2nd Session
31st Parliament

Legislative Assembly of British Columbia  

Bills Introduced

Government Bills

* denotes bill having received royal assent.


* Agricultural Produce Grading Act (Bill 23)


* Apprenticeship and Training Development Act (Bill 76)


* Assessment Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 6)


Assessment Amendment Act, 1977 (No. 2) (Bill 31)


* Attorney-General Statutes Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 74)


* Automobile Insurance Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 71)


British Columbia Buildings Corporation Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 66)


* British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (1964) Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 4)


* British Columbia Payment to Canada of Federal Income Tax on Behalf of Natural Gas Producers Repeal Act (Bill 10)


* British Columbia Railway Company Grant Act, 1977 (Bill 47)


* British Columbia Resources Investment Corporation Act (Bill 87)


* Captain Cook Bi-Centennial Commemoration Act (Bill 45)


* Change of Name Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 3)


* Colleges and Provincial Institutes Act (Bill 82)


* Commercial Transport Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 41)


* Community Resources Boards Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 65)


* Companies Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 49)


* Consumer Protection Act (Bill 28)


Conveyancing and Law of Property Act (Bill 64)


* Copper Smelting and Refining Incentive Act (Bill 15)


* Corporation Capital Tax Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 8)


* Corrections Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 55)


* Credit Unions Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 80)


* Crown Corporation Reporting Act (Bill 52)


* Essential Services Disputes Act (Bill 92)


* Evidence Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 2)


Execution Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 60)


Family Relations Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 69)


* Farm Income Assurance Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 17)


* Gift Tax Repeal Act (Bill 11)


* Greenbelt Act (Bill 29)


* Heritage Conservation Act (Bill 77)


* Home Purchase Assistance Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 14)


* Housing, Department of, Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 9)


* Income Tax Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 35)


* Independent Schools Support Act (Bill 33)


* Islands Trust Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 25)


Jury Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 72)


* Klondike National Historic Park Act (Bill 48)


* Labour Code of British Columbia Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 89)


* Land Commission Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 88)


Landlord and Tenant Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 51)


Land Titles Act (Bill 62)


* Liquor Control and Licensing Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 81)


* Liquor Distribution Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 13)


* Medical Centre of British Columbia Repeal Act (Bill 59)


* Medical Services Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 20)


* Metric Conversion Act, 1977 (Bill 78)


* Mineral Act (Bill 73)


* Mineral Land Tax Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 84)


* Mines and Petroleum Resources, Department of, Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 38)


* Ministerial Titles Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 67)


* Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 91)


* Mobile Home Act (Bill 34)


* Motor Dealers Licensing Act (Bill 39)


* Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1977 (No. 1) (Bill 7)


* Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1977 (No. 2) (Bill 27)


* Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1977 (No. 3) (Bill 40)


* Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1977 (No. 4) (Bill 83)


* Municipal Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 42)


* The Notre Dame University of Nelson Act, 1977 (Bill 68)


* Ombudsman Act (Bill 63)


* Pesticide Control Act (Bill 46)


* Plant Protection Act (Bill 37)


* Pollution Control (1967) Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 5)


* Power Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 30)


* Provincial Court Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 54)


* Provincial Homeowner Grant Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 18)


* Psychologists Act (Bill 16)


* Public Recreational Facilities Act (Bill 90)


* Public Schools Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 85)


* Registered Nurses Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 26)


* Residential Tenancy Act (Bill 86)


* Revenue Sharing Act (Bill 58)


* Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters Act (Bill 24)


Skagit Valley Lands Repeal Act (Bill 61)


* Societies Act (Bill 50)


* Soil Conservation Act (Bill 57)


* Statistics Act (Bill 32)


* Strata Titles Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 70)


* Strata Titles Amendment Act, 1977 (No. 2) (Bill 75)


* Succession Duty Repeal Act (Bill 12)


* Summary Convictions Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 53)


* Supply Act, No. 1, 1977 (Bill 36)


* Supply Act, No. 2, 1977 (Bill 79)


* Supreme Court Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 19)


* Survivorship and Presumption of Death Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill 1)


Swan Valley Foods Limited Debenture Purchase Act (Bill 56)


Systems Act (Bill 44)


* Travel Agents Registration Act (Bill 21)



Private Bills

* denotes bill having received royal assent.


Institute of Accredited Public Accountants of British Columbia, An Act to Incorporate (Bill PR404)


* Society of Industrial Accountants of British Columbia Amendment Act (Bill PR403)


* Trinity Western College Act, An Act to Amend (Bill PR405)


Vancouver Charter, An Act to Amend (Bill PR402)


* Vancouver Stock Exchange Act, 1907, An Act to Amend (Bill PR401)



Members' Bills


Access to Information Act (Bill M209)


An Overdue Bill (Bill M212)


British Columbia Petroleum Sales Act, 1977 (Bill M207)


Fair Share of Property Tax Payment Act (Bill M213)


Fire Marshal Act Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill M208)


Floating Homes Regulation Act (Bill M201)


Freedom of Information Act (Bill M202)


Gasoline Tax Act 1948 Amendment Act (Bill M215)


Hominoidea at Harrison Hot Springs, An Act to Protect (Bill M216)


Human Rights Code of British Columbia, An Act to Amend (Bill M203)


Municipal Amendment Act, 1977 (No. 2) (Bill M210)


Non-Smokers' Preferred Risk Insurance Rates Act (Bill M220)


Payment of Local Taxes by the British Columbia Railway, An Act to Provide for (Bill M211)


Psychologists Act, An Act to Amend the (Bill M217)


Public Officials and Employees Conflict of Interest Act (Bill M214)


Save the Vancouver Resources Board Act (Bill M218)


Social Services Tax Act Amendment Act, 1977 (Bill M219)


Spring Traps Act, Restriction of the Use of (Bill M204)


Telephone Directories Dual Listing Act (Bill M205)


Vital Statistics Act, An Act to Amend (Bill M206)

