1st Session
31st Parliament

Legislative Assembly of British Columbia  

Bills Introduced

Government Bills

* denotes bill having received royal assent.


An Act to Amend the Land Registry Act (Bill 37)


An Act to Amend the Public Officials and Employees Disclosure Act (Bill 38)


* An Act to Incorporate the Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster and His Successors in Office a Corporation Sole (Bill 50)


* An Act to Incorporate the British Columbia Association of Colleges (Bill 51)


An Act to Provide for the Payment of Local Taxes by the British Columbia Railway (Bill 86)


* Anti-Inflation Measures Act (Bill 16)


* Attorney-General Statutes Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 74)


* Auditor General Act (Bill 45)


* Automobile Insurance Act Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 61)


Bikeways Development Act (Bill 36)


* British Columbia Buildings Corporation Act (Bill 23)


* British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act, 1975-1976 (Bill 3)


* British Columbia Educational Institutions Capital Financing Authority Act (Bill 46)


* British Columbia Ferry Corporation Act (Bill 24)


British Columbia Harbours Board Amendment Act (Bill 4)


British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (1964) Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 6)


* British Columbia Railway Company Construction Loan Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 5)


Change of Name Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 34)


Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 12)


Community of Property Act (Bill 39)


* Companies Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 76)


* Constitution Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 15)


Consumer Protection Act (Bill 65)


Corporate Disclosure Act (Bill 42)


* Credit Unions Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 60)


* Dentistry Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 70)


* Economic Policy Analysis Institute of British Columbia Repeal Act (Bill 14)


Energy Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 54)


* Extra-Provincial Custody Orders Enforcement Act (Bill 18)


Farm and Domestic Workers Recognition Act (Bill 84)


Freedom of Information Act (Bill 33)


* Government Reorganization Act (Bill 59)


* Guaranteed Available Income for Need Act (Bill 28)


* Home Purchase Assistance Act (Bill 49)


* Hospital Services Collective Amendment Act (Bill 75)


In-Laws Act (Bill 1)


Income Tax Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 9)


* Interpretation Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 20)


* Interprovincial Subpoena Act (Bill 19)


* Judicial Revenue Procedure Act (Bill 44)


* Labour Code of British Columbia Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 77)


* Land Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 29)


* Legal Professions Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 62)


Legislative Indemnities and Expenses Tribunal Act (Bill 31)


* Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannuation Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 72)


* Mineral Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 30)


* Mineral Resource Tax Act (Bill 57)


Mineral Royalties Repeal Act (Bill 40)


* Miscellaneous Statutes (Court Rules) Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 69)


* Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 78)


Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 32)


* Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 2) (Bill 66)


* Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 3) (Bill 80)


* Municipal Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 53)


* Municipal Amendment Act, No. 2, 1976 (Bill 87)


* Municipalities Enabling and Validating Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 63)


Ombudsman Act (Bill 48)


* Petroleum and Natural Gas (1965) Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 25)


* Pharmacy Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 71)


* Pollution Control (1967) Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 26)


* Prospectors Assistance Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 21)


* Provincial Homeowner Grant Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 17)


* Public Construction Fair Wages Act (Bill 83)


Public Officials and Employees Conflict of Interest Act (Bill 67)


* Public Schools Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 55)


* Public Service Act (Bill 81)


* Public Service Benefits Plans Act (Bill 64)


* Public Service Labour Relations Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 82)


Public Works Fair Employment Act Repeal Act (Bill 35)


* Railway and Ferries Bargaining Assistance Act (Bill 58)


Railway Operation Continuation Act (Bill 22)


Restriction of the Use of Spring Traps Act, 1976 (Bill 43)


* Revenue Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 8)


* Sheriffs Act (Bill 56)


Social Services Tax Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 11)


Societies Act (Bill 47)


Special Funds Revenue Recovery Act, 1976 (Bill 7)


Strata Titles Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 73)


* Supply Act, No. 1, 1976 (Bill 10)


Supply Act, No. 2, 1976 (Bill 85)


* Supreme Court Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 13)


Vancouver Stock Exchange Act Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 52)


* Water Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 27)


Water Improvement District Assistance Act (Bill 41)



Private Bills


There were no private bills introduced in this session.



Members’ Bills


There were no members’ bills introduced in this session.

