Province of British Columbia
Fifth Session, 38th Parliament – 2009
INDEX (Business entries)
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
| A
| B
| C
| D
| E
| F
| G
| H
| I
| J
| K
| L
| M
| N
| O
| P
| Q
| R
| S
| T
| U
| V
| W
| X
| Y
| Z
Rulings and statements by Chair or Speaker
- Appropriate attire in the chamber 14511
- Cantelon, Ron, comments during question period 14093
- Englishman River, logging in watershed area, factual dispute 14093
- Erroneous request to withdraw remarks 14349
- Jarvis, Daniel, absence for health reasons and colleagues' wishes for recovery 14251
- Kwan, Jenny Wai Ching, comments during question period 14349
- Legislature
- bills, advancement of supply bill through all stages in one sitting 14211
- bills, committee stage, amendments proposed by private members must not create an impost 14483-4
- bills, committee stage, questions must relate to bill 14381-2
- bills, second reading
- dress code in chamber 14511
- estimates process
- language used in House
- members' conduct and debate
- allow member to have the floor 13857, 13859, 13971
- allow member to have the floor and make remarks 14333
- decorum during debate 13820, 14582
- heckling 14834
- member to show respect to the Chair 13896, 13898
- members must make comments from their own seats 13745, 13802, 14834
- members not to be distracting 14054
- members not to refer to members by name 14158, 14287
- members not to use personal names 13762, 13872
- members to allow debate to be heard 14307
- members to be allowed to ask and answer questions 13780, 13946
- members to listen to member speaking 13757, 14326
- members to show courtesy and allow member speaking to have the floor 14620
- members to show respect for member speaking 14139, 14408-9
- members to show respect to chamber and member who has the floor 13898
- one member at a time has the floor 13757
- motions, members to have one debate at a time 14086
- private members' statements
- debate to be non-partisan 14736-7, 14740
- members not to make highly partisan remarks 14514-5
- members not to make remarks that reflect negatively on other members 14525
- members to keep remarks within spirit of standing order 25 14082
- privilege matters, requirements 14093
- public gallery, request for removal of person from gallery 13899
- question period
- members to pose questions through the Chair 14596
- time limits on questions and answers 14758
- standing order 67, bill amendments proposed by private members 14483-4
- throne speech debate, each member has opportunity to speak 13757
- MLAs, exclusion from chamber for dress code violations 14511
- Privilege
- comments by Ron Cantelon on logging in Englishman River area 14093
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