Province of British Columbia
Third Session, 39th Parliament – 2011
INDEX (Business entries)
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
| A
| B
| C
| D
| E
| F
| G
| H
| I
| J
| K
| L
| M
| N
| O
| P
| Q
| R
| S
| T
| U
| V
| W
| X
| Y
| Z
Recall and Initiative Amendment Act, 2011
- (Bill M201) (Black, D.) 1R, 6310
- Debate, speakers (Black, D.) 6310
Residential Tenancy Amendment Act, 2011
- (Bill M205) (Chandra Herbert) 1R, 6682-3
- Debate, speakers (Chandra Herbert) 6682
Rulings and statements by Chair or Speaker
- Legislature
- bills
- second reading, debate to be relevant to bill under discussion 7450, 7452
- committee stage, scope of amendments 7493
- time allocation for debate 7628
- estimates process
- comments to be directed to vote being debated 6831
- legislation not to be debated during estimates debate 7893
- matters involving legislation not to be debated during estimates debate 6827
- process 7496
- questions relating to previous fiscal years 7620
- relevance of debate 7808
- relevance of questions 6653, 6894-5, 7615, 7619-20, 7810
- repetitive questions 6583, 7646
- role of deputy ministers 6649
- time allocation for debate 7628
- use of electronic devices 6826
- language used in House
- legislative calendar and sitting schedule
- changes to House business schedule 7827
- members' conduct and debate
- address Premier as "Premier" not "she" 7798
- member will have opportunity to debate 6424
- members having separate conversations to have them quietly 6488
- members not to refer to absence or presence of other members 7328
- members to be careful in approach to arguments 6343
- members to choose words carefully 7377
- use of electronic devices in chamber 7798, 7890
- use of names 6382, 7585
- private members' bills, first reading, leave required if not on order paper 7827
- private members' statements
- debate 7001
- debate to be non-partisan 7004
- nature of business 7521
- private members' time, intent of time and selection process for speakers 7152-3
- question period, question ruled out of order 6316
- standing order 81.1, schedule for debate 7827
- standing order 81.1, time allocation for debate on bills and estimates 7628
- Motions
- Adoption of government business schedule (Standing order 81.1) 7628
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Act, 2011
- Sourial, Susan
- work at Ontario and B.C. Legislatures 6570
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