Fourth Session, 41st Parliament (2019)
Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Issue No. 16
ISSN 1499-4194
The HTML transcript is provided for informational purposes only.
PDF transcript remains the official digital version.
Chair: |
Bowinn Ma (North Vancouver–Lonsdale, NDP) |
Deputy Chair: |
Stephanie Cadieux (Surrey South, BC Liberal) |
Members: |
Spencer Chandra Herbert (Vancouver–West End, NDP) |
Jas Johal (Richmond-Queensborough, BC Liberal) |
Ravi Kahlon (Delta North, NDP) |
Peter Milobar (Kamloops–North Thompson, BC Liberal) |
Adam Olsen (Saanich North and the Islands, BC Green Party) |
Rachna Singh (Surrey–Green Timbers, NDP) |
Jordan Sturdy (West Vancouver–Sea to Sky, BC Liberal) |
Clerk: |
Susan Sourial |
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
11:00 a.m.
Birch Committee Room (Room 339)
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C.
Clerk Assistant — Committees and Interparliamentary Relations
The committee met at 11:01 a.m.
[B. Ma in the chair.]
B. Ma (Chair): Hello, everyone. Welcome to what will hopefully be the last meeting of the Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations for this particular terms of reference — passed, I guess — that’s before us.
I want to recognize that we’re all gathered on the traditional territories of different First Nations today, given that we’re all gathering by teleconference. You’ll all know the traditional territories of the First Nations people that you are on better than me, so I’ll leave that there.
I believe we have report deliberations today as well as a motion to consider. Without further ado, can I have a motion to move in camera for deliberations?
S. Chandra Herbert: So moved.
Motion approved.
The committee continued in camera from 11:02 a.m. to 11:41 a.m.
[B. Ma in the chair.]
B. Ma (Chair): All right. Let us move out of camera and on the record.
Committee Report to the House
B. Ma (Chair): Committee members, we have two motions before us.
I’m sorry. I should have asked this previously.
Susan, do we have already a mover and a seconder? Can we do that from the floor?
S. Sourial (Clerk Assistant, Committees and Parliamentary Relations): You can do that from the floor.
B. Ma (Chair): Wonderful. For the first motion, the motion before us right now is:
[That the Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations approve and adopt its report on transportation network services as amended today and further, that the Committee authorize the Chair and Deputy Chair to work with committee staff to finalize any minor editorial changes to complete the supporting text.]
Can I have a mover from the floor? Moved by Spencer, seconded by Adam.
Motion approved.
B. Ma (Chair): The second motion before us reads:
[That the Chair of the Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations present the Committee’s Report to the Legislative Assembly at the earliest available opportunity.]
Can I have a mover from the floor? Stephanie moved. A seconder? Adam seconds.
Motion approved.
B. Ma (Chair): That concludes the formal work of the Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations, according to the terms of reference of the latest task that was assigned to us.
I want to thank all committee members for all of your work. I know that this was a lot of work the first time around, in 2018. It was a lot of work in 2019. I’m really grateful for how engaged you all have been and the strong attendance that we saw. I look forward to what I’m sure will be very vibrant discussion after the report is released in the first week back in session.
Any other comments or questions that members want to raise while we are still in one meeting? Wonderful. Thank you so much.
S. Chandra Herbert: I just want to second your thanks and thank the staff.
Thanks, Nicki. Thanks, Susan. And thanks to all the members for your work on this. Hopefully, we will see ride-sharing sooner than later.
B. Ma (Chair): Absolutely. Thank you so much. I’ll entertain a motion to adjourn at this point.
We have a motion to adjourn. A seconder? All right, seconded by Adam.
Motion approved.
The committee adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
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