Province of British Columbia
5th Session, 36th Parliament – March - April 2001
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z
Hansard Sittings by Page Number
Ecological reserves See Environmental protection under Environment
E-Comm Emergency Communications for Southwestern British Columbia Inc.
- B.C. economy
- current and future conditions
(Doyle) 17397
(Ramsey) 17346, 17422
- diversification
(Wilson, G.) 17363
- government vision for future economy
(Throne speech) 17330-1
- Management of economy
- management during NDP administration
(Krueger) 17457-8
- sustainability goal
(Cashore) 17617
- Regional economic development, initiatives, Liberal Party position
(McGregor) 17370
Ecstall Mining Corp.
- Access to mining claim
(Waddell) 17683
Education See also School boards/districts; Schools; Teachers
- Access to Internet in schools See Provincial learning network (PLNet) below under this main heading
- Curriculum, sex education
(Boone) 17549
(Evans) 17547
(Gillespie) 17543
- Early childhood education, importance
(Whittred) 17469, 17474
- Education of Indians, accessibility of post-secondary education See Post-secondary education
- Enrolment levels, impact on funding
(Hogg) 17523, 17525
(MacPhail) 17523, 17525
- Funding
- Importance of education
(Ramsey) 17447
- Independent schools, funding formula
(Hogg) 17525
(MacPhail) 17525
- Liberal Party position
(Whittred) 17469
- NDP government initiatives
(Robertson) 17480-1
- Opportunities, government commitment
(Gillespie) 17375-6
- Post-secondary education See Post-secondary education; Universities, colleges and institutes
- Programs and services in schools
- government commitment
(Calendino) 17676
- programs and services in schools
(Masi) 17676-7
- Provincial learning network (PLNet)
(Doyle) 17397
- Skills and trades training See Skills training
- Special education and special needs, funding
(Hogg) 17524-5
(MacPhail) 17524-5
- System during NDP administration
(Brewin) 17380-1
(Doyle) 17395
(Ramsey) 17347-8
- Teachers See Teachers
- User-pay kindergarten
(Dalton) 17426
(MacPhail) 17426-7
Education, Ministry of
- 2000-01 Supplementary estimates
EFSEC See Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council
Electric power
Electronic commerce See Business
Electronic Transactions Act
Emergency Contraceptive Access Act
- (Bill 8) (Minister of Health) 1R, 17578; 2R, 17598-607; C, 17646-7; 3R, 17647; RA, 17790
- Divisions: 2R approved 17607
- Debate, speakers
(Boone) 17600-1
(Evans) 17578, 17598, 17606-7, 17646-7
(Hammell) 17601-2
(Hansen) 17598-9, 17646-7
(McGregor) 17599-600
(MacPhail) 17602-3
(Pullinger) 17603-6
- Consultation with health professions
(Evans) 17646
(Hansen) 17646
- Definitions, "practice of pharmacy"
(Evans) 17647
(Hansen) 17646-7
- Numbering of subsection in bill
(Evans) 17647
(Hansen) 17647
- Purpose of bill
(Evans) 17578, 17646
(Hansen) 17646
- Support for legislation
(Evans) 17598, 17606-7
(Hammell) 17601-2
Employment and Investment, Ministry of
- 1998-99 annual report tabled
(Stevenson) 17523
- Contract re casino request-for-proposal process
(Plant) 17596
- Power for Jobs initiative
- impact on investment in B.C.
(Stevenson) 17698
- initiative
(Hawkins) 17698
- Response to auditor general report on management consulting contracts in government
(Plant) 17597
Employment and unemployment
- Job descriptions, gender-neutral language
(Gillespie) 17503
- Workers' pay levels, equity issue See Pay equity under Wages and salaries
Energy and Mines, Ministry of, and Ministry Responsible for Northern Development
- Annual report, 1999-2000, tabled
(Robertson) 17474
Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council
- Review of application for proposed power facility in Sumas, Washington
(Penner) 17566-7
Energy rebate program See British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
Enns, Douglas
Entertainment Software Rating Board
Environment and sustainability commissioner See Commissioner for environment and sustainability
Environment and Sustainability Statutes Amendment Act, 2001
- (Bill 7) (Minister of Environment) 1R, 17579; 2R, 17613-9; C, 17671-3; 3R, 17673; RA, 17790
- Debate, speakers
(Cashore) 17617
(Coell) 17615, 17672-3
(Farrell-Collins) 17671-2
(Sawicki) 17615-7
(Sihota) 17617-8
(Waddell) 17579, 17613-5, 17619, 17671-3
- Definitions, "sustainability"
(Cashore) 17617
- Division of section on commissioner into subsections for individual consideration during committee stage
(Chair) 17673
(Farrell-Collins) 17671
(Waddell) 17671
- Liberal Party position
(Sihota) 17617-8
- Purpose
(Cashore) 17617
(Coell) 17615
(Sawicki) 17615-7
(Waddell) 17579, 17613-5, 17619
Environment, Lands and Parks, Ministry of
- Budget, current levels
(Waddell) 17387
- Report on snowpack levels in B.C.
(Neufeld) 17579
(Waddell) 17579
- Role with Health ministry in administration of drinking water protection legislation
(Waddell) 17696, 17737-8
Environmental assessment office
- Annual report, 1999-2000, tabled
(Waddell) 17354
ESRB See Entertainment Software Rating Board
Evans, Hon. Corky (Nelson-Creston)
- Abortion
- confidentiality of abortion information 17548-9
- issues, debate in Legislature 17546
- safety of abortion providers 17548
- services, accessibility 17548
- B.C. Women's Hospital and Health Centre
- government funding for abortion services 17547
- Criminal Code of Canada, coverage of abortion providers in hate-crime provisions 17549
- Drinking Water Protection Act, debate 17744-6, 17782-4
- Drugs, pharmaceuticals, provincial drug scheduling regulation, prescription of emergency contraception pills by pharmacists 17578, 17598
- Education, curriculum, sex education 17547
- Emergency Contraceptive Access Act
- Food industry
- agrifood industry, competitiveness of B.C. industry 17714-5
- genetically engineered food, public concerns 17714-5
- Fraser Valley cancer centre project, business case tabled 17656
- Genetically Engineered Food Labelling Act, debate 17714-5
- Gillies, George, death 17777
- Greater Vancouver regional district, water supply area, applicability of drinking water protection legislation to GVRD water supply initiatives 17782
- Hansen, Colin, comments on health sector labour relations legislation 17726-7
- Health Authorities Act, provisions on health sector labour relations 17720
- Health Authorities Amendment Act, 1997, purpose of bill 17720
- Health Authorities Amendment Act, 2001
- Health care
- complementary medicine 17667-8
- funding, Liberal Party position 17473
- health services and support sector workers, bargaining units
- health services and support sector workers, future collective agreements, requirements 17722
- system, privatization, impact on health care workers 17698
- travel for treatment and diagnostic services, interprovincial travel 17473
- Health Employers Association of B.C., work on health sector labour relations legislation 17721
- Health ministry
- 1999-2000 annual report tabled 17490
- "B.C. HealthGuide Handbook," printing 17473
- Health Sector Labour Relations Commission, recommendations on collective bargaining in health care sector 17720-1
- Hollins, Leah, comments on changes to provincial drug scheduling regulation 17607
- Hospitals, budgeting process, availability of information, impact on staffing 17472
- Human reproduction
- emergency contraception pill, accessibility 17547, 17578, 17598
- reproductive services 17546-8
- women's right to make reproductive choices 17546
- Indians, treaty negotiations, negotiating mandate, principles determined by public referendum 17436-8
- Labour ministry, powers re health sector bargaining units 17771
- Labour Relations Board, powers re health sector bargaining units 17721, 17771
- Liberal Party, B.C. Liberal Party
- acceptance of Indian treaty settlements made during NDP administration 17436-8
- position on issues
- complementary medicine 17667-8
- Health Authorities Amendment Act, 2001 17727
- health care funding 17473
- Medical Practitioners Amendment Act, 2001, debate 17667-8
- Motions
- measures to protect women's right to make choices on reproduction (Motion 4), debate 17546-9
- referenda on issues affecting minority rights (Motion 1), debate 17436-8
- Naramata, irrigation district, water use issue, impact on community 17744
- Nelson, health campus project, business case tabled 17656
- Nurses, recruitment and retention, government strategies 17472-3
- Physicians, fees for performing abortions 17547-8
- Referenda, use to determine government policy on issues affecting minority rights 17436-8
- University of B.C., medical school, government funding for training in abortion services 17547
- Vanderhoof, multilevel-care facility project, business case tabled 17656
- Water
- drinking water protection 17745-6, 17782-4
- issuance of construction permits for water system facilities 17783
- regulation of water supply systems 17744-6
- water use legislation, history in B.C. 17744
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