Province of British Columbia
Second Session, 40th Parliament – 2014
INDEX (Member entries)
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
File updated regularly as the session progresses.
Index contains information on subjects MLAs spoke on during House debate.
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Virk, Hon. Amrik (Surrey-Tynehead)
- As subject
- accomplishments as RCMP officer (Morris) 2015-6
- death of father (Clark) 1197
- experience as first-generation immigrant 4036-7
- family thanked 1470
- handling of executive compensation at Kwantlen University (Dix) 1871, 2571, 2759 (Eby) 1870, 2570-1, 2758
- meetings with post-secondary education students 1855
- response to requests for meetings (Eby) 3080
- visits to and consultation with post-secondary institutions 1395, 1471, 1473, 1796, 1844, 3080 (Eby) 1395, 1460-1, 1844
- Accountants, unified professional designation and legislation 3168-9
- Advanced Education Ministry
- Auditor General, report on post-secondary governance 1913
- Aviation training programs and standards 1797
- Budget debate 1470-3
- Budgets, 2014-15 budget 1470-1
- Camosun College
- capital funding for maintenance 1922
- English language learning program 1845
- reporting requirements 1922
- trades training facility 1924, 2472
- Capilano University, funding and programs 1848
- Chartered Professional Accountants of B.C., establishment and merger of former associations 3168
- Clayoquot Sound area, education hub initiative 1923
- College of the Rockies, haul truck operator program 1473
- Deetken Enterprises Inc., contract with government 1854, 1862
- Discrimination and racism
- B.C. government apology for treatment of Chinese Canadians 4036-7
- B.C. rejection of South Asians aboard Komagata Maru, 100th anniversary and day of remembrance 4316
- ethnic and racial discrimination, past discriminatory practices by government 4037
- Documents tabled
- Kwantlen Polytechnic University, executive compensation, letter appointing assistant deputy minister to investigation 2340
- Education
- adult basic education 1944
- dual credit programs 1862-3, 1924
- superintendent of graduation and student transition 1863
- Emily Carr University of Art and Design, new campus project 1472
- Employment and unemployment, government job strategy
- international education component 1858
- support for B.C. workers 1796, 1851-2
- Government
- accountability and transparency 1871
- advertising and announcements, advertising on post-secondary education 1844, 1856
- Immigration
- foreign and immigrant workers, language skills 1852
- foreign and immigrant workers, language skills and labour market success 1918-20
- immigrants to B.C. 4036-7
- Industry Training Authority, wait-list data 1849
- Justice system, government non-interference 2336
- Kwantlen Polytechnic University
- English language learning program 1847
- executive compensation and contracts
- contracts with president 2759
- court case involving former employee 2336
- e-mail correspondence 2618
- investigation by assistant deputy minister 2336, 2490-1, 2570-1, 2617-9, 2758-9, 2926
- investigation by assistant deputy minister and letter of appointment, tabled 2340
- investigation by assistant deputy minister and report 3299
- investigation by Auditor General 3017
- reporting 1870, 2618
- proposed school for traditional Chinese medicine 1471, 1859-60
- LNG development 1473, 1852
- Lower Mainland, South Fraser communities, post-secondary education access 1850, 1861-2
- Ministerial statements
- 100th anniversary of Komagata Maru incident 4316
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2014, debate 3168-9
- Motions
- Apology for past discriminatory practices against Chinese Canadians 4036-7
- Native Education College, funding 1853, 1945
- Northwest Community College
- adult basic education 1945
- core review 1945
- funding and legal fees 1943-4
- School of Exploration and Mining, funding 1851, 1862
- Oral questions (response)
- Advanced Education Minister response to requests for meetings 3080
- Auditor General review of Kwantlen University 3017
- Budget provisions for education and skills training 1395
- Call for independent investigation into executive compensation at Kwantlen University 2617-9, 2759
- Eminata Group and University Canada West operations 4195-7
- Funding for school of traditional Chinese medicine at Kwantlen Polytechnic University 2206
- Investigation into executive compensation at Kwantlen University 2336, 2570-1, 2758-9
- Post-secondary education funding and government support for students 2700
- Public release of executive contract at Kwantlen University 2926
- Release of report on investigation into executive compensation at Kwantlen University 3299
- Reporting of executive compensation at Kwantlen University 1870-1, 2490-1, 3299
- Post-secondary education
- accessibility and affordability 1796
- alignment with labour market needs 1471-3, 1796, 1852, 1924
- education of First Nations people 1473, 1796, 1853
- education of First Nations people, aboriginal policy framework and student achievement 1854, 1945-6
- English language learning program, tracking of student outcomes 1917
- English Language Services for Adults 1919
- enrolment levels and FTE requirements 1921
- government initiatives 1863, 1924
- government investment and support 1796, 1863
- international education, expansion and capacity in system 1858, 1923
- international students, government strategy 1473
- issues, government response 3080
- student financial assistance
- student spaces 1472
- system 1471, 1796, 1870-1
- textbook supply, online textbook program 1472, 1796
- tuition fees 1472, 1796, 1856, 2700
- Post-secondary education funding 1395, 1472, 1799-800, 1843, 1848, 2700
- capital funding for maintenance and rehabilitation, deferred maintenance 1915, 1922
- funding for aboriginal education 1473
- funding for English language learning program 1844-7, 1849, 1852, 1915-20
- funding for First Nations education 1853, 1945
- per-student funding for trades training students 1799
- Post-secondary institutions
- administration, savings and shared services 1798, 1843-4, 1863, 1944
- administrative staff and teaching staff costs 1855, 1943
- advertising costs 1855-6
- boards
- college board appointments 1925
- contributions of members 1871
- enforcement of governance practices 1913
- volunteers 2490-1
- capital investment and projects 1472, 1796, 1914-5, 2206
- capital investment and projects, trades training facilities 1799
- core review 1471, 1852, 1860-1, 1945, 4195
- education quality assurance designation 1857-8
- executive compensation 1855, 1911-4
- facilities 1471
- financial reporting, inclusion in government reporting entity 1849
- private institutions, oversight and regulation 4195-7
- procurement, shared procurement 1395
- procurement and contracts 1912
- Private Career Training Institutions Agency
- board, status and transfer of responsibilities 4195-6
- information sessions on education quality assurance designation 1857
- legal fees 1856, 1862
- Public sector, executive compensation, reporting 1870-1
- Public Sector Employers Act, provisions on executive compensation 1911
- Public Sector Employers Council, role re executive compensation practices 1911-3
- Selkirk College
- aviation program 1797
- funding and facilities renovations 1797-8
- Nelson campus, trades facility 1799
- rural pre-med program 1798
- Simon Fraser University, Surrey campus
- Skills training
- apprenticeship system 1472, 1800
- funding 1799-800
- government investment and support 1471-3
- secondary school programs 1863
- secondary school programs, equipment 1852-3
- trades training
- training for First Nations people 1473
- upgrading of skills and supports for students 1944
- wait-lists 1849
- Thompson Rivers University, trades training, front-end-loading pilot program 1800, 1863
- Trucking industry, driver training 1473
- University of Northern B.C.
- enrolment levels and FTE requirements 1921
- graduate students and research funding 1921
- University of the Fraser Valley, school of excellence in agriculture 1471
- Vancouver Community College, English language learning program 1847
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