4th Session
36th Parliament
Legislative Assembly of British Columbia  

Bills introduced during 4th Session, 36th Parliament

(Bills are also listed by number in the Hansard Index under Bills, Legislative)
 Access to Prostate Cancer Screening Act(Bill M210)  
 An Act to Ensure the Supremacy of Parliament(Bill 1)
*Agri-Food Choice and Quality Act(Bill 26)
*Balanced Budget Act(Bill 28)
 Biologists' Act 2000(Bill M211)
 The B.C. Hydro and Power Authority Referendum Act, 2000(Bill M204)
*The British Columbia Insurance Company, 1904 Amendment Act, 2000(Bill Pr 402)
*British Columbia Transit Amendment Act, 2000(Bill 23)
*Budget Measures Implementation Act, 2000(Bill 3)
*Budget Transparency and Accountability Act(Bill 2)
 Community Health Assets Protection Act(Bill M209)
*Cooperative Association Amendment Act, 2000(Bill 9)
*Cost of Consumer Credit Disclosure Act(Bill 22)
*Definition of Spouse Amendment Act, 2000(Bill 21)
 Education as an Essential Service Act(Bill M201)
*Electoral Districts Amendment Act, 2000(Bill 16)
 Electronic Transactions Act(Bill 32)
*Finance and Corporate Relations Statutes Amendment Act, 2000(Bill 18)
*Forests Statutes Amendment Act, 2000(Bill 11)
 Gaming Control Act(Bill 30)
 The Grizzly Bear Hunting Prohibition Act(Bill M206)
*Holocaust Memorial Day Act(Bill 5)
*Income Tax Amendment Act, 2000(Bill 19)
 Interpretation Amendment Act, 2000(Bill M207)
*Local Government Statutes Amendment Act, 2000(Bill 14)
*McLeod Lake Indian Band Treaty No. 8 Adhesion and Settlement Agreement Act(Bill 10)
 Medical Practitioners Act Amendment Act 2000(Bill M212)
*Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2000(Bill 8)
*Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 2000(Bill 24)
*Mission Foundation Amendment Act, 2000(Bill Pr401)
*Motor Carrier Amendment Act, 2000(Bill 13)
*Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, 2000(Bill 20)
 Pets in Rental Housing Act, 2000(Bill M203)
*Protected Areas of British Columbia Act(Bill 17)
 Protection of Public Participation Act(Bill 29)
*Public Education Support Staff Collective Bargaining Assistance Act(Bill 7)
 Public School Parent and Volunteer Protection Act(Bill M202)
*Regulatory Streamlining Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2000(Bill 12)
*Secure Care Act(Bill 25)
 Senior Civil Servant Remuneration Allowances and Perquisites Act (SCRAP Act) 2000(Bill M205)
 Substance Abuser Rehabilitation Act(Bill M208)
*Supply Act (No. 1), 2000(Bill 4)
*Supply Act (No. 2), 2000(Bill 27)
*Supply Act, 2000-2001(Bill 31)
*Supply Act, 2000-2001 (Supplementary)(Bill 33)
*Supply Act, 2000-2001 (Supplementary No. 2)(Bill 34)
*Tobacco Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act(Bill 15)
*Tuition Fee Freeze Act(Bill 6)
*Westmount Career Management Ltd. (Corporate Restoration) Act, 2000(Bill Pr403)

* denotes bill having received royal assent


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