3rd Session
30th Parliament

Legislative Assembly of British Columbia  

Bills Introduced

Government and Members' Bills

Members' bills are indicated by listing the name of the sponsoring member in square brackets after the bill number. * denotes bill having received royal assent.


Abandoned Refrigerator Act (Bill 112) [Wallace]


Administrative Tribunals Appeals Act (Bill 74) [Wallace]


* Adoption Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 12)


* Agricultural Credit Act (Bill 44)


* Agricultural Land Development Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 5)


Assessment Equalization Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 34) [Wallace]


* Beef Grading Act (Bill 6)


British Columbia Auditor General (Bill 15) [Gardom]


British Columbia Ombudsman Act (Bill 14) [Gardom]


British Columbia Railway Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 61) [McGeer]


* British Columbia Railway Company Grant Act, 1973 (Bill 110)


* Coal Mines Regulation Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 95)


* Coloured Gasoline Tax Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 25)


* Commercial Transport, Department of, Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 30)


* Community Recreational Facilities Fun Appropriation Act (Bill 117)


* Companies Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 115)


Consumer Credit Disclosure Protection Act (Bill 73) [Curtis]


* Consumer Services, Department of, Act (Bill 48)


* Corporation Capital Tax Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 21)


* Corrections Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 24)


* County Courts Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 89)


County Courts Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 90) [Gardom]


Crown Proceedings Act (Bill 13) [Gardom]


Cyril Morley Shelford Compensation Act (Bill 41) [Richter]


* Distress Area Assistance Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 67)


* Domestic Animal Protection Act (Bill 45)


Drug Addition Rehabilitation Act, 1973 (Bill 33) [Wallace]


Environmental Bill of Rights Act (Bill 79) [Gardom]


Factories Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 78) [McClelland]


* Farm Income Assurance Act (Bill 9)


* Farm Products Industry Improvement Act (Bill 68)


Fluoridation of Water Supply, An Act Respecting (Bill 62) [McGeer]


* Geothermal Resources Act (Bill 77)


Government Computer Privacy Act (Bill 60) [Curtis]


Guarantee of Natural Justice Act (Bill 98) [Wallace]


Guaranteed Income Act (Bill 18) [Richter]


Guaranteed Minimum Income Plan (Bill 17) [Richter]


* Health Services and Hospital Insurance, Department of, Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 39)


* Hospital Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 105)


Hospital Insurance Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 35) [Wallace]


* Housing, Department of, Act (Bill 49)


* Human Rights Code of British Columbia Act (Bill 100)


* Human Tissue Gift Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 43)


Income Tax Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 19) [Richter]


* Income Tax Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 23)


Indian Reserves Mineral Resources Act Repeal Act (Bill 111) [Gardom]


* Labour Code of British Columbia Act (Bill 11)


Land Registry Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 38) [Curtis]


Land Registry Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 47) [Sanford]


* Livestock Production Act (Bill 46)


Married Persons Equality Act (Bill 1)


* Medical Centre of British Columbia Act (Bill 81)


* Medical Grant Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 2)


* Medical Services, An Act to Amend an Act Respecting (Bill 10)


* Mental Health Act, 1964, An Act to Amend (Bill 82)


* Milk Industry Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 7)


* Mineral Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 101)


* Mineral Land Tax Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 107)


* Mines and Petroleum Resources, Department of, Act (Bill 76)


* Mines Regulation Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 80)


* Motor-vehicle Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 99)


* Municipal Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 96)


* Municipal Superannuation Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 103)


Municipalities Aid Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 28) [Curtis]


Northern British Columbia, Department of, Act, (1973) (Bill 65) [Phillips]


* Oleomargarine Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 8)


* Pacific Great Eastern Settlement Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 22)


* Pacific North Coast Native Co-operative Loan Act (Bill 87)


* Payment of Wages Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 40)


* Personal Information Reporting Act (Bill 63)


* Petroleum Corporation Act (Bill 70)


* Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 83)


Public Bodies Information Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 92) [McClelland]


Public Officials' Disclosure Act (Bill 37) [Curtis]


Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 36) [Wallace]


* Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 114)


Public Scrutiny (Bill 16) [Gardom]


* Public Service Act (Bill 116)


* Public Service Labour Relations Act (Bill 75)


* Public Service Superannuation Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 102)


* Queen Elizabeth II British Columbia Centennial Scholarship Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 97)


* Real Estate Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 29)


* Registered Nurses Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 109)


* Revised Statutes Act, 1966, An Act to Amend (Bill 106)


Senior Citizens Home Repair (Bill 27) [Jordan]


* Sessional Reports Suspension Act (Bill 20)


Smoking in Public Places, An Act to Limit (Bill 42) [McGeer]


* Soil Conservation Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 94)


Spring Traps, An Act for the Restriction of the Use of (Bill 72) [Gardom]


* Statute Law Amendment Act, 1973 (Second Session) (Bill 120)


* Succession Duty Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 69)


Supplementary Municipal Assistance Act (Bill 26) [Smith]


* Supreme Court Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 85)


Supreme Court Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 91) [Gardom]


* Taxation Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 84)


* Teachers' Pension Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 104)


* Transport and Communications, Department of, Act (Bill 64)


Transportation Assistance Fund Act (Bill 93) [McClelland]


* Vancouver Enabling Act, 1973 (Bill 119)


* Veterinary Laboratories Act (Bill 31)


* Veterinary Medical Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 3)


* Vital Statistics Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 113)


Voluntary Emergency First Aid Act (Bill 66) [McGeer]


* Weather Modification Activity Act (Bill 118)


* Weed Control Act (Bill 71)

