2015 Legislative Session: Fourth Session, 40th Parliament





Thursday, November 12, 2015

10:00 a.m.

Douglas Fir Committee Room
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C.

Present: Wm. Scott Hamilton, MLA (Chair); Carole James, MLA (Deputy Chair); Dan Ashton, MLA; Spencer Chandra Herbert, MLA; Eric Foster, MLA; Simon Gibson, MLA; George Heyman, MLA; Mike Morris, MLA; Claire Trevena, MLA; John Yap, MLA

1. The Chair called the Committee to order at 10:02 a.m.

2. Resolved, that the Committee meet in-camera to consider its draft report. (Carole James, MLA)

3. The Committee met in-camera from 10:02 a.m. to 10:27 a.m.

4. The Committee continued in public session at 10:27 a.m.

5. Resolved, that the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services approve and adopt the report entitled Report on the Budget 2016 Consultations as amended today and further, that the Committee authorize the Chair and Deputy Chair to work with committee staff to finalize any minor editorial changes to complete the supporting text. (Carole James, MLA)

6. Resolved, that the Chair of the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services deposit a copy of the report entitled Report on the Budget 2016 Consultations with the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly; and further, that upon resumption of the sittings of the House, or at the next following session, the Chair shall present the Report to the Legislative Assembly at the earliest available opportunity. (Carole James, MLA)

7. The Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair at 10:30 a.m.

Wm. Scott Hamilton, MLA 

Susan Sourial
Committee Clerk

The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.




Issue No. 87

ISSN 1499-416X (Print)
ISSN 1499-4178 (Online)


Committee Report to the House



Wm. Scott Hamilton (Delta North BC Liberal)

Deputy Chair:

Carole James (Victoria–Beacon Hill NDP)


Dan Ashton (Penticton BC Liberal)

Spencer Chandra Herbert (Vancouver–West End NDP)

Eric Foster (Vernon-Monashee BC Liberal)

Simon Gibson (Abbotsford-Mission BC Liberal)

George Heyman (Vancouver-Fairview NDP)

Mike Morris (Prince George–Mackenzie BC Liberal)

Claire Trevena (North Island NDP)

John Yap (Richmond-Steveston BC Liberal)


Susan Sourial

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The committee met at 10:02 a.m.

[S. Hamilton in the chair.]

S. Hamilton (Chair): We’ll continue our deliberations on our budget submissions and consultations.

I’ll look for a motion to go in camera.

C. James (Deputy Chair): So moved.

Motion approved.

The committee continued in camera from 10:02 a.m. to 10:27 a.m.

[S. Hamilton in the chair.]

Committee Report to the House

S. Hamilton (Chair): We are now in regular session. I’ll look for a motion from Carole, please.

C. James (Deputy Chair): I move that the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services approve and adopt the report as amended, entitled Report on Budget 2016 Consultations, and further, that the committee authorize the Chair and the Deputy Chair to work with committee staff to finalize any minor editorial changes to complete the supporting text.

S. Hamilton (Chair): Do I have a seconder to the motion? Thank you, Dan.

Any questions on the motion?

C. James (Deputy Chair): I just want to say thank you to Lisa and to the staff in the office for all the support that they’ve given us. This is always, I think, one of the more challenging, so I just want to make sure that we’ve expressed our appreciation to the staff for the work that they’ve done to help us get through this.

S. Hamilton (Chair): Thank you. On that note, Carole, I will also reiterate your comments as far as how hard the staff has worked to get us this far.

In addition, I wanted to thank every member of this committee for all the work that they’ve put into it. It’s been a difficult fall session, and we’ve sort of gone the extra mile to make this work and have a report in by the required legislative time. I do appreciate all the effort the committee members have put in. We’ve been there for one another, and we’ve come a long way. So once again, thank you.

S. Gibson: Thanks to you and Carole for all the work you guys have been doing keeping us on task here too.

Some Voices: Hear, hear.

S. Hamilton (Chair): I appreciate that. Thank you very much.

We do have a motion to vote on. We have a motion on the floor. You all heard it. Any further comment?

Motion approved.

S. Hamilton (Chair): I think the motion carried unanimously. I’m not sure; nevertheless, thank you very much.

C. James (Deputy Chair): Second motion. I move that the Chair of the Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services deposit a copy of the report entitled Report on Budget 2016 Consultations with the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly and, further, that upon resumption of the sitting of the House or at the next following session, the Chair shall present the report to the Legislative Assembly at the earliest available opportunity.

D. Ashton: Seconded.

S. Hamilton (Chair): Wonderful. Thank you, Dan. Any questions?

Motion approved.

S. Hamilton (Chair): Is there any further business to come before the committee?

Seeing none, thank you, everyone. That didn’t take very long. Again, I appreciate all the hard work. We’ll see you back here next week.

I’ll have a motion to adjourn.

Motion approved.

S. Hamilton (Chair): Have a good morning and rest of the afternoon. Try to stay dry.

The committee adjourned at 10:30 a.m.

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