Province of British Columbia
Third Session, 38th Parliament – 2007
HANSARD INDEX (Business entries)
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
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Rulings and statements by Chair or Speaker
- Legislation, private members' bills cannot concern prerogatives of the Crown 8681, 8686
- Legislation, private members' bills, procedural rules 8736
- Legislature
- bills
- committee stage, consideration of amendments 7352
- committee stage, debate to be relevant to section under discussion 6495, 6632
- committee stage, general questions may be asked in first section 9559
- committee stage, right to ask questions and hear answers 9479
- debate, time limits on debate 8793
- second reading, debate to be relevant to bill under discussion 5999, 6076, 6078, 8388, 8417, 8669, 8750, 8753, 8756-7, 8762, 8769, 9168-9, 9171-4, 9179-80, 9190, 9194, 9435
- estimates process
- comments to be confined to ministry's estimates 6959, 7737, 7739, 7991
- legislation not to be debated during estimates debate 5945, 6673-4, 7451, 7673-4, 8257, 8310, 8312-4, 8325
- line of questioning should have relevance to estimates 6143, 8254, 8315
- members must be recognized to ask questions 6429, 6433
- members not to ask questions about ministries no longer existing 5830
- members not to discuss any matters relating to court cases 8248, 8311-2
- move on to new line of questioning 5803-5, 6198
- move on to new subject 5888-9
- questions, repetitious questions 6146, 8244, 8286-7
- remarks must be directed through the Chair 5883-4
- remarks to be confined to vote under debate 5947-8, 5952, 6807, 7486-8
- tabling of documents not permitted 6762
- topic of debate must be within ministry's authority 6348
- language used in House
- members' conduct and debate
- amount of heckling to allow speaker to be heard 5580
- apology requested 6842
- attendance of other members in House not to be commented on 8156, 8463, 8466, 9276
- attendance of others members in House or committee meetings not to be commented on 5592
- comments to be directed through the Chair 5622, 9172
- conduct 6361, 9367
- decorum in House 5827, 5865, 8972
- inappropriate to bring Speaker into debate 8179
- members making signs will be ejected from House 8004
- members must make comments from their own seats 5575, 5967, 7394, 7433, 8159, 9149, 9285, 9352
- members not to access electronic devices when they have the floor 5799
- members not to address comments to individual members 6087
- members not to debate matters before the courts 5586-7, 5590, 5627-8
- members not to debate parliamentary procedure 7991
- members not to eat or share food in House 9349
- members not to make inferences 8253
- members not to make personal attacks 8653, 8752-3
- members not to make personal comments about other members 8299, 8751
- members not to name members in House 5375, 6855, 7374, 8869, 9227
- members not to refer to another member's activities in House 5670
- members not to refer to individual members 8472
- members not to use cell phones in the chamber 8460
- members to allow designated member to speak 6692, 6984
- members to be allowed to speak without interference 8168, 9294, 9568, 9608
- members to be careful how they phrase questions 8358
- members to be careful of language 9467
- members to refrain from characterizations of other members 5308
- members to show respect for member speaking 5469, 5699, 5708, 5853, 8382, 8384, 8386, 8453-5, 8462, 8472, 9180, 9183
- moderation in parliamentary debate 7647
- parliamentary tone 6259
- repetitious debate 5919, 6498, 6502, 6560-1
- ring tones of electronic devices to be turned off while in House 6087
- unparliamentary language 5362, 8159
- use of props not permitted 5630
- petitions, presentation 5276, 5434
- private members' statements, members not to make partisan comments 6681-2, 7260, 8214-5
- privilege, factual dispute between members not prima facie case of breach of privilege 9523
- question period
- standing order 35 adjournment motions, requirements 8962-3
- standing order 45A, exemption from provisions 8793
- standing order 67, private member's bills 8736
- standing order 67, private member's bills must not create an offence 8686
- standing order 67, private member's bills must not impose obligation on the Crown 8681
- statements by members (standing order 25b), guidelines 5682
- sub judice rule, use 8311-4
- MacMinn, E. George, comments on scope of estimates debate in Parliamentary Practice in British Columbia 8312-4
- Message of appreciation 9105
- Privilege
- comments by Doug Routley on treatment of residents at seniors care facility 9523
- Rules for public bills in the hands of private members 8736
- Standing order 35 adjournment motions
- audit of private forest land releases 8962-3
- Standing order 45A, time limits on debate, ruling 8793
- Tsawwassen First Nation Final Agreement Act, debate in B.C. Legislature, scope of debate 8748-50, 8752-3, 8767
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