3rd Session
34th Parliament

Legislative Assembly of British Columbia  

Bills Introduced

Government Bills

* denotes bill having received royal assent.


* Agriculture Protection Act (Bill 30)


* Assessment Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 48)


* Attorney General Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 64)


* Attorney General Statutes Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 71)


* British Columbia Enterprise Corporation Loan Privatization Act (Bill 43)


* Budget Measures Implementation Act, 1989 (Bill 5)


* Cemetery and Funeral Services Act (Bill 42)


* Continuing Care Act (Bill 15)


* Court Rules Act (Bill 24)


* Credit Union Incorporation Act (Bill 50)


* Employee Investment Act (Bill 32)


* Electoral Boundaries Commission Act (Bill 87)


Electrical Safety Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 65)


* Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Statutes Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 59)


* Environment Statutes Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 34)


* Estate Administration Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 33)


Family and Child Service Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 76)


* Farming and Fishing Industries Development Act (Bill 44)


* Finance and Corporate Relations Statutes Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 29)


* Financial Administration Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 37)


* Financial Institutions Act (Bill 51)


* Food Choice and Disclosure Act (Bill 85)


* Forest Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 86)


Game Farm Act (Bill 31)


Health Disciplines Act (Bill 91)


* Health Professions Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 40)


* Health Statutes Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 39)


* Home Mortgage Assistance Program Act (Bill 22)


* Home Owner Grant Increase Act, 1989 (Bill 6)


* Hospital Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 69)


* Income Tax Amendment Act (No. 2), 1989 (Bill 79)


* Independent School Act 1989 (Bill 68)


* Indian Land Tax Cooperation Act (Bill 77)


* International Trusts Act (Bill 18)


* Islands Trust Act (Bill 78)


* Justice Reform Statutes Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 26)


* Labour and Consumer Services Statutes Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 46)


* Land Tax Deferment Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 8)


* Land Title Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 61)


* Litter Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 60)


* Milk Industry Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 45)


* Mineral Tax Act (Bill 73)


* Mines Act (Bill 56)


* Mining Right of Way Act (Bill 57)


* Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 1), 1989 (Bill 90)


* Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 1989 (Bill 92)


* Motor Fuel Tax Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 9)


* Motor Vehicle Amendments Act, 1989 (Bill 52)


* Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Culture Statutes Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 21)


* Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Culture Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 1989 (Bill 38)


* Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Culture Statutes Amendment Act (No. 3), 1989 (Bill 75)


* Municipal Amendment Act (No. 1), 1989 (Bill 19)


* Municipal Amendment Act (No. 2), 1989 (Bill 20)


Municipal Amendment Act (No. 3), 1989 (Bill 80)


* Natural Gas Price Act (Bill 54)


* New Westminster Redevelopment Act, 1989 (Bill 36)


* Offence Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 63)


* Parole Act (Bill 53)


* Pension (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 1989 (Bill 35)


* Personal Property Security Act (Bill 28)


* Property Purchase Tax Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 10)


* Provincial Symbols and Honours Act (Bill 4)


* Public Trustee Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 11)


Regional and Economic Development Act (Bill 84)


* Residential Property Tax Increase Limitation Act (Bill 17)


* Residential Tenancy Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 47)


* School Act (Bill 67)


* Science Council Act (Bill 72)


* Securities Amendment Act (Bill 83)


* Seniors Advisory Council Act (Bill 41)


* Small Claims Act (Bill 25)


* Social Service Tax Amendment Act (No. 1), 1989 (Bill 12)


* Social Service Tax Amendment Act (No. 2), 1989 (Bill 81)


* Statutes Repeal Act, 1989 (Bill 2)


Strategic Infrastructure Development Fund Act (Bill 74)


Structured Compensation Act (Bill 66)


* Supply Act (No. 1), 1989 (Bill 14)


* Supply Act (No. 2), 1989 (Bill 62)


* Supply Act (No. 3), 1989 (Bill 88)


The Supremacy of Parliament, An Act to Ensure (Bill 1)


Supreme Court Act (Bill 23)


* Temporary Use Tax Validation Act (Bill 82)


* Tobacco Tax Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 13)


* Trade Development Corporation Act (Bill 3)


* Trinity Western University Foundation Act (Bill 89)


* University Endowment Land Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 49)


* University Endowment Land Park Act (Bill 16)


* Vancouver Island Natural Gas Pipeline Act (Bill 55)


* Waste Management Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 58)


* Wildlife Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 70)


* Workers Compensation Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 27)



Private Bills

* denotes bill having received royal assent.


Applied Science Technologists and Technicians Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill PR404)


* Seminary of Christ the King Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill PR401)


The Vancouver Charter, An Act to Amend (Bill PR402)



Members' Bills


A Rentals Mediator, An Act to Provide for (Bill M218)


An Environment and Land Use Secretariat, An Act to Establish (Bill M215)


An Institute of Aboriginal Languages for British Columbia, An Act to Establish (Bill M228)


Better Child Care, An Act for (Bill M227)


The British Columbia County Court and the British Columbia Supreme Court, An Act to Merge (Bill M206)


The British Columbia Recycling Act (Bill M212)


Capital Commission Amendment Act (Bill M225)


The Commercial Use of Lie Detectors, An Act to Ban (Bill M220)


Community Reforestation Act (Bill M216)


The Dumping of Toxic Materials in British Columbia and Its Coastal Waters, An Act to Prohibit (Bill M222)


Effective Monitoring of Pollution and Toxic Spills, An Act Providing for (Bill M211)


Environmental Protection Act (Bill M209)


Environmentally Sensitive Spending by Government, An Act to Ensure (Bill M204)


Forest Inventory Update Act (Bill M229)


Forest Practices Act (Bill M231)


Forestry Value Added Act (Bill M232)


Forest Waste Reduction Act (Bill M230)


Forestry Research and Development Act (Bill M233)


Freedom of Information Act (Bill M223)


The Integrity of the Agricultural Land Commission, An Act to Restore (Bill M224)


Lead Levels in Drinking Water, An Act to Reduce (Bill M213)


The Moratorium on Offshore Oil Drilling and Exploration, An Act to Continue (Bill M221)


Motor Vehicle (All Terrain) Act, 1989 (Bill M219)


Parks and Wilderness Areas, An Act to Protect (Bill M226)


Pollution Penalties and Create an Environmental Protection Fund, An Act to Increase (Bill M210)


Poverty in Old Age, An Act to Reduce (Bill M234)


Pulp Mill Pollution, An Act to Phase out (Bill M202)


Rent Review, An Act to Provide for (Bill M217)


Rights of Children In Care Act 1989 (Bill M235)


Smoking in the Parliament Buildings, An Act to Regulate (Bill M207)


The Whistle Blower's Protection Act (Bill M208)


Tree Farm Licence Moratorium Act (Bill M205)


The Unnecessary Eviction of Renters When Their Homes are Proposed for Redevelopment or Conversion to Condominiums, An Act to Prevent (Bill M201)


The Use of Apartment and Commercial Incinerators, An Act to Phase out (Bill M214)


The Use of Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and Other Ozone-Depleting Substances, An Act to Ban (Bill M203)

