3rd Session
31st Parliament

Legislative Assembly of British Columbia  

Bills Introduced

Government Bills

* denotes bill having received royal assent.


Attorney-General Statutes Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 37)


* British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (1964) Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 4)


Builders Lien Act (Bill 42)


* Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 9)


* Coal Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 27)


* Commodity Contracts Trading Act (Bill 36)


* Constitution Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 38)


* Consumer and Corporate Affairs Statutes Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 33)


Contracts Enforcement Act (Bill 45)


* Conveyancing and Law Property Act (Bill 31)


* Corporation Capital Tax Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 7)


* Development Corporation of British Columbia Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 21)


* Dykes Maintenance Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 16)


Evidence Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 44)


* Execution Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 32)


Family Relations Act (Bill 22)


Finance Statutes Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 11)


Fire Marshal Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 35)


Forest Act (Bill 14)


Good Samaritan Act (Bill 2)


* Heroin Treatment Act (Bill 18)


* Land Titles Act (Bill 30)


* Mineral Act Clarification Act (Bill 25)


Ministry of Forests Act (Bill 12)


* Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 40)


* Mobile Home Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 26)


* Municipal Affairs and Housing Statutes Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 34)


* Municipal Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 17)


* Municipalities Aid Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 10)


* Natural Products Marketing (British Columbia) Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 24)


* Pari Mutuel Betting Tax Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 6)


Parliamentary Right, An Act to Perpetuate a (Bill 1)


* Partnership Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 39)


* Petroleum and Natural Gas (1965) Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 29)


* Provincial Home-owner Grant Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 15)


* Public Libraries Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 20)


* Range Act (Bill 13)


Repairers Lien Act (Bill 43)


* Revenue Surplus of 1976-77 Appropriation Act, 1978 (Bill 5)


* Science Council of British Columbia Act (Bill 23)


* Social Services Tax Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill 8)


* Supply Act, No. 2, 1978 (Bill 28)


* Urban Transit Authority Act (Bill 19)



Private Bills

There were no private bills introduced in this session.


Members' Bills


The Accountability Act (Bill M203)


The B.C. Hydro and Power Authority Fair Taxation Act (Bill M220)


Bikeways Development Act (Bill M209)


British Columbia Petroleum Sales Act, 1978 (Bill M216)


British Columbia Professional Foresters Act Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill M207)


Captain Cook Bi-Centennial Commemoration Act Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill M215)


Children's Rights Act (Bill M221)


Direct Legislation Act, An Act to Amend (Bill M211)


Gasoline Tax Act (1948) Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill M206)


Guaranteed Available Income for Need Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill M205)


The Highway Act, An Act to Amend (Bill M208)


Legal Professions Act Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill M213)


Legislative Tour Act (Bill M212)


Medical Services Amendment Act, 1978 (Bill M210)


Nutrition Awareness Act (Bill M219)


Restriction of the Use of Spring Traps Act (Bill M217)


Smoke Alarm Installation Act (Bill M202)


Smoking in Public Places and Meetings, An Act to Regulate (Bill M214)


Tourist Accommodation Act (Bill M204)


Vancouver Island Energy Authority Act (Bill M201)


Wrongful Dismissal Act (Bill M218)

