2015 Legislative Session: Fourth Session, 40th Parliament





Thursday, June 25, 2015

8:00 a.m.

Birch Committee Room (Room 339)
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C.

Present: Jackie Tegart, MLA (Chair); Selina Robinson, MLA (Deputy Chair); Mike Bernier, MLA; Gary Holman, MLA; Marvin Hunt, MLA; Jenny Wai Ching Kwan, MLA; Linda Reimer, MLA; Sam Sullivan, MLA

1. The Chair called the Committee to order at 8:02 a.m.

2. Resolved, that the Committee meet in-camera to consider its draft report. (Linda Reimer, MLA)

3. The Committee met in-camera from 8:02 a.m. to 8:46 a.m.

4. The Committee continued in public session.

5. Resolved, that the Special Committee on Local Elections Expense Limits approve and adopt its report as amended today and further, that the Committee authorize the Chair and Deputy Chair to work with committee staff to finalize any minor editorial changes to complete the supporting text. (Marvin Hunt, MLA)

6. Resolved, that the Chair of the Special Committee on Local Elections Expense Limits deposit a copy of the Committee’s report with the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly; and further, that upon resumption of the sittings of the House, the Chair shall present the report to the Legislative Assembly at the earliest available opportunity. (Marvin Hunt, MLA)

7. The Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair at 8:49 a.m.

Jackie Tegart, MLA 

Kate Ryan-Lloyd
Deputy Clerk and
Clerk of Committees

The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.




Issue No. 24

ISSN 2368-7339 (Print)
ISSN 2368-7347 (Online)


Committee Report to the House



Jackie Tegart (Fraser-Nicola BC Liberal)

Deputy Chair:

Selina Robinson (Coquitlam-Maillardville NDP)


Mike Bernier (Peace River South BC Liberal)

Gary Holman (Saanich North and the Islands NDP)

Marvin Hunt (Surrey-Panorama BC Liberal)

Jenny Wai Ching Kwan (Vancouver–Mount Pleasant NDP)

Linda Reimer (Port Moody–Coquitlam BC Liberal)

Sam Sullivan (Vancouver–False Creek BC Liberal)


Kate Ryan-Lloyd

[ Page 273 ]


The committee met at 8:02 a.m.

[J. Tegart in the chair.]

J. Tegart (Chair): I’ll call the meeting to order. Could I have a motion to go in camera, please.

L. Reimer: So moved.

The committee continued in camera from 8:02 a.m. to 8:46 a.m.

[J. Tegart in the chair.]

Committee Report to the House

J. Tegart (Chair): We are now on the public record. Would someone like to move a motion?

M. Hunt: I would move the first done as the wording that Kate….

J. Tegart (Chair): Kate, do you want to read…?

K. Ryan-Lloyd (Deputy Clerk and Clerk of Committees): Thank you. The motion Mr. Hunt is moving reads: that the Special Committee on Local Election Expense Limits approve and adopt its report as amended today and, further, that the committee authorize the Chair and the Deputy Chair to work with committee staff to finalize any minor editorial changes to complete the supporting text.

M. Hunt: Correct.

J. Tegart (Chair): Discussion?

J. Kwan: Just before we vote on that, is there any need to move his motion on the public record?

K. Ryan-Lloyd (Clerk of Committees): Because the motion that was discussed previously has been adopted and will be part of the committee’s report, it will be captured in the text of your report.

J. Kwan: Okay.

J. Tegart (Chair): Any further discussion?

S. Robinson (Deputy Chair): I just want to give thanks to staff who worked very expediently and did a fabulous job of putting this report together. I’m most impressed and most grateful. Many thanks to staff.

J. Tegart (Chair): Any further discussion on the motion?

Motion approved.

J. Tegart (Chair): There’s a second motion.

K. Ryan-Lloyd (Clerk of Committees): Yes. I’ll read the second motion, and then we’ll seek a member to move it.

The second motion reads: that the Chair of the Special Committee on Local Election Expense Limits deposit a copy of the committee’s report with the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly and, further, that upon resumption of sittings of the House, that the Chair present the report to the Legislative Assembly at the earliest available opportunity.

J. Tegart (Chair): Would someone like to move that?

M. Hunt: I so move.

J. Tegart (Chair): Thank you. Seconded?

Thank you, Selina.


Motion approved.

J. Tegart (Chair): That completes the work of the committee at this time. Thank you to everyone who has participated. Selina, we’ll be in touch in regards to any kind of minor changes, etc.

S. Robinson (Deputy Chair): Okay. Thanks.

K. Ryan-Lloyd (Clerk of Committees): Just before we all sign off, we will be working closely with the Chair and the Deputy Chair to finalize the text of the report. All members will see that final text before release.

We will also prepare a media release to accompany the report. We will also be noting in the media release the committee’s intention to simultaneously release the 2014 expenditure data files. So we’ll be working in that direction, and we’ll certainly keep you apprised of our progress.

J. Tegart (Chair): Thank you very much. And thanks, guys.

The committee adjourned at 8:49 a.m.

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