Province of British Columbia
Second Session, 40th Parliament – 2014
INDEX (Business entries)
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
Index contains information on legislative procedure and parliamentary business items
arising during House debate, including individual bills and estimates.
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
H |
I |
J |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
Rulings and statements by Chair or Speaker
- Horgan, John, yielding of floor and resumption of remarks 1250
- Justice Statutes Amendment Act, 2014, renumbering of sections 2647
- Laboratory Services Act, amendments, cost-to-government issue 2581-2
- Legislature
- bills process
- advancement of supply bill through all stages in one sitting 4469
- private members' amendments must not impose a cost on government 2581-2
- bills process, second reading
- relevance of debate 3975, 4118, 4329
- relevance of debate to proposed amendment 1886, 1888
- speaking to amendment that has not been tabled 3476
- bills process, committee stage
- budget debate, relevance of debate 1442-3, 1691-2
- Clerk's table, timing lights 1735
- estimates process
- language used in House
- members' conduct and debate
- member not to impugn work of public servant 4211
- member not to make personal attacks 4127
- member to watch use of words 3791
- members not to debate matters before the courts 1266
- members not to refer to absence or presence of other members 1671
- members not to refer to members by name 1235, 1307, 1407, 1937, 4232
- members not to refer to previous votes 2703
- members to allow speaker to have the floor 4366
- members to keep private conversations low 4244
- members to use temperance 1621
- use of electronic devices 4366-7
- use of props 1833, 2926
- use of quotations 1937
- yielding of floor and resumption of remarks 1250
- ministerial statements
- private members' time
- question period
- members not to discuss legislation currently before House 2857
- members to allow answers to be heard 1268
- members to allow questions and answers to be heard 1436
- questions taken on notice 1671
- statements by members
- Points of order
- comments on public servant during estimates debate 4211
- question taken on notice during question period 1671
- request for withdrawal of comments by Judy Darcy 4211
- South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Amendment Act, 2014, debate on amendment 3394
- South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Funding Referenda Act
- Speaker's statements
- Commonwealth Day 1995
- Medical incident on legislative precinct 1681
- Retirement of Sergeant-at-Arms staff 4405
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