Province of British Columbia
Fifth Session, 38th Parliament – 2009
INDEX (Member entries)
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
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Penner, Hon. Barry (Chilliwack-Kent)
- B.C. Hydro, investment in dam system expansion 14733-4
- Business, entrepreneurs and private investors, NDP position 14729-30
- Climate change, government action, NDP position 14730
- Cloudworks Energy Inc., hydroelectric power projects in Harrison Lake area 14733
- Economy, economic plan for province 14729-30, 14734
- Energy
- energy plan, balanced approach to public and private investment 14734
- hydroelectric power, first nations involvement in projects 14731-3
- hydroelectric power, production from publicly owned dams, NDP position 14733-4
- independent power producers and projects
- benefits and projects in B.C. 14731-3
- government support in other jurisdictions 14731
- NDP position 14731-4
- Environmental Appeal Board, annual report, 2007-08, tabled 14789
- Fraser Canyon, independent power project in area 14731
- Horgan, John, comments on independent power projects 14731
- Investment, private investment in B.C., role in funding of government services 14731
- Jarvis, Daniel, absence for health reasons and colleagues' wishes for recovery 14252
- Ledcor Industrial Group Ltd., run-of-the-river projects on Ashlu Creek and Fitzsimmons Creek 14732-3
- Mackenzie pulp mill, management and environmental issues 13887-8
- NDP, position on issues
- climate change initiatives 14730
- entrepreneurs and private investors 14729-30
- hydroelectric power production 14733-4
- independent power projects 14731-4
- Rivers and streams, environmental protection and use as resource 14730
- Statements
- Messages for Daniel Jarvis 14252
- Throne speech content 14734
- Throne speech debate 14729-34
- Water licences 14732
- Weaver, Andrew, article on need for action on climate change 14731-2
Polak, Hon. Mary (Langley)
- B.C. Liberal Party government, performance and action on stated priorities 13801
- Budget debate 13799-802
- Budgets, 2009-10 budget content and priorities 13799-801
- Credit rating, B.C. rating 13801
- Economy
- conditions 13799-800
- conditions, government response 13800-1
- economy during B.C. Liberal Party administration 13800
- Education funding during B.C. Liberal Party and NDP administrations 13800
- Firefighters, work commended 14438
- First nations, health and wellness, government initiative 13799
- Food industry
- meat-processing regulations
- slaughter facilities in B.C. 14041
- Government
- financial management 13799
- spending decisions and priorities 13799
- Langley, firefighters 14438
- McGregor, Jim, community involvement as firefighter in Langley 14438
- NDP, position on meat-processing regulations 14377
- Waste management, regulation of sewage and septic systems 14257-9
- Water, drinking water protection 14258
- Workers Compensation Amendment Act, 2009, debate 14438
Puchmayr, Chuck (New Westminster)
- As subject
- Firefighters
- government lobbying 14430
- workers compensation for firefighters with cancer 14429-30
- Glendinning, Patrick, death due to esophageal cancer 14430
- Statements
- Transplantation of organs, organ donors thanked 13821
- Watt, John, death due to esophageal cancer 14430
- Workers Compensation Amendment Act, 2009
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