Province of British Columbia
5th Session, 36th Parliament – March - April 2001
Skeleton (Business) INDEX
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - V - W
Hansard Sittings by Page Number
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C.
- Murals in rotunda
- Speaker's advisory panel report tabled
(Speaker) 17742
- B.C. Nurses Union, salary and working conditions
(Campbell) 17405
- Burnside-Gorge community centre project funding
(Orcherton) 17780
- Canadian Coalition for Parental Rights, concerns re parents' rights and access of third parties to children
(Priddy) 17474
- Definition of marriage, Skeena constituents' concerns re B.C. government court challenge of federal government's definition of marriage
(Giesbrecht) 17656
- Insurance Corporation of British Columbia management, Delta South constituents' concerns
(Roddick) 17569
- Little Rascals day care centre, North and West Vancouver residents' concerns
(Dalton) 17635
- Moratorium on grizzly bear hunting
(Krueger) 17360
(Lali) 17699
- Natural gas price increases, British Columbians' concerns
(Stephens) 17360
- Natural gas price increases, Cariboo North constituents' concerns
(Wilson, J.) 17405
- Natural gas price increases, Grand Forks residents' concerns
(Barisoff) 17386
- Pedophiles, proposal to designate pedophiles as dangerous offenders
(Krueger) 17360
- Roads No. 110 and 111, repavement needs
(Neufeld) 17656
- South Vancouver Island District Women's Institute, concerns re genetically engineered food
(Pullinger) 17656
- TimberWest Forest Corp., Youbou mill, purchase by communities of Cowichan Lake and Cowichan Valley
(Pullinger) 17490
Prince George, B.C.
- Weather forecast tabled
(Ramsey) 17635
Private members' statements
- Boone, Lois R. (Prince George–Mount Robson)
- Calendino, Pietro (Burnaby North)
- Chong, Ida (Oak Bay–Gordon Head)
- History restored – Canada's oldest Chinese cemetery 17673-5
(Kwan) 17674-5
- Goodacre, Bill (Bulkley Valley–Stikine)
- Connecting B.C. with local area networks 17679-81
(Weisbeck) 17680
- Hogg, Gordon (Surrey–White Rock)
- Community involvement, community commitment and change 17677-9
(MacPhail) 17678
- Miller, Hon. Arthur Daniel (North Coast)
- Nebbeling, Ted (West Vancouver–Garibaldi)
- Penner, Barry (Chilliwack)
- Clearing the air, part 2: beyond the Sumas power project 17566-8
(Streifel) 17567-8
- Priddy, Hon. Penny (Surrey-Newton)
- Reid, Linda (Richmond East)
- Making services for children and youth a priority 17451-3
(Pullinger) 17451-2
- Roddick, Valerie (Delta South)
- Walsh, Erda (Kootenay)
- Farrell-Collins, Gary (Vancouver–Little Mountain)
- Reserving right to raise matter respecting comments by Paul Ramsey 17379
- Ramsey, Hon. Paul (Prince George North)
- Reserving right to raise matter respecting comments by Gary Farrell-Collins 17353; 17356-7, response (Farrell-Collins) 17357-8; ruling 17510
Protected Areas of British Columbia Amendment Act, 2001
Protection of Public Participation Act
- (Bill 10) (Attorney-General) 1R, 17578-9; 2R, 17635-46; C, 17687-94, 17699-700; 3R, 17701; RA, 17790
- Divisions: 2R approved 17646; 3R approved 17701
- Debate, speakers
(Bowbrick) 17578-9, 17635-6, 17645-6, 17687-90, 17692, 17694, 17700
(Cashore) 17645
(Lovick) 17699-700
(Petter) 17640-4
(Plant) 17636-40, 17687-94
(Sawicki) 17644-5
Provincial Court Amendment Act, 2001
Public Service Benefit Plan Act
- Annual report, 1999-2000, tabled
(Hammell) 17699
Public Service Employee Relations Commission
- Annual report, 1999-2000, tabled
(Hammell) 17699
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