-4 (Fassbender) 5051-3 (Huntington) 5056-7, 5347, 5350-2, 5354-6 (Kwan) 5060-1 (Ralston) 5059-60 (Simpson) 5053-5, 5348-9 (Stone) 4862, 5047-8, 5061-2, 5334-58, 5367-73, 5376-87 (Tegart) 5058 (Trevena) 5048-51, 5334-7, 5339-41, 5343-5, 5347, 5350-1, 5353-4, 5356-8, 5367-72, 5378-82, 5384-7 (Virk) 5055-6
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