Province of British Columbia
Second Session, 39th Parliament – 2010
INDEX (Subject and Business entries)
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
| A
| B
| C
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| I
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| Z
Zajac Ranch, Mission, B.C.
- Road upgrade (Dalton) 3258
Zero Net Deforestation Act
- (Bill 5) (Minister of Forests and Range) 1R, 3461; 2R, 3628-43, 3716-39; C, 5289-303, 5325-9; 3R, 5329; RA, 6253
- Divisions: 2R approved 3739
- Debate, speakers (Bains) 3738 (Bell) 3461, 3628-9, 3738-9, 5289-303, 5325-8 (Cantelon) 3734-5 (Donaldson) 3735-7 (Foster) 3727-8 (Fraser) 3728-31 (Krueger) 3639-41 (Lali) 3731-4 (Macdonald) 3629-33, 5289-300, 5302-3, 5325-8 (Routley, B.) 3635-9, 5295-6, 5298-301, 5328 (Rustad) 3718-20 (Sather) 3641-3, 3716-8 (Simpson, B.) 3720-7 (Trevena) 3737-8 (Yap) 3633-5
- Debate by NDP MLAs (Bell) 3738-9 (Cantelon) 3734 (Foster) 3727-8 (Rustad) 3718
- Definitions (Bell) 5289-97 (Donaldson) 3737 (Macdonald) 3630-1, 5289-97 (Routley, B.) 5295-6 (Sather) 3641-2, 3717
- Drafting (Cantelon) 3734 (Fraser) 3729 (Lali) 3731-2 (Simpson, B.) 3721
- Purpose of bill (Bell) 3461
- Regulation-making powers (Bell) 5302-3, 5325-7 (Donaldson) 3736-7 (Lali) 3732 (Macdonald) 3631, 5302-3, 5325-7 (Routley, B.) 3637-8, 5328 (Simpson, B.) 3725
Zero net deforestation initiative See Forests and forest industry
Zimmerman, Wolfgang
- Accomplishments (Hansen) 6057 (Macdonald) 6057
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