Third Session, 42nd Parliament (2022)

Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts


Monday, February 28, 2022

Issue No. 18

ISSN 1499-4259

The HTML transcript is provided for informational purposes only.
The PDF transcript remains the official digital version.



Peter Milobar (Kamloops–North Thompson, BC Liberal Party)

Deputy Chair:

Rick Glumac (Port Moody–Coquitlam, BC NDP)


Brittny Anderson (Nelson-Creston, BC NDP)

Bruce Banman (Abbotsford South, BC Liberal Party)

Dan Coulter (Chilliwack, BC NDP)

Norm Letnick (Kelowna–Lake Country, BC Liberal Party)

Andrew Mercier (Langley, BC NDP)

Niki Sharma (Vancouver-Hastings, BC NDP)

Mike Starchuk (Surrey-Cloverdale, BC NDP)


Jennifer Arril


Monday, February 28, 2022

8:15 a.m.

Douglas Fir Committee Room (Room 226)
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C.

Present: Peter Milobar, MLA (Chair); Rick Glumac, MLA (Deputy Chair); Bruce Banman, MLA; Dan Coulter, MLA; Norm Letnick, MLA; Andrew Mercier, MLA; Niki Sharma, MLA; Mike Starchuk, MLA
Unavoidably Absent: Brittny Anderson, MLA
There not yet being a Chair elected to serve the Committee, the meeting was called to order at 8:18 a.m. by the Clerk of Committees.
Resolved, that Peter Milobar, MLA, be elected Chair of the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts. (Bruce Banman, MLA)
Resolved, that Rick Glumac, MLA, be elected Deputy Chair of the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts. (Dan Coulter, MLA)
Resolved, that a Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure, comprised of the Chair, Peter Milobar, MLA, the Deputy Chair, Rick Glumac, MLA, Andrew Mercier, MLA, and Bruce Banman, MLA, be appointed. (Niki Sharma, MLA)
The Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair at 8:22 a.m.
Peter Milobar, MLA
Jennifer Arril
Clerk of Committees


The committee met at 8:18 a.m.

Election of Chair and Deputy Chair

J. Arril (Clerk of Committees): Good morning, committee members.

As this is the first meeting of the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts for the third session of the 42nd parliament, it’s my honour, as Clerk of Committees, to oversee the election of Chair.

Do we have any nominations for the Chair of the committee?

B. Banman: Peter Milobar.

J. Arril (Clerk of Committees): Peter, do you accept?

P. Milobar: I do. Thank you.

J. Arril (Clerk of Committees): All right. Any further nominations? Any further nominations? A final time, any further nominations?

All right. Then the question is that Peter take the role as Chair of the committee.

Motion approved.

[P. Milobar in the chair.]

J. Arril (Clerk of Committees): Congratulations, Chair.

P. Milobar (Chair): Thank you. I look forward to the 2024 election being so simple.

Thanks, everyone. We need to move on, then, and elect a Deputy Chair.

Are there any nominations from the floor?

D. Coulter: I nominate Rick Glumac.

P. Milobar (Chair): All right. Nominated by Dan Coulter.

Any other nominations?

R. Glumac: I accept.

P. Milobar (Chair): Oh right. Sorry. I kind of assumed but, you know, silly me.

Any other nominations? Any other nominations for the Deputy Chair?

Then the question is that Rick Glumac take the role of Deputy Chair.

Motion approved.

P. Milobar (Chair): Congratulations.

Thanks, everyone, for making time in your schedule so quickly after the committees got populated last Thursday. We do have to start getting going on getting our schedule.

I know I’m kind of the new one, and Norm Letnick is one of the new ones. I think everyone else here has been on since 2020. So bear with us a bit. I haven’t chaired a meeting for a lot of years, so it will take a little while to get the rust off.

[8:20 a.m.]

Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure

P. Milobar (Chair): We have one other motion that we need to consider today, and that’s the appointment of the subcommittee on agenda and procedure. I know that’s an existing subcommittee, so the hope is to continue that on and then have broader discussion, if we need to continue or not, moving forward.

At this time, it’s still…. The job of the subcommittee would be to assist with developing the workplan and organizing the work of the committee…. I should probably take that off.

I understand that the subcommittee is to include the Chair, the Deputy Chair and two other committee members. That seems to make perfect sense.

With that as the backdrop, I would nominate that Bruce Banman be on the subcommittee representing us, with myself.

Rick, is there anyone that you would like to nominate?

R. Glumac (Deputy Chair): Andrew Mercier.

P. Milobar (Chair): Okay, thank you for that.

Andrew, do you accept?

A. Mercier: I do.

P. Milobar (Chair): Bruce, do you accept?

B. Banman: I do.

P. Milobar (Chair): Alrighty.

If someone could move the motion. Jennifer will pass the motion over for it to be read out.

N. Sharma: I move that a subcommittee on agenda and procedure comprised of the Chair, Peter Milobar; the Deputy Chair, Rick Glumac; Andrew Mercier; and Bruce Banman be appointed.

P. Milobar (Chair): Great.

Motion approved.

P. Milobar (Chair): That pretty much wraps the meeting up. I know, looking in the background of the previous year’s work, there was a fairly well-laid-out schedule ahead of time for meetings. I recognize this isn’t the easiest committee to try to get everyone together and to try to fit it in with all of our other committees and work that we have.

We’ll get together as a subcommittee and start trying to work on some of those dates and try to figure out a way to make it continue on in the same way that it was, in terms of making sure that things are operating smoothly and with as little inconvenience as possible for everyone, in terms of their schedules.

Is there anything else anyone else would like to bring up at this time?

Motion to adjourn.

Motion approved.

The committee adjourned at 8:22 a.m.