3rd Session
36th Parliament

Legislative Assembly of British Columbia  

Bills introduced during 3rd Session, 36th Parliament
(Bills are also listed by number in the index, under Bills, Legislative)


An Act to Amend the Hospital District Act

Bill M212


An Act to Amend the Medical Practitioner's Act

Bill M211


An Act to Ensure the Supremacy of Parliament

Bill 1


Adult Guardianship Statutes Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 92


Agricultural Land Commission Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 70


Agrifood Choice and Quality Act

Bill 77


Assessment Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 21


Attorney General Statutes Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 19


Attorney General Statutes Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 66


Balanced Budget and Debt Reduction Act

Bill M201  


Boat Operators Certification Act

Bill M206


British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Rate Freeze and Profit Sharing Act, 1998

Bill 6


BC OnLine Act

Bill 48


BC-Alcan Northern Development Fund Act

Bill 5


Budget Measures Implementation Act, 1998

Bill 2


Budget Measures Implementation Act, 1999

Bill 53


Builders Lien Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 45


Business Paper Reduction Act

Bill 43


Capital Financing Authority Repeal and Debt Restructuring Act

Bill 4


Child, Family and Community Service Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 84


Community Health Assets Protection Act

Bill M214


Company Act

Bill 85


Consumer Protection Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 61


Cooperative Association Act

Bill 98


Definition of Spouse Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 100


Domestic Violence Protection Act

Bill M204


Education Statutes Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 35


Education Statutes Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 69


Education Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 1999

Bill 87


Electoral Boundaries Commission Amendment Act, 1998 (Northern Electoral Boundaries Protection Act)

Bill M209


Electoral Districts Act

Bill 96


Environment Management Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 40


Family Relations Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 25


Family Relations Act Amendment Act (No. 2), 1998 (Grandparents' Rights)

Bill M207


Fee Statutes Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 94


Finance and Corporate Relations Statutes Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 9


Finance and Corporate Relations Statutes Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 71


Fire Services Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 60


Food Safety Act

Bill 83


Forest Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 68


Forest Land Reserve Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 56


Forests Statutes Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 34


Forests Statutes Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 82


Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority Act

Bill 36


Health Statutes Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 76


Homeowner Protection Act

Bill 46


Income Tax Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 3


Income Tax Amendment Act (No. 2), 1998

Bill 33


Income Tax Amendment Act (No. 3), 1998

Bill 41


Labour Relations Code Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 26


Labour Statutes Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 65


Land Title Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 93


Land Reserve Commission Act

Bill 79


Legal Profession Act

Bill 15


Liquor Statutes Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 80


Local Government Statutes Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 31


Local Government Statutes Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 88


Mental Health Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 22


Mining Rights Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 12


Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 10


Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 62


Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 1998

Bill 24


Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 1999

Bill 74


Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 3), 1998

Bill 50


Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 3), 1999

Bill 97


Motor Vehicle Statutes Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 78


Muskwa-Kechika Management Area Act

Bill 37


Nisga'a Final Agreement Act

Bill 51


Northern Development Act

Bill 27


Occupiers Liability Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 16


Oil and Gas Commission Act

Bill 32


The Parental Responsibility Act

Bill M205


Park Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 23


Park Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 86


Pension Benefits Standards Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 58


Pension Statutes Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 13


Pension Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 1998

Bill 38


Pension Statutes Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 89


Poulos Investments Ltd. (Corporate Restoration) Act, 1999

Bill Pr403


Prevention of Child Sexual Exploitation Act

Bill M208


Private Post-Secondary Education Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 73


Probate Fee Act

Bill 55


Public Education Collective Agreement Act

Bill 39


Public Sector Pension Plans Act

Bill 95


Range Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 57


Regulatory Impact Statement Act

Bill 81


Regulatory Streamlining Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 44


Residential Tenancy Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 75


Rural Health Transportation Act

Bill M213


Securities Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 64


Small Business Venture Capital Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 11


Statute Revision Correction and Miscellaneous Amendments Act, 1998

Bill 20


Strata Property Act

Bill 47


Strata Property Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 67


Supply Act, 1998-99

Bill 49


Supply Act, 1999-2000

Bill 101


Supply Act (No. 1), 1998

Bill 7


Supply Act (No. 2), 1998

Bill 42


Supply Act (No. 1), 1999

Bill 54


Supply Act (No. 2), 1999

Bill 90


Taxation Statutes Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 52


Tobacco Fee Act

Bill 29


Tobacco Damages Recovery Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 30


Tobacco Sales Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 28


Tobacco Sales Amendment Act (No. 2), 1998

Bill M210


Truth in Budgeting Act

Bill M202 


Tuition Fee Freeze Act

Bill 8


Tuition Fee Freeze Act

Bill 59


Unclaimed Property Act

Bill 91


Uranium Moratorium Act

Bill M203


Vancouver Foundation Amendment Act, 1998

Bill Pr401


Victoria Foundation Amendment Act, 1998

Bill Pr402


Waste Management Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 17


Water Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 72


Wildlife Amendment Act, 1999

Bill 63


Workers Compensation (Occupational Health and Safety) Amendment Act, 1998

Bill 14

* denotes bill having received royal assent


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