Province of British Columbia
Second Session, 39th Parliament – 2010
INDEX (Business entries)
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
| A
| B
| C
| D
| E
| F
| G
| H
| I
| J
| K
| L
| M
| N
| O
| P
| Q
| R
| S
| T
| U
| V
| W
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| Y
| Z
Haida Gwaii Reconciliation Act
- (Bill 18) (Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation) 1R, 5023; 2R, 5329-36; C, 5717-36; 3R, 5736; RA, 6253
- Debate, speakers (Abbott) 5023, 5329-30, 5718-36 (Bell) 5333-5 (Chandra Herbert) 5335-6 (Coons) 5724-5, 5733 (Donaldson) 5732 (Simpson, B.) 5330-3, 5718-31
Health Services, Ministry of
- Estimates
- debate 5691-704, 5740-65, 5814-47, 5865-75, 5916-39
- speakers (Black, D.) 5924-5 (Chandra Herbert) 5826-7 (Coons) 5840-2 (Dix) 5695-704, 5740-5, 5747-53, 5757-8, 5814-6, 5818-36, 5847, 5865-75, 5916-22, 5930, 5932-9 (Donaldson) 5842-3 (Falcon) 5691-704, 5740-65, 5814-45, 5847, 5865-75, 5916-39 (Fleming) 5753-5 (Fraser) 5758-61, 5935 (Huntington) 5926-8 (Kwan) 5837-9 (Macdonald) 5756-7, 5929 (Mungall) 5934-5 (Routley, B.) 5763-5 (Sather) 5844-5 (Thorne) 5845-7 (Trevena) 5762-3
Healthy Living and Sport, Ministry of
Horizons Unbound Rehabilitation and Training Society (Corporate Restoration) Act, 2010
Housing and Social Development, Ministry of
- Estimates
- debate 4189-200, 4244-68, 4314-46, 4363-75, 4414-37
- speakers (Bains) 4374-5, 4435-6 (Chandra Herbert) 4339-40, 4431-3 (Chouhan) 4334-6 (Coleman) 4190-200, 4245-68, 4314-46, 4363-75, 4415-37 (Corrigan) 4199-200, 4363-5 (Elmore) 4430-1 (Huntington) 4365-6, 4425-7 (Karagianis) 4428-30 (Routley, D.) 4341-3 (Sather) 4369, 4433-5 (Simons) 4337-8, 4427-8 (Simpson, S.) 4190-8, 4244-68, 4314-34, 4343-6, 4363, 4366-75, 4414-25, 4436 (Trevena) 4340-1, 4373
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