4th Session
30th Parliament

Legislative Assembly of British Columbia  

Bills Introduced

Government and Members' Bills

Members' bills are indicated by listing the name of the sponsoring member in square brackets after the bill number. * denotes bill having received royal assent.


* Accelerated Park Development Fund Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 114)


* Administration Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 3)


* Administration of Justice Act (Bill 2)


Affirmative Action Plan Act (Bill 37) [Brown]


* An Agreement Bearing Date the 16th Day of November, 1964, between the City of Prince Rupert, Canadian National Railway Company, and Her Majesty the Queen in Her Right of Her Province of British Columbia Amendment Act, 1974, An Act to Ratify (Bill 145)


Agricultural Credit Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 69)


* Agricultural Credit Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 129)


* Agricultural Rehabilitation and Development (British Columbia) Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 139)


Air Ambulance Aid Act (Bill 24) [Phillips]


* Assessment Act (Bill 151)


* Assessment Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 170)


* Assessment Authority of British Columbia Act (Bill 147)


The Association of British Columbia Homemakers Services Act (Bill 41) [Wallace]


Audit Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 78) [McGeer]


* Audit Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 163)


* Blind Persons' Rights Act (Bill 72)


Bonded Businesses Act (Bill 27) [Wallace]


Bonded Businesses Act (Bill 123) [Wallace]


* British Columbia–Alberta Boundary Act (Bill 30)


British Columbia Auditor General (Bill 19) [Gardom]


British Columbia Coastal Zone Commission Act (Bill 136) [Steves]


* British Columbia Day Act (Bill 61)


British Columbia Dietetic Association, An Act Respecting (Bill 32) [sponsor unknown]


* British Columbia Harbours Board Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 17)


British Columbia Noise Control Act (Bill 161) [Gabelmann]


British Columbia Ombudsman Act (Bill 150) [Gardom]


British Columbia Public Trustee Act (Bill 34) [Bennett]


British Columbia Recycling Corporation Act (Bill 143) [Steves]


* British Columbia School Trustees’ Association Incorporation Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 51) [Brown]


* British Columbia Tartan Act (Bill 62)


* Burrard Inlet (Third Crossing) Fund Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 10)


* Coal Act (Bill 92)


* College Pension Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 96)


* Community Care Facilities Licensing Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 109)


* Community Resources Act (Bill 84)


* Companies Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 127)


* Constitution Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 159)


* Coroners Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 43)


* County Courts Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 74)


Criminal Injuries Compensation Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 125) [Wallace]


* Criminal Injuries Compensation Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 73)


* Crown Proceedings Act (Bill 6)


* Debtor Assistance Act (Bill 77)


* Development Corporation of British Columbia Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 146)


The Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Act, 1974 (Bill 99) [Wallace]


* Economic Development, Department of, Act (Bill 71)


* Economic Policy Analysis Institute of British Columbia Act (Bill 158)


* Elderly Citizen Renters Grant Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 8)


Election-Expenses Act (Bill 23) [Wallace]


* Elevator Construction Industry Labour Disputes Act (Bill 168)


* Emergency Health Services Act (Bill 93)


* Energy Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 18)


* Essential Services Continuation Act (Bill 164)


* Fair Sales Practices Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 65)


* Farm Products Industry Improvement Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 81)


* Fire Marshall Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 100)


* Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission Act (Bill 120)


* Forest Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 117)


Franchise Dealers Protection Act (Bill 64) [Bennett]


* Frustrated Contracts Act (Bill 5)


The Government Computer Privacy Act (Bill 179) [Curtis]


Guaranteed Minimum Income Plan (Bill 20) [Richter]


* Health, Department of, Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 166)


* Hospital Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 79)


Hospital Insurance Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 135) [Wallace]


* Human Resources Facilities Development Act (Bill 82)


Incapacitated Voter's Act (Bill 35) [Wallace]


Income Tax Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 11)


* Income Tax Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 102)


Industrial Development Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 156) [Kelly]


* Institute of Technology (British Columbia) Act (Bill 134)


Interpretation Act (Bill 110)


* Interpretation Act (Bill 153)


* Islands Trust Act (Bill 112)


* Kamloops Emergency Flood Control Act (Bill 131)


Labour Code of British Columbia Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 40) [McClelland]


Labour Code of British Columbia Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 67) [Chabot]


Land Registry Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 36) [Wallace]


Land Registry Act, An Act to Amend the (Bill 60) [Sanford]


* Land Registry Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 121)


* Landlord and Tenant Act (Bill 105)


* Landlord and Tenant Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 155)


* Landlord and Tenant Amendment Act, 1974 (No. 2) (Bill 169)


* Leasehold and Conversion Mortgage Loan Act (Bill 133)


Legal Professions Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 33)


* Logging Tax Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 149)


* Lotteries Act (Bill 83)


* Metric Conversion Act (Bill 80)


* Mineral Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 48)


* Mineral Royalties Act (Bill 31)


Miners Protection Act (Bill 39)


Minimum Wage Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 76) [Cummings]


* Motor-vehicle Amendment Act 1974 (Bill 138)


* Municipal Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 142)


* Municipal Amendment Act, 1974 (No. 2) (Bill 174)


* Municipal Superannuation Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 98)


Municipalities Aid Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 38) [Curtis]


* Municipalities Aid Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 9)


* Municipalities Enabling and Validating Act, 1974 (Bill 152)


Municipalities Enabling and Validating Act, An Act to Amend the (Bill 177) [D. A. Anderson]


* Natural Products Marketing (British Columbia) Act (Bill 165)


Northern British Columbia, Department of, Act (Bill 26) [Phillips]


* Occupiers' Liability Act (Bill 4)


Outlawries Act (Bill 1)


Pacific North Coast Native Co–operative Loan Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 86)


* Petroleum and Natural Gas Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 132)


* Pharmacy Act (Bill 106)


* Placer Mining Act (Bill 144)


* Police Act (Bill 91)


* Prejudgment Interest Act (Bill 66)


* Probate Fees Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 13)


* Professional Corporations Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 45)


* Prospectors Assistance Act (Bill 94)


Protection of Children Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 118) [Wallace]


* Protection of Children Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 154)


* Provincial Court Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 44)


* Provincial Court Amendment Act, 1974 (No. 2) (Bill 122)


Provincial Elections Act, An Act to Amend the (Bill 172) [McGeer]


* Provincial Home Acquisition Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 140)


Public Bodies Information Act (Bill 21) [McClelland]


* Public Officials and Employees Disclosure Act (Bill 85)


Public Officials' Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Act (Bill 47) [Curtis]


Public Schools Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 46)


* Public Schools Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 89)


* Public Service Superannuation Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 95)


* Public Schools Amendment Act, 1974 (No. 2) (Bill 175)


* Public Schools Interim Arbitration Procedure Act (Bill 173)


Public Works Fair Employment Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 42) [McClelland]


* Public Works Fair Employment Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 87)


* Real Estate Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 124)


* Real Property Tax Deferment Act (Bill 16)


* Recreation Land Green Belt Encouragement Act (Bill 15)


* Regional Hospital Districts Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 104)


* Residential Premises Interim Rent Stabilization Act (Bill 75)


Riding Trails Designation Act (Bill 107) [Wallace]


Rural Student Aid Travel Fund Act (Bill 25) [Phillips]


* Securities Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 116)


Senior Citizens Home Repair Assistance Act (Bill 28) [Jordan]


* Sewerage Facilities Assistance Act (Bill 88)


Smoking in Public Places, An Act Respecting (Bill 90) [McGeer]


* Social Services Tax Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 14)


* Special Funds Appropriation Act, 1974 (Bill 7)


* Special Provincial Employment Programme Act (Bill 101)


Spring Traps, An Act for the Restriction of Use (Bill 63) [Gardom]


* Statute Law Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 162)


* Statute Law Amendment Act, 1974 (No. 2) (Bill 178)


* Statutes Act (Bill 111)


* Strata Titles Act (Bill 141)


* Succession Duty Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 12)


* Summary Convictions Amendment Act,1974 (Bill 103)


* Supply Act, No. 1, 1974 (Bill 108)


* Supply Act, No. 2, 1974 (Bill 148)


* Supreme Court Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 115)


* Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 97)


Tenants' Collective Bargaining Rights Act (Bill 68) [sponsor unknown]


* Timber Products Stabilization Act (Bill 171)


* Trade Practices Act (Bill 126)


Training on the Job Act (Bill 29) [Jordan]


* Transit Services Act (Bill 70)


Transportation Assistance Fund Act (Bill 22) [McClelland]


* Tuberculosis Institutions Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 113)


* Unified Family Court Act (Bill 49)


* Universities Act (Bill 157)


* Vancouver Charter, An Act to Amend (Bill 50) [Cummings]


Water Facilities Assistance Act (Bill 176) [D'Arcy]


* Workmen's Compensation Amendment Act, 1974 (Bill 119)

