Fourth Session, 41st Parliament (2019)

Special Committee to Review the Police Complaint Process


Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Issue No. 5

ISSN 1499-4275

The HTML transcript is provided for informational purposes only.
The PDF transcript remains the official digital version.



Rachna Singh (Surrey–Green Timbers, NDP)

Deputy Chair:

Mike Morris (Prince George–Mackenzie, BC Liberal)


Garry Begg (Surrey-Guildford, NDP)

Adam Olsen (Saanich North and the Islands, BC Green Party)

Ellis Ross (Skeena, BC Liberal)


Susan Sourial


Tuesday, May 21, 2019

3:30 p.m.

Douglas Fir Committee Room (Room 226)
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C.

Present: Rachna Singh, MLA (Chair); Mike Morris, MLA (Deputy Chair); Garry Begg, MLA; Ellis Ross, MLA
Unavoidably Absent: Adam Olsen, MLA
The Chair called the Committee to order at 3:45 p.m.
Resolved, that the Committee meet in camera to review its RFP Process. (Mike Morris, MLA)
The Committee met in camera from 3:45 p.m. to 3:50 p.m.
Resolved, that the Special Committee to Review the Police Complaint Process appoint MNP LLP to conduct a compliance audit respecting the outcome or resolution of randomly selected complaints and investigations, pursuant to Section 51.2 of the Police Act [RSBC 1996] c. 367 and to conduct a performance audit of the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner. (Ellis Ross, MLA)
The Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair at 3:53 p.m.
Rachna Singh, MLA
Susan Sourial
Clerk Assistant — Committees and Interparliamentary Relations

TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2019

The committee met at 3:45 p.m.

[R. Singh in the chair.]


R. Singh (Chair): I call the meeting to order.

I would like a motion to go in camera.

M. Morris (Deputy Chair): Motion to go in camera.

Motion approved.

The committee continued in camera from 3:45 p.m. to 3:50 p.m.

[R. Singh in the chair.]

Appointment of Auditor

R. Singh (Chair): We are out of camera now.

S. Sourial (Clerk Assistant, Committees and Interpar­lia­mentary Relations): Members, the motion before you is: “That the Special Committee to Review the Police Complaint Process appoint MNP LLP to conduct a compliance audit respecting the outcome or resolution of randomly selected complaints and investigations, pursuant to Section 51.2 of the Police Act [RSBC 1996] c. 367 and to conduct a performance audit of the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner.”

If there’s any debate on the motion or discussion….

R. Singh (Chair): Do we need to second it?

S. Sourial (Clerk Assistant): No, we don’t need a seconder. I need a mover, though.

R. Singh (Chair): Ellis wants to move it.

Friends, hearing no debate, the question is in front of you.

Motion approved.

S. Sourial (Clerk Assistant): Excellent. Thank you, committee members.

I hand it back over to the Chair.

R. Singh (Chair): Thank you so much.

Do we have any other business, Susan?

S. Sourial (Clerk Assistant): Not at this time. The committee’s next meetings, at the moment, are in June — June 5 and June 6, in Surrey. We will be sending information regarding that meeting at that time. The successful proponent will hopefully be available to appear and speak to committee members at that time as well.

R. Singh (Chair): Wonderful. Thank you so much.

Now I need a motion to adjourn.

Motion approved.

The committee adjourned at 3:53 p.m.