Second Session, 42nd Parliament (2021)

Special Committee to Review Provisions of the Election Act

Virtual Meeting

Monday, July 19, 2021

Issue No. 9

ISSN 2563-8491

The HTML transcript is provided for informational purposes only.
The PDF transcript remains the official digital version.



Jagrup Brar (Surrey-Fleetwood, BC NDP)

Deputy Chair:

Peter Milobar (Kamloops–North Thompson, BC Liberal Party)


Brittny Anderson (Nelson-Creston, BC NDP)

Greg Kyllo (Shuswap, BC Liberal Party)

Ronna-Rae Leonard (Courtenay-Comox, BC NDP)

Andrew Mercier (Langley, BC NDP)

Adam Olsen (Saanich North and the Islands, BC Green Party)


Susan Sourial


Monday, July 19, 2021

8:00 a.m.

Virtual Meeting

Present: Jagrup Brar, MLA (Chair); Peter Milobar, MLA (Deputy Chair); Brittny Anderson, MLA; Greg Kyllo, MLA; Ronna-Rae Leonard, MLA; Andrew Mercier, MLA; Adam Olsen, MLA
The Chair called the Committee to order at 8:09 a.m.
Resolved, that the Committee meet in camera to consider its draft report. (Ronna-Rae Leonard, MLA)
The Committee met in camera from 8:10 a.m. to 8:32 a.m.
The Committee continued in public session at 8:32 a.m.
Resolved, that the Special Committee to Review Provisions of the Election Act approve and adopt its report, as presented today; and further, that the Committee authorize the Chair and Deputy Chair to work with committee staff to finalize any minor editorial changes to complete the supporting text. (Andrew Mercier, MLA)
Resolved, that the Chair of the Special Committee to Review Provisions of the Election Act deposit a copy of the Committee’s report with the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly; and further, that upon resumption of the sittings of the House, or in the next following session, as the case may be, the Chair present the report to the Legislative Assembly at the earliest available opportunity. (Adam Olsen, MLA)
The Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair at 8:38 a.m.
Jagrup Brar, MLA
Susan Sourial
Clerk Assistant, Committees and Interparliamentary Relations

MONDAY, JULY 19, 2021

The committee met at 8:09 a.m.

[J. Brar in the chair.]


J. Brar (Chair): Good morning, committee members.

First of all, I would like to acknowledge that I am joining today’s meeting from the traditional territories of the Kwantlen, Katzie, Semiahmoo and Tsawwassen First Nations. I would ask every member to reflect upon the traditional territories that you are on today.

With that, I would like to have a motion to go in camera, please.

R. Leonard: So moved.

Motion approved.

The committee continued in camera from 8:10 a.m. to 8:32 a.m.

[J. Brar in the chair.]

Committee Report to the House


J. Brar (Chair): Susan, can you screen-share the motion.

I need somebody to move this motion, Members.

A. Mercier: I’ll move, Chair. Do you want me to just read it out?

J. Brar (Chair): I think you can read it.

A. Mercier: I move:

[That the Special Committee to Review Provisions of the Election Act approve and adopt its report, as presented today; and further, that the Committee authorize the Chair and Deputy Chair to work with committee staff to finalize any minor editorial changes to complete the supporting text.]

J. Brar (Chair): Thank you, Andrew.

Is there any debate, Members, about this motion? Is there anyone who wishes to speak to this motion?

Is there anyone who wishes to speak to this motion, Members, one more time? I don’t see any hands; I don’t hear any noise.

Members, one more time, is there anyone who wishes to speak to this motion, the first one? This is your opportunity.

Just to be correct, Susan, can you read the outcome?

[8:35 a.m.]

S. Sourial (Clerk Assistant, Committees and Interparliamentary Relations): It wasn’t a division, Mr. Chair. It was just carried. It was a voice vote.

Motion approved.

J. Brar (Chair): Now we need the second motion.

Members, I need someone to move this motion.

Adam, please proceed.

A. Olsen: I move:

[That the Chair of the Special Committee to Review Provisions of the Election Act deposit a copy of the Committee’s report with the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly; and further, that upon resumption of the sittings of the House, or in the next following session, as the case may be, the Chair present the report to the Legislative Assembly at the earliest available opportunity.]

J. Brar (Chair): Thank you, Adam.

Any debate, Members? Does anyone wish to speak to this motion?

One more time, is there anyone who wishes to speak to this motion?

One last time, is there anyone who wishes to speak to this motion?

Motion approved.

J. Brar (Chair): Susan, what is the next step?

S. Sourial (Clerk Assistant, Committees and Interparliamentary Relations): Unless members have any other business, adjournment of the committee.

J. Brar (Chair): Members, does anybody want to make any concluding comments at this stage? I know Ronna-Rae wants to say that.

Go ahead.

R. Leonard: I want to say thank you very much to Ron for making sure that we had a really clear report that represented what we heard so well. It’s a pleasure to do business with the staff in the Clerk’s office who are providing us with such great service.

Thank you to Susan as well, of course — for keeping us going.

J. Brar (Chair): Thank you, Ronna-Rae. That’s great.

Does anybody else want to make any concluding comments? None.

I just want to say to all members of this committee: thank you for your participation in this very important public policy issue and your contributions, which are very important to us.

I also would like to join Ronna-Rae to say thanks to Susan and Ron and other staff members. You have done a super job guiding us about this very important issue and putting together the best report possible for us to make the final decision. So thank you.

Thanks to all of you, once again. I really appreciate your work and your support on this issue.

S. Sourial (Clerk Assistant, Committees and Interparliamentary Relations): Thank you. Thank you, Members.

J. Brar (Chair): I need a motion to adjourn.

Motion approved.

The committee adjourned at 8:38 a.m.