2014 Legislative Session: Third Session, 40th Parliament
Friday, October 10, 2014
10:00 a.m.
Douglas Fir Committee Room
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C.
Present: Mike Bernier, MLA (Chair); George Heyman, MLA (Deputy Chair); Dr. Doug Bing, MLA; Simon Gibson, MLA; Marvin Hunt, MLA; Doug Routley, MLA
Unavoidably Absent: Donna Barnett, MLA; Sue Hammell, MLA
1. There not yet being a Chair elected to serve the Committee, the meeting was called to order at 10:08 a.m. by the Committee Clerk.
2. Resolved, that Mike Bernier, MLA, be elected Chair of the Special Committee to Review the Personal Information Protection Act. (Dr. Doug Bing, MLA)
3. Resolved, that George Heyman, MLA, be elected Deputy Chair of Special Committee to Review the Personal Information Protection Act. (Marvin Hunt, MLA)
4. The Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair at 10:12 a.m.
Mike Bernier, MLA Chair | Susan Sourial |
The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.
Issue No. 5
ISSN 1913-4746 (Print)
ISSN 1913-4754 (Online)
Page | |
Election of Chair and Deputy Chair | 55 |
Next Committee Meeting | 55 |
Chair: | * Mike Bernier (Peace River South BC Liberal) |
Deputy Chair: | * George Heyman (Vancouver-Fairview NDP) |
Members: | Donna Barnett (Cariboo-Chilcotin BC Liberal) |
* Dr. Doug Bing (Maple Ridge–Pitt Meadows BC Liberal) | |
* Simon Gibson (Abbotsford-Mission BC Liberal) | |
Sue Hammell (Surrey–Green Timbers NDP) | |
* Marvin Hunt (Surrey-Panorama BC Liberal) | |
* Doug Routley (Nanaimo–North Cowichan NDP) | |
* denotes member present | |
Clerk: | Susan Sourial |
Committee Staff: | Helen Morrison (Committee Research Analyst) |
The committee met at 10:08 a.m.
Election of Chair and Deputy Chair
S. Sourial (Committee Clerk): Good morning, committee members. Thank you. My apologies, again, for being late on the conference call.
As this is the first meeting of the Special Committee to Review the Personal Information Protection Act of the third session, my first order of business is to elect a Chair.
I’m looking for nominations for the position of Chair.
D. Bing: Mike Bernier.
S. Sourial (Committee Clerk): Doug has nominated Mike.
Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Asking a third time, any further nominations?
Seeing none, Mike, do you accept the position?
M. Bernier: Yes, thank you.
S. Sourial (Committee Clerk): You are Chair. Congratulations. Over to you for the election of the Deputy Chair.
[M. Bernier in the chair.]
M. Bernier (Chair): Thank you, everybody, for the position of Chair again.
Now we need to do the election and our process here for the Deputy Chair.
Do I have a nomination for the Deputy Chair?
M. Hunt: I’ll nominate George.
M. Bernier (Chair): So we have the nomination for George Heyman. Is there any other nomination? A second time for nomination? Calling a third?
George, will you accept?
G. Heyman: Yes, I will. Thank you.
M. Bernier (Chair): Congratulations, George. You continue on as Deputy Chair. Thank you very much.
With that, the only other thing on the agenda was any other business.
Next Committee Meeting
M. Bernier (Chair): I know everybody has meetings to get going to. The purpose of this was basically to be able to convene and have the Chair and the vice-Chair so then we could start communicating to work on setting up the next meeting and calling back presenters to try to get that started again.
Is there any other comment anybody wanted to add?
G. Heyman (Deputy Chair): Are we able to perhaps set up a similar kind of meeting that we had to cancel for the week that we’re back?
M. Bernier (Chair): That’s exactly what I think we’re going to look at. So I think the direction will be back to the Clerk’s office to work with us over the next couple of days or next week to try to set up that meeting.
Susan, is that correct?
S. Sourial (Committee Clerk): Yes. I will confer with the Chair and Deputy Chair. We’ll pick some dates, and I will canvass committee members as to their availability on the dates that the Chair and Deputy Chair have identified.
M. Bernier (Chair): Excellent. So we’ll be able to do that over e-mail in the next short while. It’s more than likely our next meeting, then…. Everyone will be back when we’re in session in the Legislature, which is obviously the most convenient, in the next week or two.
Hearing no other business, a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Motion approved.
M. Bernier (Chair): Thank you very much, everybody. We are now adjourned.
The committee adjourned at 10:12 a.m.
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